North Devon Black Rat sportive - Killer Sportive?

cheers drive
cheers drive Posts: 63
I did this (100 mile route), I haven't seen any talk about it apart from the official website but I found it very tough. Only a few completed the 100 mile route (many bailed onto the 100km route at the split) and everyone said it was the hardest they's done - including the Exmoor Beast, Dragon ride and riding in the Alps.

The bare facts were 100 miles and 3200m of climbing (according to my Garmin), the climbing was enough but it was the severity of them that made it so tough. Most were over 10% with quite a few over 20%, Countisbury hill which was mentioned as the 'signature climb' was probably only the 4th hardest, I rode all of Countisbury but had to push up sections of 2 others. I really needed a MTB cassette not a previously easy 11-26!
I got so tired in the middle of the ride I was dreading the downhills as they were so steep and technical and always signalled another marathon climb out. After about 55 miles we got on top of a ridge which we stayed out for 10 miles or so, the gradient was was fairly gentle but the 20mph headwind wasn't, luckily I'm better built for windy conditions than hills and I powered through this bit running out of water with 10 miles still left to the stupidy located 2nd feedstation.
From the 2nd feedstation it was mainly downhill with a few lumpy climbs, my average speed gradually increased and I put my head down for the final 15 miles - I was feeling good :) . Until that is I got to a junction without a sign and I had to call the organiser to find out where I was, 10 minutes later I was directed back to the correct route feeling a bit pissed off with myself but looking forward to my Black Rat cider at the end.
In the end I finished in 7hrs 45min, Garmin data is here (first 3 miles were missing)

Really glad that I did it and I'd recommend it next year to anyone who enjoys a challenge

Now I just need clean all the energy gel off my bike which I managed to spill everywhere every time I opened one. :?

Edit: I forgot to say that the scenery was stunning and it no doubt helped to focus on that instead of the pain.


  • rbarcan
    rbarcan Posts: 206
    Readiing this made me realise what a good choice I made! I was getting over a virus and in 2 minds whether to go for the long or "short" route.

    The section to the first feed station was brutish and I had to walk a short stretch of 25% or so with loose gravel that made traction a bit of an issue (it was actually an issue walking it in cleats too!). I am on the "pure climber" end of the cyclist's physique (Ok I am a skinny runt if you prefer) and think this is the first time I have ever had to walk a climb.

    Despite this I was still undecided when I got to the decision junction. Scenery was simply stunning, good signage and great atmosphere. In fact I started up Countisbury Hill. Then I thought - why? What is there to prove? Up there it will be even further into the headwind home, there will be more of the crazy, wind buffeted descents and crawls up the other side. It's a lovely day and the other way means you'll be back at the start for a nice lunch with your wife and dog and then a gentle stroll along the beach. It was a hard decision to make and I felt bad when I turned around and rolled back down the hill.

    Back at the camp site when I saw riders still crawling home after 6.00pm it was them I felt bad for! I was so pleased that I had my (human and canine)support team with me that day as I knew that otherwise I would have been one of exhausted stragglers!

    Next year perhaps...
  • My mate actually turned for the 100k and I had to call him back. I'm not sure it was an accident :wink:
    If you have a 'pure climber's' physique you would of suffered in the wind, I'm not average build and tall and therefore don't mind the wind much. Some of the skinnier guys really suffered up there and got pretty cold too.
    I walked the first half of the loose 25% climb before the feed stop. I actually rode just past the first bend before getting off as some couples were discussing having to drive up it. They gasped as I went passed them and up it, I think I was just out of site before getting off :lol: .
    There was another bad one later on (near Exford I think) which was as steep and longer but not as loose. I saw 2 guys climb it but I walked that one as well. I came in at sometime after 5 with 7hrs 45min of cycling time. I had quite a few stops to regroup (and go off course, god knows who could have got a sub 6hr 15min 'gold' time :?: I think the organiser underestimated how tough it was (especially with the wind) and I don't think many if any 100 milers got back before the hot food was all gone.
  • That's a seriously impressive time! I've done a 6hrs on much flatter course but was happy with 7.45. You obviously didn't hand around at the stops either. Shame about the wind, I passed some guy on the ridge road at about 13mph and he said it was normally big ring on it.
  • Hiya guys, glad you enjoyed it and the views/scenery went down well.
    "Standards" times on reflection do feel harsh and will be reviewed once all the times are back to us from the timing people.

    Massive credit to anyone completing this event, its a real toughie (yes we have ridden it plenty) and paticularly if you managed to post a fast time. This was even harder in the wind on Exmoor without bigger groups forming to help you along.

    Hope to see you all again next year or in Bristol for our Mendips event 8)
  • :lol: those cobbles looked slippy tho!
  • In my opinion the southwest tour ride from minehead to teignmouth will be the toughest sportive anyone will ride this year.
    Man,it was brutal.
  • alex1
    alex1 Posts: 25
    hi there im only 16 ( just at the age cap) and i did the pro ride south west stage, which was hard! but not as hard the black rat, i did the 100 mile route which was so so hard!! but i finished it in about 8 hours :lol: it didnt help i had a cold on the saterday moring :roll: it was hard well done to all who got there cider( which i couldnt drink it being under age :P !!!!!!!)
  • rbarcan
    rbarcan Posts: 206

    Very well done for getting round the 100 m. I was the aged "Euskatlel" rider with you and your clubmate before the 1st feed who turned on to the 100k. Wondered how you would both do. Seriously hard ride
  • Yes well done Alex, inspirational. have done a few of these things including the Fred Whitton and I reckon it was harder (it didn't snow though!)
  • rbarcan
    rbarcan Posts: 206
    Results are up on the site but they can't differentiate between the 100 milers and us mere mortals. Shame that. Hopefully next year with more entries they can run to an extra mat after the split - a suggestion, not a complaint!
  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    well done to all finishers and young Alex - great effort on what sounds like a very tough course - one to put in my calendar for next year maybe, along with the Rydale Rumble ..
  • I was No.70 (in giant livery) and did the 100 mile , Alex1 had a tough time across Exmoor into that head wind on his own and rbarcan, about an hour after the split I started to wish I'd followed you! My neck and shoulders have only just stopped aching now.
  • This was my first Sportive (I'd done a fairly flat 100 mile charity ride before) so I don't know if timing chips are the norm but I can't really see the point. Like rbarcan said there is no differentiation between the distances and no intermediate checks to see that you did the whole course. Everyone uses computers anyway and I'd rather go on riding time as total time was much more after stops to regroup.
    Perhaps the money saved could be a lower entry fee or more money to charity?
    That and the 2nd feed stop being too far from the first was my only complaint (and it would be nice to have some savoury food at the stops), is my only complaint to an otherwise great event.
  • vs
    vs Posts: 468
    Great event!

    Really great course - superior to The Exmoor Beast or Tour of Exmoor - tougher climbs and even more scenic.


    The timing issue was a real shame. A mat placed at the top of Countisbury Hill would have sorted it - one at the bottom would have been useless as I think a few started the climb but then went back into Lynmouth and took the easier option - no one getting to the top would have turned back! Hopefully next year they will sort this one out.

    There was too far between food stops on a course of that difficulty. 3 stops would have been better on the 100 mile - maybe Lynton, Exford and Challacombe, ditching the Simonsbath one which was not really on the 100km route anyway.
  • Pity about the timings! I would have liked some credit for my efforts which now look like I could have 'only' rode 100km in 7 and a lot hours! Glad to see they gave the fastest time some credit at least, sorry for anyone else who did a great time.

    How anyone rode that course, those brutal gradients, that constant 20mph headwind below the Gold 6h 40m is beyond my comprehension. That's some seriously good riding and to be 23 minutes inside the time limit is insane!
  • @ VS and Blue 424

    The timing was originally planned to have a split time on the 100 mile loop (as per our Bristol event) but with a fortnight to go the people we had booked with (3 months previously) pulled out for a bigger event.

    The guys who bailed us out (and we will use in future) had 5 events that day so couldnt man another timing mat at short notice. However we were grateful for their efforts and actually liked the fact they gave times immediately you completed if you requested it. Next year will have the 100 mile split mat, which will enable us to log properly who completes the 100 mile.

    Re the feed stations, we deliberated long and hard trying to locate the 2nd feed at around 65-70 miles instead of the 76 miler in Simonsbath. But we needed a supply of freshwater for riders and couldnt get any cooperation elsewhere. Also a consideration was our volunteers who would be very exposed, and without any phone signal up on Exmoor itself.

    A third feedstop would have been great but it requires additional revenue and manpower which we didnt have available for this event. If we can grow for next year this would be a good idea.

    Regards Gooner
  • Despite being one of the last home (9+ hrs is a long time in the saddle), I am so pleased I managed all 100 miles. I really enjoyed the day and think both BlackRat events I have done have been really well organised.

    I certainly could have done with the second feed station being a bit earlier as I ran out of fluid and then bonked about 5 miles short of the second stop! Nonetheless it was a great adventure!!

    I am pleased it was not only me that found it tough...
  • rbarcan
    rbarcan Posts: 206
    Got to bear in mind it was the first running of this ride so there are bound to be some points for improvement next time.

    Some great photos I thought, some of which show the gradients really well. That is not always the case with sportive photography which can tend to focus too much on the rider and not enough on the background.

    @37monkey - there is a good shot of us and rider 102 with I think the Valley of the Rocks in the background. I have actually bought this one so you will now grace my wall even though we only knew each other fleetingly!
  • Black Rat Cycling
    edited September 2010
    Gooner 69 has covered most of the points very well I think.

    We will learn from this sportive just as we did from the Bristol one to make sure next year's is even better than this. Thanks for the feedback
  • I did write some points in here but I was just duplicating Gooner69's posts