FAO Transformers

forcutty Posts: 1,055
edited September 2010 in The Crudcatcher
On Channel 4 NOW :lol:


  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    Just watched the 2nd one on Sky box thingy.

    Is there really a SR71 in the Smithsonian in Washington???
  • first is enjoyable

    second is a mess
    Formally known as Coatbridgeguy
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    Yep, too long in the desert. NO plot, just explosions, fights you can't tell who's-who and and the Fox birds chest bouncing all over the place.

    I did like that last bit though...especially in slo-mo.
  • when you have excessive slo mo tits and ass it kinda tells you about the deficiencies of the plot more than anything.

    I remember walking out the cinema just thinking "what the hell have they done? They have ruined it!" Was so disappointed
    Formally known as Coatbridgeguy
  • I remeber watching the first film and having two main feelings:

    1. What a waste of my life that was.
    2. I really want to rip that fanny, Shia Le Boefs face off.

    No plot, mega annoying actors and very little in common with the original Transformers (which were awesome).

    That is all.
  • I love the way that forcutty 'addressed' the post to the transformers :lol:

    I think he menat PSA rather than FAO
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Rubbish, didn't even have Unicron in it.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • Northwind wrote:
    Rubbish, didn't even have A Unicorn in it.


    Maybe this is more up your street.
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 4,909
    Nothing special, pretty poor acting and the plot was all over the place. Was also dragged on far too long.

    Could I watch it again? Yes. Would I watch something else though? Definatly.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675


    Kids these days have no understanding of the classics.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • forcutty
    forcutty Posts: 1,055
    I love the way that forcutty 'addressed' the post to the transformers :lol:

    I think he menat PSA rather than FAO
    Oh yeah :lol::lol:
    I think this Raki stuffs kicking in again :roll:
  • Your statement reminded me of this:

    http://wildammo.com/2009/07/27/unusual- ... -unicorns/

    Formally known as Coatbridgeguy
  • biff55
    biff55 Posts: 1,404
    2 hours of noise and flashing lights.
    based on a plastic toy from the 80's , hardly a recipe for a classic. :wink:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    i think we are over thinking the film, it isnt supposed to be a masterpiece, it is supposed to be entertaining.
  • i think we are over thinking the film, it isnt supposed to be a masterpiece, it is supposed to be entertaining.

    Agreed. I don't think Michael Bay was out to make another 'Lawrence of Arabia' :lol::lol:

    I thought both it and the Revenge of the Fallen were both entertaining.

    Robots fighting each other - explosions - Megan Fox... what's there NOT to like ;)

    I'm waiting for some upper-class elitist like Surfmatt to pipe up and go... 'Megan Fox' :roll: :lol:
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 4,909
    It drags on way too long though. If it was only an hour and a half or something then it would be more entertaining but over two hours just ruins it IMO.

    If your going to make a movie that long, it has to flow well the whole way and Transformers just doesn't
  • Twonk
    Twonk Posts: 17
    Give me this Transformers movie any day:

  • Grondel wrote:
    Give me this Transformers movie any day:


    One of the first films I actually went to the pictures to see - have it on DVD :)
  • Twonk
    Twonk Posts: 17
    One of the first films I actually went to the pictures to see

    The first film I saw at the cinema was TRON!

    Doesn't get much better than that
  • Grondel wrote:
    One of the first films I actually went to the pictures to see

    The first film I saw at the cinema was TRON!

    Doesn't get much better than that

    QUality - the first film I actuall did go and watch was around 1981 or so and it was 3D - The Treasure of the 2 Crowns' LOL
  • Twonk
    Twonk Posts: 17
    QUality - the first film I actuall did go and watch was around 1981 or so and it was 3D - The Treasure of the 2 Crowns' LOL
    Reminds me of the nausea inducing 3d cinema dome at Alton Towers that had the car chase, clown fight, etc. Blerggh
    SPIRO Posts: 200
    Splottboy wrote:
    Just watched the 2nd one on Sky box thingy.

    Is there really a SR71 in the Smithsonian in Washington???

    Yep, and a space shuttle, awesome place to look around if your ever near dulles airport!