etape du tour - tour companies

chill123 Posts: 210
ok, i know it's probably more rewarding to go ride the etape solo or cheaper to do it on your own but can anyone here recommend decent tout companies from their personal experiences?

much appreciated.


  • You will hear good and bad about most companies.

    I have used Ronan Pensec for the last two years. I found them fine, the post race meeting area was much improved form the previous year. The French companies tend to be cheaper than the UK ones.

    No doubt you will get plenty comments about the cost etc of the Etape. Yes, the package you will get is overpriced and the service levels tend to be adequate (if lucky) rather than very good. But for your first time I reckon it is worth it.

    The Etape itself is a wonderful experience, the knockers all have valid points, but it's still one you have to do. Make your own mind up later as to whether you want to do another, or one of the other European sportives.

    Train hard, enjoy.
  • thanks road red - will look into Ronan Pensec!

    any other good/bad experiences?
  • I used Velo Echappe and loved them.
  • I'm new at this forum but not the E'tape!
    I don't think either are wrong; doing it your own way or going with a group. I guess it depends on how much time you have to chase things down, if you're travelling with someone who can drive, etc, etc.
    I've done it both ways and when going the tour company route, have tried a couple of them. For me (but that is completely personal), it's worth the little extra cost to have someone take care of stuff for me. That may imply waiting a bit at an airport to be picked-up or waiting a bit after the E'tape, but that is quite fine with me, and really the last company I've used has done a great job in the couple of times I used them so not reason to look elsewhere. In 2009 and 2010 I was able to ride to the start and from the finish to get to my hotels, so for my money the convenience is priceless.
    No experience with Pensec ; I've used Custom Getaways which is US based.
    I'd rather not comment on the first one I used :-)
  • Hi, just passing...

    Not done the Etape but will be doing it next year & am in somewhat of a similar position to you by the sounds of it. I have heard very good things about La Fuga (UK based) who cover every corner...down to their own bike transport & feeding stations. However, i think it tends to be on the pricier side of choices. One to definately avoid is Sports Tours International. I have heard lots & lots of awful things about them on another well known roadie forum! I am considering a DIY jobby if I can manage to get (or bribe) a wiling driver!

    Good luck anyway...the main thing is to enjoy it, whichever way you decide to do it!
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Anyone but Sports Tours and Baxters and you should be ok.