Make my Allez comfy enough for a 250 mile trip

thefonz78 Posts: 148
edited September 2010 in Tour & expedition
I plan to ride Wales end to end next summer. Has anyone done this National cycle route on a race bike? Do i need to change wheels tyres or softer seat for this long ride. I don't mind the extra weight its not a race. I do want to be comfortable and enjoy the ride with pleasure.


  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    Contact points.

    The tyre size and their pressure will probably make the most difference.
    Then saddle.
    Then shorts.
    Then mitts.
    Then bar tape.

    I would probably do it in that order and in stages so you can tell if you have went far enough and are not noticing any improvement.

    Also, get the miles in so your body is used to long spells on the saddle.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    Softer seat will be worse for long distance comfort, don't do it! :shock:

    How comfortable is your bike at the moment and how many miles do you plan to do per day?
    More problems but still living....
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    250 miles in one hit?.

    I've done nearly 100 on my Allez, and it was fine.
  • I will be doing 60 miles a day probably. My bike is comfortable at the moment but my longest ride ever is 27 miles. So have a long way to go.
  • iPete
    iPete Posts: 6,076
    I rode to Rome on my Allez at a rate of 80 miles a day, fully loaded, its possible to do. Comfort was an issue from the first day, 110 miles quickly showed up the flaws in my cleat adjustments, seat height etc.

    However I wouldn't change anything, just make sure its set up correctly. I rode 25mm tyres but its hard to notice the difference from 23s. I also admittedly strapped a pair of shorts to my saddle but the other rider with me had no issues with a similar seat, guess its just me!