Silly stupid accident.

desmosedici Posts: 117
edited March 2011 in The bottom bracket
OK, it's been 2 weeks since this happened, and I've decided that rather than sitting down moping about it, I might as well come straight out and admit my own culpability and stupidity in the cause of the events leading to this accident.

Sunday morning 2 weeks ago. Social ride scheduled for a HoC climb nearby. Got woken up at 4 am by the younger with cries for his mummy (who no longer lives with us). Comforted him and made the mistake of going back to bed.

Get woken at 7 am by calls from the group asking me where I am. Cue scene from "4 Weddings and a Funeral, i.e. f**k f**k etc). Go downstairs, and decide to take the BMW GS and catch up with the group on the other side of the mountain pass for breakfast.

Have breakfast with group, accusations of cheating/laziness by using motorcycle etc etc. Decide to give group motorcycle escort back up the mountain.

Everything going fine, when one of the girls says, "I can't make it up the last stretch, can I have a push?" I said ok, and proceed to give her a boost up the last slope with my left hand on her back, riding the GS one handed.

We're making a good pace, about 25 km/h or so, when I see her take her right hand off her bars, and reach for the GS' left handlebar. I shouted "don't!" but it was too late. I immediately pushed her away, and she fell to the ground.

I grabbed the bars of the GS, and was now heading diagonally across the road. Grabbed some brake, and could feel the bike slowing, until the front tyre hit the grass verge, and down we went.

As the GS skidded on the grass, it trapped my left foot under it, giving me spiral fractures in the tibia and fibula.

Once ambulance ride later, I am now told it will be 6 months in a cast, and long periods of physio after.

Sucks to be as stupid as me.


  • Send a picture of your X-ray to that girl, saying "you did that" lol :D
    Say... That's a nice bike..
    Trax T700 with Lew Racing Pro VT-1 ;-)
  • Consider yourself lucky that you werent riding the Ducati (I take it you own one) it would probably be scratched.
  • Send a picture of your X-ray to that girl, saying "you did that" lol :D

    ROFL ... That's what the doctor in Accident & Emergency said as he walked in with the x-rays in his hand. She and another cycling buddy were waiting with me in the treatment bay and the doc walks in and says "Do you want to see what you did to his leg?" Me and a cycling buddy cracked up laughing, she burst into tears.
  • Got woken up at 4 am by the younger with cries for his mummy. Comforted him and made the mistake of going back to bed.

    Get woken at 7 am by calls from the group asking me where I am. Cue scene from "4 Weddings and a Funeral, i.e. f**k f**k etc). Go downstairs, and decide to take the BMW GS and catch up with the group on the other side of the mountain pass for breakfast.

    According to this you left your child in bed on his own?
  • Consider yourself lucky that you werent riding the Ducati (I take it you own one) it would probably be scratched.

    Well, if I were riding my Ducati on the day, we'd have been going up the hill a damn sight faster than 25 km/h :lol:
  • Got woken up at 4 am by the younger with cries for his mummy. Comforted him and made the mistake of going back to bed.

    Get woken at 7 am by calls from the group asking me where I am. Cue scene from "4 Weddings and a Funeral, i.e. f**k f**k etc). Go downstairs, and decide to take the BMW GS and catch up with the group on the other side of the mountain pass for breakfast.

    According to this you left your child in bed on his own?

    Heh. The boys have a nanny. If I left them alone I'd come back to a wrecked house and two terrified cats.
  • jim453
    jim453 Posts: 1,360
    OK, it's been 2 weeks since this happened, and I've decided that rather than sitting down moping about it, I might as well come straight out and admit my own culpability and stupidity in the cause of the events leading to this accident.

    Sunday morning 2 weeks ago. Social ride scheduled for a HoC climb nearby. Got woken up at 4 am by the younger with cries for his mummy (who no longer lives with us). Comforted him and made the mistake of going back to bed.

    Get woken at 7 am by calls from the group asking me where I am. Cue scene from "4 Weddings and a Funeral, i.e. f**k f**k etc). Go downstairs, and decide to take the BMW GS and catch up with the group on the other side of the mountain pass for breakfast.

    Have breakfast with group, accusations of cheating/laziness by using motorcycle etc etc. Decide to give group motorcycle escort back up the mountain.

    Everything going fine, when one of the girls says, "I can't make it up the last stretch, can I have a push?" I said ok, and proceed to give her a boost up the last slope with my left hand on her back, riding the GS one handed.

    We're making a good pace, about 25 km/h or so, when I see her take her right hand off her bars, and reach for the GS' left handlebar. I shouted "don't!" but it was too late. I immediately pushed her away, and she fell to the ground.

    I grabbed the bars of the GS, and was now heading diagonally across the road. Grabbed some brake, and could feel the bike slowing, until the front tyre hit the grass verge, and down we went.

    As the GS skidded on the grass, it trapped my left foot under it, giving me spiral fractures in the tibia and fibula.

    Once ambulance ride later, I am now told it will be 6 months in a cast, and long periods of physio after.

    Sucks to be as stupid as me.

    What would have been the result of her managing to put her right hand on the left bar of the motorbike? Would it have finished worse than your leg being totally mashed and her being shoved to the ground at 25kph?

    Anyway, don't beat yourself up about it. You don't have a monopoly on stupidity.

    Get well soon.
  • unlucky dude, rest up and take care
  • jim453 wrote:

    What would have been the result of her managing to put her right hand on the left bar of the motorbike? Would it have finished worse than your leg being totally mashed and her being shoved to the ground at 25kph?

    Anyway, don't beat yourself up about it. You don't have a monopoly on stupidity.

    Get well soon.

    She did grab the bar, that's why I lost control of the motorcycle. I guess I did ask for it by putting myself in that position.
  • desmosedici
    desmosedici Posts: 117
    It's now 6 months since the accident, give or take.

    They didn't renew my contract shortly after the accident, so I decided I might as well take the time off to rest and recuperate.

    I went for an op near the end of September to have a pin and 4 screws inserted, and this resulted in the group calling me "Litespeed". Har har, lame joke. The worst was the 2 months after the op. It was a very painful process, and watching my leg muscles wither and my fitness disappear wasn't very nice.

    This was on top of a painkiller addiction, which I've just about managed to get on top of in the last 2 months. Severe clinical depression was added into the mix, and I am ashamed to say my boys took the brunt of my mood swings. Finally junked all the anti depression meds because they were making me feel funny inside and took to polishing/waxing the car to the point of OCD.

    I'm much better now, thanks for asking. Got back on the bike when the foot was pointed reasonably straight forward and I could walk (limp) without using a stick. The first ride was hard, and painful. It's getting better slowly. Have to continously remind myself to be patient.

    It was initially humiliating to be left behind by riders I used to have to wait for, until it was pointed out to me that that was my ego speaking. I've decided to take slow, spinning rides on my own, until the fitness comes back.

    Apologies for the long post. It took a long time for me to come back into this forum, because reading the posts and articles made me heartsick for what I was missing out on.
  • fnq59
    fnq59 Posts: 37
    Great to hear that you are back on the bike again. Take it slowly and you'll eventually get there. :D
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    I hope I never break my leg again, last time I did that I was in pot for 12 weeks, I'd go insane with 24 weeks.
  • Stone Glider
    Stone Glider Posts: 1,227
    Thanks for the up-date. Glad to hear that recovery is well in hand. As you have discovered, returning to 'normal' is not a steady progression but an irregular process with, apparently, more ups than downs. I am sure you have been told to be patient, irritatingly that is best advice but it doesn't make it any more palatable.

    Spring is here (nearly) the roads are waiting, enjoy.
    The older I get the faster I was
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    Glad you are on the road. I had a shoulder op (decompression) 4 weeks ago and am back on the bike (was off for two weeks) but not commuting on it as I can't risk a fall. Amazing what you lose in a few weeks - my shoulder is painful and weak, but you just have to ride when you can and the pain isn't too bad.

    Follow the Docs and Physio's recommendations - you will get there.