After a crash?

ihunter Posts: 26
edited September 2010 in MTB general
After being spat off my Hardtail, over the bars ,l in Dalby on Sunday, I'm sat here with lots of bruises and a broken collar bone, (it was a hard landing on a rock!) :(

Is there any main area's of the bike I should be checking for any damage?

I rode it home back to Scarborough and everything seemed to be Ok, the only damage I could see are a few scratches on the resevoir tops...

Cheers folks.


  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 2,086
    General post-crash checklist is:

    "Am I broken?"
    "Am I cut?"

    Make sure everything still works before you attempt to continue your ride. I've seen plenty of folks jump straight up, fuss about the bike, attempt to carry and then say "Actually, my shoulder/ribs/wrist/fingers are broken" 5 minutes later as the adrenaline wears off.

    Your bike:
    Do you still have your bar end caps? (first thing to fall off in a crash, and you don't notice that it's lying there in the dirt until some time after)
    Bars still straight?
    Brake levers in the right place, not bent?

    Wheels still true?
    Rear mech hanger is still straight?
