cross border from alnwick

issacforce Posts: 112
did anyone do the cross border on 19 sept and what did you think of it ??


  • Yes, my mate and I rode from Haddington and back. Was really just like a training ride as there were so few people on the route and we were first back to Haddington so didn't really feeel like a full sportive event. The course was good but someone had sabotaged some of the signage after the turn back North but luckily we knew the area and were able to find our way towards Duns and onto Haddington again. It was a good challenging course with plenty of climbs and glad the weather cleared up as I had forgotten my neoprene overshoes!
    Finished in 5.40 on my computer

    Any ideas when the offiical times will be posted?

    Was nice to get a free massage at the end and would reccomend this sportive to people next year. With a bigger turn out it could be a great wee event.
  • Yes, my mate and I rode from Haddington and back. Was really just like a training ride as there were so few people on the route and we were first back to Haddington so didn't really feeel like a full sportive event. The course was good but someone had sabotaged some of the signage after the turn back North but luckily we knew the area and were able to find our way towards Duns and onto Haddington again. It was a good challenging course with plenty of climbs and glad the weather cleared up as I had forgotten my neoprene overshoes!
    Finished in 5.40 on my computer

    Any ideas when the offiical times will be posted?

    Glasgowbhoy - it must have been you and your mate who went bombing past me on the descent into Longformacus as that was the only time I was scalped "on the road" for the whole event, and I started fairly early.

    I got round in 6h34m which I'm happy with - my target was 6h30m for 100 miles, but ended up doing 103, perhaps due to said sign tampering. Got to one junction where the 4 people I had been catching split, with 2 going on and 2 going right. I fell in the latter pair who were from Berwick Wheelers and knew the area so I figured I best stick with them until we picked up the signs again. The 2 who went straight on the appeared ahead of me when I got into the final feed stop, I gently questioned them about the confusing signs but he was adamant that they had checked a map and had gone the right way... So maybe we went the wrong way? Who knows.

    I've ridden the course in the blazing sunshine with blue skies and it's a shame all that mist and rain hid the spleandour of the Lammermuirs. I'm certainly glad I improvised some waterproof hot-pants by sawing off an old paid of waterproof baggies I got for commuting and never used. I certainly won't be using "green oil" again to lube the chain as by about 60 miles in it had all washed off and I rode the rest of the way with a sparkling chain and the unlubed links squealing in protest.

    I enjoyed the route, plenty of ups and downs and it really lifts you at the end of the moors when you suddenly sea Berwick and Traprain Law infront of you and the coast and then freewheel it up to 40 on the descent into Garvald.

    I guess with a small event of 200 riders and 200 miles of course then we each got a mile of road each. I didn't see many people either, apart from a few who I picked off on the hills.
    The Stable '04 Trek 1000 | '09 Giant Bowery '72 | '10 Ridgeback Panorma | '10 Cannondale CAAD9 105 Compact
  • Me Too from Haddington, almost abandoned at Duns first time. Me rear derailler cable snapped and after the cold and wet start felt like jacking (also puncture near top of steep trecherous descent at just before first feed). but glad I persevered, tied broken cable to down tube stop and finished rest of route on 2 gears (39/53 X 23). Excellent feed at Crookham and weather rest of way much milder/dryer. Coupla funny looks from a few cyclist as I passed them huffing and puffing on the climbs and they passed me, my legs spinning like mad, on the downs. Cheers to the coupla guys I was with , one through Norham (yes flyingbanana you should have went straight on) and the other to finish.
    Out of Norham after about a mile at the right turn there was a group went straight on, I shouted but never had the legs to catch them hope they had thier maps.
    Agree with you flyingbanana about the view up above Garvald coming out of the Lammermuirs, stunning! Like I say glad I finished as it turned out an enjoyable day.
  • Glad you made it round Holmeboy. Sounded like a bit of a mare in those early morning conditions. We passed quite a few on the road including one guy who rear de railer had got mashed up and who was still waiting on a pick up about an hour and a half later as we passed him standing on the roadside as we headed north!
  • Nicely done holmeboy! I made enquiries with the boy at the side of the road but he waved me on with a cheerful "f*cking rear derailleurs f*cked" and a big grin.

    Compliments also to the feed stop, although I would have been satisfied with just tea and sugar and access to the gents - the rest was a bonus.

    Where we took that (wrong) right turn, there was a rather ambiguous sign, so someone must definitely have been playing silly buggers with them.

    I made a truly epic start on that first little hill out of Haddington about 300m from the start where you go over the single lane bridge controlled by a red. Intending to spin up to it real slow until it turned, I dropped onto the wee chainring only to start furiously pedalling air when it fell off and wedged in between the chainring and the bottom bracket. Took a good few minutes to extricate it, during which time I got a snigger from a couple of fellas who passed me - although they weren't laughing quite as much when the one with the disc-braked, flat-barred CBoardman hit the first hill and I sauntered nonchalantly past, leaving him in a fit of sweat and wheezing
    The Stable '04 Trek 1000 | '09 Giant Bowery '72 | '10 Ridgeback Panorma | '10 Cannondale CAAD9 105 Compact
  • LorneC
    LorneC Posts: 149
    Glad you made it round Holmeboy. Sounded like a bit of a mare in those early morning conditions. We passed quite a few on the road including one guy who rear de railer had got mashed up and who was still waiting on a pick up about an hour and a half later as we passed him standing on the roadside as we headed north!

    That would have been me then!!!

    Mechanic arrived to see me and Holmeboy... tried to fix my rear derailleur and said at best he could give me 4 gears on the back to work with, but wouldn't have guaranteed the dropout hanger staying on. Figured it was best to abandon. Was told to make my way, first of all to the ambulance that had been parked on Crunklaw Road, then back to the main road in case the broom wagon came after the sweep vehicle had removed all the signs. On my way from the ambulance to the main road, the dropout hanger snapped completely and I had to walk carrying the bike and the rear wheel which no longer held in place.

    Apologies for my expletives at the time flyingbanana - wasn't in a good mood for the remainder of the day!!!
    Already signed up for the following 2010 rides:

    Etape Caledonia (May 16th)
    AMR's Trossachs Ton (June 20th)
    AMR's Cross-Border Sportive (Sept 19th)
  • LorneC wrote:
    Apologies for my expletives at the time flyingbanana

    Remarkably restrained, considering the circumstances! Hope your ride gets well soon.
    The Stable '04 Trek 1000 | '09 Giant Bowery '72 | '10 Ridgeback Panorma | '10 Cannondale CAAD9 105 Compact
  • We must have been going to fast, we're not in any of the pics :lol:
  • hi all

    did the ride from alnwick must agree more like trainiing ride but good course kept off main rds most of time, there will b no timings posted as had no timing chips from this side. i agree the lunch stop was amazing best one i seen.the rain was horrendous on leavin it though but cleared up later. i think they did it on rong w,end as they were competing with great north run!!! it is moving to may next year i think it is the week after the etape caledonia
  • LorneC
    LorneC Posts: 149
    Preparing myself for bad news... when cleaning the bike down last night to prepare it for going in for repairs today, I noticed that the paintwork on the rear fork, on the derailleur side, has been sliced through - hoping it is only the paintwork and not the fork as well...
    Already signed up for the following 2010 rides:

    Etape Caledonia (May 16th)
    AMR's Trossachs Ton (June 20th)
    AMR's Cross-Border Sportive (Sept 19th)