TOB First KOM on Stage 1 - parking and viewing?

ForumNewbie Posts: 1,664
edited September 2010 in Pro race
Planning on going to watch the first King of Mountains climb in tomorrow's Stage 1 of Tour of Britain.

I have found out from TOB website that this is between Rochdale and Burnley and the climb is from Waterfoot to Deerplay Moor. On the map it appears to be where the B6238 meets the A671, but I don't know the area, so was wondering if anyone can tell me if there are places to park nearby, and whether it is a good place to view a hill climb?


  • mrushton
    mrushton Posts: 5,182
    It's at Crowne Point and poss. everyone will be there. The A671 runs from Burnley to bacup and the B road is a steady climb towards it, meeting at a T. However, the riders will take a sharp bend off the B-road (120 degrees?) onto Crowne Point Road and there is the first rise (6%?) over a cattle grid at the top (parking here) then a descent and a rh bend and clim to the summit (cattle grid/more parking). Get there early and you might get to park.It is a narrow road so you will be close to the action. The sharp bend as they get on the road will slow them down as they will be in the big ring on the climb from Waterfoot. NB it's forecast rain tomorrow and that area is (it overlooks a valley), so you may need a weatherproof jacket and gloves. You should be able to park on the B-road, poss. facing the way the riders will be coming
  • mrushton wrote:
    It's at Crowne Point and poss. everyone will be there. The A671 runs from Burnley to bacup and the B road is a steady climb towards it, meeting at a T. However, the riders will take a sharp bend off the B-road (120 degrees?) onto Crowne Point Road and there is the first rise (6%?) over a cattle grid at the top (parking here) then a descent and a rh bend and clim to the summit (cattle grid/more parking). Get there early and you might get to park.It is a narrow road so you will be close to the action. The sharp bend as they get on the road will slow them down as they will be in the big ring on the climb from Waterfoot. NB it's forecast rain tomorrow and that area is (it overlooks a valley), so you may need a weatherproof jacket and gloves. You should be able to park on the B-road, poss. facing the way the riders will be coming
    Thanks, that's very helpful. I don't mind walking a bit to see the action, so if it is going to be a bit busy at Crowne Point Road, I see that there is a reservoir (Clough Bottom) just a bit further down the B road. Do you know if there is parking there?
  • It`s absolutely slashing it down here 3 miles from the start at the mo (9.30 am) :(
    Jens says "Shut up legs !! "

    Specialized S-Works SaxoBank SL4 Tarmac Di2
  • mrushton
    mrushton Posts: 5,182
    The weather cleared up (just cloudy) but was rubbish at the start and there were parts of the road that were flooded. But, quite a few people out esp. on the Waterfoot _ deerplay road with spectators olding banners for Wiggo/Thomas etc. First 3 over the summit were someone from Vacansoleil,someone else and a SaxoBank rider. Peloton was a couple of mins behind. Prob. about 100+ spectators at the summit