Ribble Cycles

trebor127 Posts: 246
edited September 2010 in MTB general
What a jobs worth I came accross yesterday @ Ribble...went in to have a look at the workstands that they have and asked if they had any of the alloy ones in stock. They did so I asked if I could look at one to see quality etc...'Oh you cant do that as they are all packaged up and we cant open them.' So I thought fair enough then I said well if I buy one now can I have the discount thats online...7% iirc (not alot of £56, but i'd rather have it in my pocket)..'Oh no the computer wont let me do that for you' so I asked if I could order it myself online as reserve and collect and pick it up there and then as it's only through a door to get the stand! 'Oh the computer wont let me do that either, you would have to wait up to an hour!!' So in the end ive ordered it and now they are going to have to package it up and deliver to my house. I just think its a PITA as they had them in stock when I went in!! Thats my lttle moan for the day lol



  • which is why i always phone before i call in somewhere to avoid that scenario
  • which is why i always phone before i call in somewhere to avoid that scenario

    Just seemed like a bit of a jobs worth as the product was in stock...I only popped in as I was visiting family nearby.
  • if they're tied to an in-house electronic system not a lot the staff can do, i guess. technology for ya :lol:
  • if they're tied to an in-house electronic system not a lot the staff can do, i guess. technology for ya :lol:

    They can always hit the big discount button ;)
  • if he could he would ;)
  • if he could he would ;)

    Ah well...Just have to wait until its delivered lol
  • don't ever take "the system won't let me" as a reason for not giving discount. The amount of times I've been told that, shrugged and walked off saying i'll order online then and had them turn round and say, "i'll just speak to the supervisor". I personally wouldn't do that if i had asked for advise etc but when you know what you're after and just want to pay i don't see that problem pitting the high street against online.
  • mea00csf wrote:
    don't ever take "the system won't let me" as a reason for not giving discount. The amount of times I've been told that, shrugged and walked off saying i'll order online then and had them turn round and say, "i'll just speak to the supervisor".

    common sense tells you to try that tack if you were in the shop and wanted the online discount but if they come out and tell you the same thing then you need to accept the system can't do it :lol:
  • mea00csf wrote:
    don't ever take "the system won't let me" as a reason for not giving discount. The amount of times I've been told that, shrugged and walked off saying i'll order online then and had them turn round and say, "i'll just speak to the supervisor".

    common sense tells you to try that tack if you were in the shop and wanted the online discount but if they come out and tell you the same thing then you need to accept the system can't do it :lol:

    Personally I'd then go and order it online from someone else... By all means say 'no I can't do that as you're not online', but 'computer says no' is not a satisfactory response...

    That said, google 'ribble customer service' and see what stories come back...
  • and i'm saying phone up before hand to avoid all that because you don't know what's possible and what's not.

    and i can't fault ribble service tbh, they've been great every time i've used them. they even put me on the email alert system after a call and gave me a nudge about some forks at an original price before they put them up online at a slightly increased price. they are all hit and miss sometimes
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    I know which stand you're on about, I ordered it myself and for the money its a freakin steal, top quality construction and packs away nicely.
  • Briggo wrote:
    I know which stand you're on about, I ordered it myself and for the money its a freakin steal, top quality construction and packs away nicely.

    Hopefully it's the same one lol..Not been home yet as I have been up in the lakes for a few days. I'll be getting it out though later as my bike is FILTHY!! :twisted:
  • Well if its the same stand I got from there its a bargain, very sturdy.
  • Andy!
    Andy! Posts: 433
    oh well. They got less profit s they paid for postage.

    Maybe if they read this then someone will realise they are throwing money away.
  • Had a look at it and the meshing of the swivel head is a bit loose..about 2mm of play in it. Not sure if that is normal as I think it will eventually strip it. Has anyone had this problem?
  • how about...

  • When I was a half hearted roadie I went in Ribble a few times to exchange stuff, the guy on the till turned the screen round, and let me log on and 'order' my replacement! Then he nipped in the back and got it!
    Maybe they have changed their policy?
    Doesn't matter now as I wont be going there again.
    Orange Crush 2010. Better than the 2011. And 2009.
  • trebor127 wrote:
    Had a look at it and the meshing of the swivel head is a bit loose..about 2mm of play in it. Not sure if that is normal as I think it will eventually strip it. Has anyone had this problem?

    Yeah, mine was like that, if you look at the back where the handle is there's an allen bolt, tighten this up so the teeth just miss when the clamp is loose. Worked for me.
  • trebor127 wrote:
    Had a look at it and the meshing of the swivel head is a bit loose..about 2mm of play in it. Not sure if that is normal as I think it will eventually strip it. Has anyone had this problem?

    Yeah, mine was like that, if you look at the back where the handle is there's an allen bolt, tighten this up so the teeth just miss when the clamp is loose. Worked for me.

    All sorted. Thanks mate. Will be using it after my ride tommorow :twisted: