LEJOG/JOGLE Solo and unsupported

spinningcreeps Posts: 20
edited September 2010 in Tour & expedition
Was wondering whether anyone knew of a record for riding it either direction completely solo and unsupported?

Sorry to simply add to the influx of LEJOG/JOGLE threads that are constantly flashing up on this forum. Would probably make a good USP for anyone seeking sponsorship :wink:


  • Hoopdriver
    Hoopdriver Posts: 2,023
    Does anyone in this country ever contemplate doing a long and adventurous bike ride for the sheer hell of it? Without sponsorship, not for charity, but simply because they liked being out and about on their bike? Does sponsorship/charity fund raising truly have to be at the root of everything over here? I just don't get it....
  • Hoopdriver wrote:
    Does anyone in this country ever contemplate doing a long and adventurous bike ride for the sheer hell of it? Without sponsorship, not for charity, but simply because they liked being out and about on their bike? Does sponsorship/charity fund raising truly have to be at the root of everything over here? I just don't get it....

    I'm going to ride to my mates house next year, when I was little I used to cycle to my friends houses all the time, the only difference is my mates live a bit further away now, I live in Devon and he is in Neuenstein Germany. I'll be asking for some more advice on route planning and travelling light soon, but I'll start a new thread rather than hijacking this one :wink:

    (edit; sorry just realised I'll be wearing my club jersey which has lbs sponsorship on it :? )
  • Hoopdriver
    Hoopdriver Posts: 2,023
    Nice to hear somebody goes out for a ride without rattling a tin cup first. Should be a cool trip.
  • wheezee
    wheezee Posts: 461
    I'm just going down the shops on my bike.

    Can I rely on you all to make a small donation to charidee for me?
  • mroli
    mroli Posts: 3,622
    Does it matter? I think the fact that people WANT to raise money to help those less fortunate than themselves is something that should be praised, not belittled. If you don't want to support someone doing a charity ride then don't. I'm sure these things would still get done, but doing it for a charity can be a real spur to people and is a valuable lifeline to many charities.

    It is to ours - our funding model is 1/3 self-funded, 1/3 donations and a fundraising evening and 1/3 from people doing events for us.

    The other valuable thing is peope doing an event for us means that the people who sponsor them may take the time to check out what we do - which is invaluable in itself.
  • Jeez, guys the wink was there as exactly that. I'm not after sponsorship or anything I was just wondering whether there was a record for solo and unsupported. Its obviously a more touchy subject than I thought!
  • Hoopdriver
    Hoopdriver Posts: 2,023
    You're right. Fair cop. I do not know if there is any record for solo unsupported LEJOG or JOGLE rides. I tried looking it up but none of the records I saw specified whether the riders were supported or not. So it would seem you'd have the field to yourself - so get out there and do the trek as fast as you can, claim the record (making sure you can verify your time), and before you know it you'll hear from all sort of people with various claims and counter-claims and who knows, at the end of it all you may still have the record. If not, you'll have at least established the solo-unsupported category for record setters.