Ordering bikes off the internet.

rick_chasey Posts: 74,814
edited September 2010 in Road buying advice
A question for single full time workers who order bikes off the internet...

How do you get them delivered?

I'm not in the house when they're delivered since I'm at work, and I can't get my bike delivered to work (for very boring reasons).

Any ideas?


  • Evil Laugh
    Evil Laugh Posts: 1,412
    Pull a sickie
  • What time is the local depot open until? My local is open til 8 on wednesday's...this way I can go either wednesday or satureday.
  • Deliver it to a friend or neighbor (after asking them of course) who you know will be there to take the delivery. Not a good idea if expecting penis enlargement pills and such but bikes are OK.
  • "accidentally" break both your legs and arms, that way your sickie is real. :wink:
    Say... That's a nice bike..
    Trax T700 with Lew Racing Pro VT-1 ;-)
  • Evil Laugh
    Evil Laugh Posts: 1,412
    Def pull a sickie, then you can go for a nice long ride.