Don't think I've ever seen this asked anywhere..

doggegg Posts: 61
edited September 2010 in MTB general
Drive throughs.
Anyone been through on a bike?
What's the response from all the different artery cloggers?

Got a Maccy D on a local route and my current answer is I pay if my riding bud goes in to get, but head to toe mud and p1ss through soaking kinda makes it awkward.

I can't see anything wrong with hitting the drive through.....anyone tried/do this?


  • yer your allowed to go through the drive through. They have some stupid rule were you have to be on some form of transport. I jumped on my mates back once and claimed he was my transport, they had no choice but to serve me lol.
  • Been through our local one in a speed boat..... (on the back of a trailer) - strangely I got some funny looks..............
    Falcon Sierra - 80's
    Muddy Fox Courier - 80's
    GT Palomar 90's
    GT Zaskar LE - 90's
    Cannondale k v 900 90's
    Santa Cruz Bullit - now
    Orange Evo 8 STOLEN 26/09/10
    Orange P7 Pro
    Lots of kites.
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    dizzington wrote:
    . I jumped on my mates back once and claimed he was my transport, they had no choice but to serve me lol.
    Well it's a private business, so at the end of the day they can pick and choose who they want to serve, so of course they had a choice. They probably thought it was easier to serve you than to keep you there blocking the drive through.

    I have heard of people being told they can't go through at McDs on a bike, so they tried to go inside instead, but got told they had to leave the bike outside. I imagine if you make a fuss they'll just serve you to free up the drive-thru

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • Paulie W
    Paulie W Posts: 1,492 - Mark Thomas on the drive through
  • Been a while since I watched a full youtube film, that was excellent. :)

    Would have drawn less attention if they had served him. The manager was well annoyed, lol just made them do it more.

    £1.25 for sign up

    Cashback on wiggle,CRC,evans follow the link
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    they have some stupid rules about being on/in some form of transport. we finished work a while back at around 1 in the morning. we stopped at the local 24hr mc donalds but it was drive through only and we couldn't get our van around there so we walked. they refused to serve us on health and safety grounds even though there was noone else even there!!!

    they got a foul mouthed rant back at them as we were starving and hadn't eaten since lunchtime!!!
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    I saw someone get served when they pulled up on a horse :lol: But I once got a manager guy refuse me when I was on a motorbike, he said "Basically, if you wouldn't go through a carwash you shouldn't go through a drive-thru, it's just the same thing". Mad but it made me laugh :lol:
    Uncompromising extremist
  • chedabob
    chedabob Posts: 1,133
    Northwind wrote:
    I saw someone get served when they pulled up on a horse :lol: But I once got a manager guy refuse me when I was on a motorbike, he said "Basically, if you wouldn't go through a carwash you shouldn't go through a drive-thru, it's just the same thing". Mad but it made me laugh :lol:

    So they don't serve convertibles?
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    I would go through a car wash on a bike though :lol:

    Why not if your already soaking and muddy :wink:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Me and Will got refused service at a drive through on our bikes, years ago.
    They said we should just go to the counter inside.
    I pointed out that I was not happy to leave our bikes outside, because the thieving scrotes nearby would nick them, and they were worth a fair amount of money.

    THEY pointed out that maybe one of us could stay with the bikes, whilst the other one went to get the food :lol:
  • chedabob
    chedabob Posts: 1,133
    peter413 wrote:
    I would go through a car wash on a bike though :lol:

    Why not if your already soaking and muddy :wink:

    Because it'd rip everything off that's not bolted down and whip you to pieces? :lol:
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    chedabob wrote:
    peter413 wrote:
    I would go through a car wash on a bike though :lol:

    Why not if your already soaking and muddy :wink:

    Because it'd rip everything off that's not bolted down and whip you to pieces? :lol:

    Oh, you mean the drive in ones, not just a power washer :wink::lol:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Nope. If they were that violent, then they'd destroy your car. I've seen several videos of people riding through carwashes, taking convertibles through them, going through one naked and all sorts.
    I reckon riding a bike through one would be a bit of a giggle!
  • biff55
    biff55 Posts: 1,404
    doggegg wrote:
    Drive throughs.
    Anyone been through on a bike?

    i've always wanted to ask that since i joined the forum :D
    cant stand the food but addicted to the shakes , good sugar hit after a ride.
  • It could well be a planning restriction, to deter congrugating groups after pubs and clubs. They only get consent to build as long as the drive through, which is open later than the main counter, doesn't serve to people on foot
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    So as long as you trackstand the whole time you'd be fine.
  • Thanks for replies, I now have to try it.

    Or offer riding bud 50 quid to try it :wink:
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    doggegg wrote:
    Thanks for replies, I now have to try it.

    Or offer riding bud 50 quid to try it :wink:

    Hell I'll do it for £50, whats the worse they can so... no.
  • Tim.s
    Tim.s Posts: 515
    For 50 quid i'd ride in on a pink kids barbie bike, call the dude a burger flipping spacktard and do a naked handstand right there in the middle of the drive through.

    On another note I did walk through the drive through near Gatwick airport because the resturant was closed, they didnt seem to have a problem with it.
    "Didn't hurt"
  • kenan
    kenan Posts: 952
    Yeah I wanna give this a go now.

    I used to go in with mates wearing wetsuits when we were going from one beach to another, got funy looks but always served.
  • Me and some mates did try a car formation once while on foot, even with the obligatory shouting to the rearmost "passengers", needless to say they didn't serve us but we probably looked like we'd just been thrown out the local boozer. It's rather poor I'd definitely have served us just on the grounds that we put the effort in !
  • Paulie W wrote: - Mark Thomas on the drive through

    :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: it is brilliant!
  • best topic ive read so far
  • Tim.s wrote:
    For 50 quid i'd ride in on a pink kids barbie bike, call the dude a burger flipping spacktard and do a naked handstand right there in the middle of the drive through.

    How many Ayes to me sending Tim 50 greenbacks if he actually does this and gets it filmed so we can all see the result??

    No need to get naked on the handstand though..