Wiggle Super Series New Forest 100

mr_goo Posts: 3,770
Anyone doing this on Sunday 3rd October?
There is the Epic 100 mile ride at £23, the Standard 66 miles at £19 and a fun ride of 44 miles at £15.
Hope the sun shines coz it will be bloody hard work in the exposed northern part of the forest if the weather closes in.
Always be yourself, unless you can be Aaron Rodgers....Then always be Aaron Rodgers.


  • Hiya,

    Very tempted - just trying to find a cheap hotel or campsite at the mo. If I can, I'll be there!

    Never done 100 miles though - only up to 60 so far but keen as mustard to do it!

    Giant Rapid 3
  • sherer
    sherer Posts: 2,460
    am thinking about it. Only problem with these is there is very little route info before the event. A bit of info on climbs etc might be good before entering. Evans are guilty of this too
  • I did it last year and plan to do it again this year. Assuming its the same route it pretty much flat and there's hardly any traffic except the occasional horse, cow, pig or donkey etc.

    There tends to be a lot of flint and stones around. A friend of mine got two punctures and another got one so bring puncture resistant tyres!
  • mr_goo
    mr_goo Posts: 3,770
    Hills are fairly moderate in the New Forest. Only steep encounter will be the 25% Blissford Hill aka The Wall. This is quite a short but obviously very steep incline.
    So far road conditions in the forest this year have been quite good. Only time you get grit and gravel on the roads is after a good soaking and debris is washed out from the numerous side tracks. The only indifferent road surfaceI have encountered so far is out Beaulieu way where it is like riding on a rumble strip.
    As stated in my original post, if the wind blows and worst still it rains with it, the northern sector of the forest out towards Nomansland will be bleak and hard work.
    Always be yourself, unless you can be Aaron Rodgers....Then always be Aaron Rodgers.
  • mr_goo
    mr_goo Posts: 3,770
    Always be yourself, unless you can be Aaron Rodgers....Then always be Aaron Rodgers.
  • Just registered for it - can't wait. It will be my 1st 100 miler. Was gonna do the Brighton 100 this Sunday but the very early start poses difficulties - I would be coming from London. However, my dear ol sis who lives near in Havant can put me up the weekend of the new forest ride. Would have liked to do the brighton ride, but can't have everything can you! This one looks a good anyway. Did the London to Hatings a while back & that was 70 miles & most of it either climbing or descending so I am happy that I can do a ton comfy enugh. Don't fancy that wind much though!!!!!
  • KHF
    KHF Posts: 10
    Hi All. My first post!!

    I'm just back into road riding,doing about 140 miles a week at the moment mostly to and from work. If I do the 100m is that enough to get through it in good shape?

    Your thoughts are most welcome.
  • As long as you can do 50-70 miles without being absolutely nackerd, you will be fine on the day. Your base level fitness should be ok if you are doing 140 miles a week but if you only ever do 20 miles a day you might struggle!

    There is are normally plenty of food and juice stops to keep you going!
    Boardman AIR 9.8, Zipp 303 Clinchers, SRAM red groupset.
  • KHF
    KHF Posts: 10
    Broaders wrote:
    As long as you can do 50-70 miles without being absolutely nackerd, you will be fine on the day. Your base level fitness should be ok if you are doing 140 miles a week but if you only ever do 20 miles a day you might struggle!

    There is are normally plenty of food and juice stops to keep you going!

    Many thanks. I ride 20m to work and 20m back about 3-4 times a week with a 40/50m ride at the weekend. Having never done the distance before my worry is I'll blow out! I really like the idea of the sportive riding and don't want my first effort to put me off.

    Me thinks I'm, in :D
  • I have only done one and was in the same boat as you before I did mine. If you regularly do the odd 50 mile cycle you will be fine as long as you take on fluids and food. Remember to make sure you bike is tip top well before the event.
    Boardman AIR 9.8, Zipp 303 Clinchers, SRAM red groupset.
  • sherer
    sherer Posts: 2,460
    what sort of averages are you doing ?

    Why not sign up for a shorter route and then if you are ok with that either carry on on the day or enter a longer event next time.
  • did the last new forest one, was a very good event i thought. I'm going to wait and see what the weather's going to do before i sign up
  • Or you could ride the CTC Gridron ride the following weekend (10th Oct) which is over 100k around the edge of the New Forest. It isn't timed, and is definitely different from a sportive in nature. However it will only cost you £5 to enter in advance, and for that you'll get free tea and biscuits in 2 village halls around the route, and be able to use the loos there - rather than pay £25 to stop by the side of the road to pick up your flapjacks.
  • Have signed up for the Epic route and have received the pre-ride info. For those with local knowledge and route details, does the course go up Blissford Hill or down?

    I know its still over a week away but Metcheck is showing favourable weather conditions....
  • UP.....anyone can ride down a 25% hill......good luck , you'll need it if its wet.

  • Airwave
    Airwave Posts: 483
    Yep very dodgy in the wet,a few people came off in the New Forest Rattler.I had a wheel spin moment myself.If it's dry it's easy as it's so short,don't even worry about it.
  • mr_goo
    mr_goo Posts: 3,770
    Not sure anyone would want to go down Blissford at moment as near the bottom of the hill the surface is broken up (or was, might now be repaired).
    Always be yourself, unless you can be Aaron Rodgers....Then always be Aaron Rodgers.
  • OK, that's what I would have assumed but the route runs northwards at this point and doesn't Blissford Hill go downhill going northwards?
  • First post please be gentle....

    I cannot open the rider info from uk cycling about sundays ride . I have paid and got an e ticket . Can anyone let me know where and what time the 100 starts and any tips about how much earlier I should get there than the actual start ?

  • Blissford hill is short and steep, get good momentum on the down hill before it, you should be fine, i have seen cars struggle up there.
    You might take in Gossford Hill and the road past the Knightwood oak these are steady climbs
    The rest of the course was pretty flat.
    Carry some food with you as last year the first feed station was not ready for the first group of riders.
    The new forest is lovely
    Some of the roads are narrow so carefull of cars.
    Be carefull as well because last year the vederers (people who live in the newforest and are allowed to let there animals feed of the land) where rounding up there pigs and a pig did run out in front of the group i was in and cause a little crash.
    A mouthfull of mud, i guess ive crashed

    Giant xtc se
    Trek 1.2compact