Bola del Mundo

Anonymous Posts: 79,667
edited September 2010 in Pro race
Am off to Madrid tomorrow for the final 2 stages of the Vuelta + bonus Atletico v Barcelona.

If all goes to plan, I suspect CAV might be painted a few times in green paint.

The final bit of the final climb looks a bit evil - Constitution Hill-a-like but with 20-odd km beforehand!


  • Might as well stick last night's post on here, seeing there is now a thread:
    Bola photos ... za-gloria/
    The first of which is:
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • csp
    csp Posts: 777
    Is this how it looks now, or has it been resurfaced for the race?
  • That really does look epic!

    My Sky box seems to be going on the blink...might have to go round my folks to make sure I don't miss it!
    "I have a lovely photo of a Camargue horse but will not post it now" (Frenchfighter - July 2013)
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    csp wrote:
    Is this how it looks now, or has it been resurfaced for the race?
    The final 300m height gain is from the top of the Navacerrada pass to the TV masts at the top of the mountain via a 3km access road - I doubt they'd resurface it, in which case the rough concrete road will make the climb even harder.

  • victorponf
    victorponf Posts: 1,187
    If you like Flandes, Roubaix or Eroica, you would like GP Canal de Castilla,
  • sonny73
    sonny73 Posts: 2,203
    It's savage, I've got a real feeling Mosquera is going to win this and hence the overall by gapping Nibali by either just barely enough or a huge margin.
    Either way can't wait, it's going to be a belter.
  • Sonny73 wrote:
    It's savage, I've got a real feeling Mosquera is going to win this and hence the overall by gapping Nibali by either just barely enough or a huge margin.
    Either way can't wait, it's going to be a belter.

    I agree, Nibali isn't a big guy but that is surely a finish for the pure climbers.
    "I have a lovely photo of a Camargue horse but will not post it now" (Frenchfighter - July 2013)
  • sonny73
    sonny73 Posts: 2,203
    Might as well stick last night's post on here, seeing there is now a thread:
    Bola photos ... eza-gloria
    What a great picture this is from your link Blazing Saddles:
  • squired
    squired Posts: 1,153
    I'm really looking forward to this stage. Despite such a hard route, with so many uphill finishes the race will be decided and the top 10 could re-shuffle, what with something like 6 riders separated by 30 seconds.

    Recent Vueltas have been rather dull, but this one has been a belter.
  • victorponf
    victorponf Posts: 1,187
    Contador in La Bola del Mundo (video): ... 1284751056
    If you like Flandes, Roubaix or Eroica, you would like GP Canal de Castilla,
  • victorponf wrote:
    Contador in La Bola del Mundo (video): ... 1284751056

    What is he saying in this?
    Contador is the Greatest
  • sonny73
    sonny73 Posts: 2,203
    Nice video, looks epic. As FF says be good to know what he's saying out of interest.
  • camerone
    camerone Posts: 1,232
    why is there a crumpled yellow jersey from the le tour on the table? lest anyone forget he has won it? or just to re-enforce the fact he is a grade one turd? he didnt need the jersey for that the cap with pistol emblem is sufficient.
  • victorponf
    victorponf Posts: 1,187
    It's a old video (before Tour) where Contador is talking about how hard is La Bola and remembering when he used to train in the "sierra de Madrid" catching trains to go from Pinto.
    If you like Flandes, Roubaix or Eroica, you would like GP Canal de Castilla,
  • when I see grand tours go up the biggest climbs, I usually think how I'd love to ride them one day, try to include in a future holiday etc.

    Not the Bola Del Mondo though.

    I just kept think of the gruppetto trying to get up it.

    It looked absolutely hideous, great racing though.
  • sonny73
    sonny73 Posts: 2,203
    I know what you mean, the Zoncolan and Angliru would put the fear of god in me if I tried to ride them, despite a chap I know once trying to convince me that if I got a good run up at both I'd be ok :lol:
    But have to say as grim as the Bola looked I would give it a go for sure.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,221
    That was a great climb, suspect we'll be seeing more of it in the future!
  • sherer
    sherer Posts: 2,460
    as the TV cut off before the tail end people got home how did they do at getting up it ?

    Reminds me of Cobb Lane near Ardingly. Rode up that earlier this year and that is 20%. Had to stop three times but when I got back on the final time it was so steep the front wheel lifted and I ended up falling onto my a***.
  • "I would give it a go for sure."

    Maybe on my mountain bike with a 22x32 botom gear. :-)
  • victorponf
    victorponf Posts: 1,187
    Nice photos from my dear friend Carmelo: ... mundo.html
    If you like Flandes, Roubaix or Eroica, you would like GP Canal de Castilla,
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I've got some pics from Puerta de Naveccerado (1st time), going up BdM (from chairlift) and then at 20% bit near top (about 500m from end)

    The grupetto weren't far back the 1st time (presumably told to keep moving due to looping course) but were miles back later on. The field was totally strung out at the top, apart from the grupetto with just a couple of strugglers out the back, who were pulling massive pain faces.

    In fact, most riders had their best pain faces on, apart from Monsieur Moncoutie who looked relaxed as you like (well, he'd already secured KoM).

    Was a superb day's racing. Will try to get pics up here at some point.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    victorponf wrote:
    Nice photos from my dear friend Carmelo: ... mundo.html
    Superb pictures Victor. Some great pain faces. :)

    The guy in the Garmin kit was earning his keep pushing riders