shakespear100 stratford upon avon sportive



  • MYOB wrote:
    you still came across as a twunt, with the comment about carbon soled shoes, you chose tp spend that much money on some shoes to ride a sportive.

    A twunt? Oh do MTFU. Name calling to someone you don't know, over an issue you clearly haven't read correctly? Grow up.

    I didn't pay £200 for shoes just for a sportive, but one assumes, if it's ok with you, that if I own £200 shoes I am entitled to wear them, decide for myself if I want to ruin them, and complain when a sportive decides to have a rest stop at a place where the surface will do just that?

    correction,....on my part, beer googles are off, should have phrased the response by saying that when riding a sportive choosing to use your best kit might be misguided given that its a good chance you'll be stopping at feed stations etc, time trialling racing it isn't a consideration, on sportives it is, and given you've ridden it before? feels that with you being out on the road you deprived your village of its idiot for a day
    i'll ride anything, but I prefer carbon.......... she screamed!!
  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    As someone from the north west I think I'll be giving the midlands a miss next year, so as to avoid the sportive rage!! Though it might be worth coming down to watch if any of you ever meet each other.
  • In response to MYOBs comments and pdstp's comments, here are two more recommendations for next year's event:

    9. The event may damage expensive cycling shoes

    The organiser shoe provide everyone with free overshoes. Even a pair of over-slippers with a whole cut into the sole for cleats.

    10. Midland's Sportives are too bitchy and it is better in the North West

    errr, no recommendation for that one. Stay in the north west where things are clearly better or jump ship to ride audaxes as I shall do (at least they are a friendly bunch of people)
  • I rode the macmillan 100km which used the same route as the shakespeare for a large part.

    I have done a few rides now so have some experience and a ranking of this event is Poor don't avoid the sportive avoid anything by the organiser he is ignorant and rude.

    I wont go into great detail but the number one weakness is the signage, which I take seriously as it is all too easy for people to end up in dangerous situations when lost.

    Basically I got lost and met up with a number of riders in the same situation. we got back on track laughed it off (it happens). met up with another group lost in a different part of the course all agreed on two parts that had weak or no signs.

    Anyway we all had girlfriends waiting in cars or grand prixs to watch so called it a day and headed back to the park and ride on the main road a number of riders did this I know of at least 7 .( not inexperienced riders either).

    As is good practice you should make sure you check in when you get back in so they know you have got back safe. Which i did the guys had no interest in my return stamped my card and did not mark me off the list (bad).

    I saw Rob strutting around in cycling gear eating an all day breakfast sandwich (I am going into detail so when you read this Rob you will remember who I am). when i politely described two weaknesses with the signs the immediate response I got was No... from Rob. Eh... i say just to let you know there is either a sign missing from.... No not possible ..... :shock: ( trying not to get angry whilst you spit sandwich over me.) Rude and ignorant you are the organiser and a man has just told you a sign may be missing whilst you are sending families and kids out onto roads.

    Rob i could quite clearly see that whilst you may have good intentions you are are not capable to handle the complexity of such an event. Either get help and take a back seat or don't do it anymore and just compete in others events if you wish to make a contribution to charity. I fear someone will get hurt on one of your ill planned events.

    Might come again if you do one next year to see if you have listened to the advice of those who make charity rides a success ....the supporters.

    Your a naughty boy Rob remember your place mate, I think you may be getting a little too big headed, none of us where there because of you but to support an important charity and enjoy cycling. I fear you could bring trouble to rides in the future and Local Councils will start to avoid supporting them.