Has anyone been to the Tour of Lombardy ?

errbud Posts: 17
edited September 2010 in Pro race
I'm thinking about going to this years edition has anyone been before that can offer advice of good place to watch from and cheap places to stay ?


  • Never been but's it on my list.

    Also, how does one get into the UCI Ball that evening?
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,473
    I've been over to watch the race 5 or 6 times in the last ten years. I usually stay in Como, although finding a cheap hotel there is difficult.

    In terms of race watching, then going to the start (usually in Mendrisio, just across the Swiss border these days) is always good value as you can mingle with the riders before the race but it does make it harder to see the race again before they head around the north end of Lake Como as you get held up in race traffic.

    You can, with a bit of running, see the race coming off the descent of the Civiglio then catch the finish on the Lungo Lario.

    I combined the trip with riding the Gran Fondo the day after a couple of years ago and used my bike to travel around to see the race, catching it at the top of the Intelvi climb, then crossing the lake by ferry to Bellagio, riding up the Ghisallo climb and seeing the race there. That was a fantastic experience as the climb, especially the final 6 hairpins, is packed with spectators and they cheer every rider up. The only problem with this option is you then have to find a bar to see the race finish on TV.
  • mrushton
    mrushton Posts: 5,182
    Yes, 2 years ago. It was on my to-do list. We flew out on Thursday, came back Tuesday (it was my birthday on the Monday). Stayed at the Hotel Plinius right at the centre and 2 mins walk from the finish. Got the hotel on Last Minute for £500 for 2 incl.breakfast. Did the sportive and a couple of rides around the lake and environs. Lots of hotels in the area but not a cheap location. Took the train frm Milan Malpensa to Como.
  • emadden
    emadden Posts: 2,431
    Andy's option above is good. I would also recommend staying in Chiasso (the Swiss side of Como - 2 mins in the train). You will get a room fairly easily. Another option is the Hotel Tre Re in Como itself.

    To see the race I recommend going up the climb of San Fermo della Battaglia. Its a good 15 mins walk up from the town. I would suggest walking up about 2 or 3 km. That is where the final move is usually in play. The riders will go past in 1 minute but its worth it. After the first 40 riders go past you can then sprint back down the hill to see the final groups coming into the finishing straight. There are a few shortcuts coming down San Fermo.

    The best thing is that at the end of the race the riders all hang around the finishing area (outside the Como football stadium - where the team buses and showers are located). The riders move from team to team to say their goodbyes before the off season. Easy to get pictures with all the stars!
  • Thanks for all the info, I'm going to go for it you can get a £28 ruturn flight with Ryanair so it would be silly not too !
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    andyp wrote:
    I've been over to watch the race 5 or 6 times in the last ten years. I usually stay in Como, although finding a cheap hotel there is difficult.
    I found the hotels along the west side of the lakeside reasonably priced for the type of place Como is. Also the meals they offered. (Presuming you have no great expectaations of luxury).
    Just avoid any hotel thereabouts right close to a church, because the bells are almost certainly bound to start ringing in the morning before you're ready for them.
  • Been a few times. Once with Press Accreditation and while working. Easily the best Classic to go and watch.

    1/ Take your smart clothes and no shorts type of thing. Seriously posh part of the world.

    2/ Perhaps take in Milano-Torino and Giro del Piemonte. Both of which finish in the Parco Valentino in Turin. Heart-warming ambiance in the park after the race.

    3/ I think the day after Tour of Lombardy there is sometimes a time trial in the region which is often the season finisher for a lot of Italian pro's. Not checked the calendar.

    4/ The race route changes frequently. Note that a lot of climbs in the region have been used in the race at some time and in some era.
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    As others say, it's worth the visit. Aim to watch the race but treat it as a weekend in Italy with the scenic lake, the fine food and more.