The stupid, it burns! Part 3...

RupertCommunicator Posts: 734
edited September 2010 in The Crudcatcher

Some of the comments about the Stephen Hawking story on the Daily Mail's website from our more intellectually challenged bretheren definitely invoked a double facepalm from me.

Read and weep at the stupidity from those from the bottom end of the spectrum of our human race.


  • chedabob
    chedabob Posts: 1,133
    :o Mouth breathers on the daily mail website? Whatever next?!?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    i agree with the ones who believe god invented the universe, as far as i can tell, there isnt any actual evidence to prove otherwise is there?
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,375
    The comment by 'deia' is fairly witty,wait for the God botherers to bite on that :)
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • Have you read the worst rated ones yet? Actually made me want to vomit.
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,375
    Have you read the worst rated ones yet? Actually made me want to vomit.
    Yep, what a load of utter bo11ocks. I thought it was a US newspaper for a minute!
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • i agree with the ones who believe god invented the universe, as far as i can tell, there isnt any actual evidence to prove otherwise is there?

    That is exactly the same as me saying that there is a giant spaghetti monster that flies around the sky but it's invisible and intangible. You can't prove that it is not there so it must be there.

    The only difference is that millions of people believe in god and not many in the spaghetti monster.

    For one person to have faith is called lunacy for many to have faith it's called religion- Nietzsche.
  • Twonk
    Twonk Posts: 17
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    alexj2233 wrote:
    i agree with the ones who believe god invented the universe, as far as i can tell, there isnt any actual evidence to prove otherwise is there?

    That is exactly the same as me saying that there is a giant spaghetti monster that flies around the sky but it's invisible and intangible. You can't prove that it is not there so it must be there.

    The only difference is that millions of people believe in god and not many in the spaghetti monster.

    For one person to have faith is called lunacy for many to have faith it's called religion- Nietzsche.

    i suppose, but the difference is that if you believed in that, i wouldnt have an issue with it.

    lets say you're right and im wrong, lets say im making a huge mistake basing my morals and sensibilities in being a decent human who doesnt steal, lie, cheat, sleep with his mates wife, murder, put the needs of myself before the needs of others,

    what would be so wrong with that?
  • i suppose, but the difference is that if you believed in that, i wouldnt have an issue with it.

    lets say you're right and im wrong, lets say im making a huge mistake basing my morals and sensibilities in being a decent human who doesnt steal, lie, cheat, sleep with his mates wife, murder, put the needs of myself before the needs of others,

    what would be so wrong with that?

    Oh, i don't have a problem with your faith at all, and i wasn't trying to tell you that God doesn't exist, I just disagree with your reasoning as to why he must be there (there is no evidence to suggest he is not). There are many more reasons that you could give for God existing which would be harder for me to criticise. :D
  • Twonk
    Twonk Posts: 17
    lets say you're right and im wrong, lets say im making a huge mistake basing my morals and sensibilities in being a decent human who doesnt steal, lie, cheat, sleep with his mates wife, murder, put the needs of myself before the needs of others,

    what would be so wrong with that?

    You cannot name one truly altruistic religious person. Not one. Because it's a lie.

    Letting faith act as cruise-control for your soul, only limits your moral viewpoint and negates intelligent decision in favour of rules based on fiction.

    "It takes religion to make a good person do bad things"

    Child abuse & coverups (Catholic church)
    Wars (more deaths in religious wars)
    Honor killings
    Genocide of religion specific groups
    The Crusades

    The list goes on
  • Tartanyak
    Tartanyak Posts: 1,538
    Oh dear. People have taken the bait.

    Discussing religion on the internet.

    <shakes head>

    It's like TV reality programmes. There are no winners, just people who take even longer to lose.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Grondel wrote:
    lets say you're right and im wrong, lets say im making a huge mistake basing my morals and sensibilities in being a decent human who doesnt steal, lie, cheat, sleep with his mates wife, murder, put the needs of myself before the needs of others,

    what would be so wrong with that?

    You cannot name one truly altruistic religious person. Not one. Because it's a lie.

    Letting faith act as cruise-control for your soul, only limits your moral viewpoint and negates intelligent decision in favour of rules based on fiction.

    "It takes religion to make a good person do bad things"

    Child abuse & coverups (Catholic church)
    Wars (more deaths in religious wars)
    Honor killings
    Genocide of religion specific groups
    The Crusades

    now list the bad things that are done without a religious purpose :roll:

    as for altruistic religious person, im one.

    and again, look at the list of things i wrote and tell me whats wrong with being a decent human being?
  • Twonk
    Twonk Posts: 17
    Tartanyak wrote:
    Oh dear. People have taken the bait.

    Discussing religion on the internet.

    <shakes head>

    It's like TV reality programmes. There are no winners, just people who take even longer to lose.
    You yourself just got involved by commenting :lol:

    Enjoy your stay!
  • Tartanyak
    Tartanyak Posts: 1,538
    Nowt wrong at all with being religious and decent. Also nowt wrong being non-religious and decent.

    Religion doesn't imply decent, irreligion also doesn't imply decent.


    Take R as religion, D as decent
    !R !-> D
    R !-> D
    R != !D
    !R != !D

    There are more factors.
    Take B as bacon.
    B = D
    !B !-> !D
  • Twonk
    Twonk Posts: 17
    as for altruistic religious person, im one.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Tartanyak wrote:
    Nowt wrong at all with being religious and decent. Also nowt wrong being non-religious and decent.

    Religion doesn't imply decent, irreligion also doesn't imply decent.

    agreed. this is a whole lot more intelligent than "eurgh, the crusades and apple are the fault of religion"

    also, newsflash just in, children get fucked by all sorts of people, not just priests.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Grondel wrote:
    as for altruistic religious person, im one.

    i dont understand.
  • Twonk
    Twonk Posts: 17
    Tartanyak wrote:
    Nowt wrong at all with being religious and decent. Also nowt wrong being non-religious and decent.

    Religion doesn't imply decent, irreligion also doesn't imply decent.

    agreed. this is a whole lot more intelligent than "eurgh, the crusades and apple are the fault of religion"

    also, newsflash just in, children get farked by all sorts of people, not just priests.

    FACT: The Crusades were purely religious in foundation

    Sure, many people abuse children, but priests who do it, and have an entire church coverup for them, are on a whole other level of wrong, if such a thing is possible.

    A priest puts himself in a position of trust that would infer a level above that of the common man, so for that person to then use their power to manipulate children into abusive scenarios is beyond contempt.

    Couple that with having a huge "organisation" (the church) aiding in saving said priest from justice and question, is just insane.

    Re. the picture: Google "trollface"
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    be that as it may, for all of the wrong that is done in the name of religion, there is an equal amount done in the name of being a shitty human being. i bet 99% f people who commit crimes, the world over, do so because they are sheepscunts, nothing to do with religion.

    believing in god and being a good person doesnt seem like a bad thing.
  • Twonk
    Twonk Posts: 17
    Check this piglet out!

  • cee
    cee Posts: 4,553
    Grondel wrote:
    Check this piglet out!


    is his name 'Chops'?

    If so...I definately believe in him!
    Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I believe in the future of the human race.

    H.G. Wells.
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    Hahaha, LOLZ at all the morons essentially giving Stephen Hawkings a D- on his report :lol:

    "Must try harder".

    Anyway, I'm god, and I say that abortions are fantastic things, everyone should have at least 7. Also, gay people don't really exist, I just invented them to wind up people who have an unhealthy interest in sex but no outlet (if you'll pardon the expression) :wink:

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    Pah, I dont beleive a word Hawking says, I mean the guy is from Oxford, yet he talks with an American accent, how pretentious is that!!!!
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • JonnyN
    JonnyN Posts: 181
    George W Bush
    "Time you enjoy wasting, is not a waste of time"

    "I'm too young to be too old for this shit"

    Specialized FSRxc Expert 2008
    Kona Stinky 2008 (Deceased)
    Trek Scratch Air 8 2010 (Work in Progress)
  • Twonk
    Twonk Posts: 17
    gazderry wrote:
    Pah, I dont beleive a word Hawking says, I mean the guy is from Oxford, yet he talks with an American accent, how pretentious is that!!!!
    And the lazy swine sits in a chair all day!
  • I don't have any problems with beliefes and faith, i think this is a good thing.

    But organised religion is one of the biggest control systems put in place by leading classes dating back to the monarchy.

    And as for hawkings theories, there is a lot of good foundation to his work, but the most important thing to realise is physics is just different level of lies, everything is a model that fits what we observe until we observe where it doesn't work hence the need for a unifying theory currently.

    I might get a copy of that book could be a bit of an interesting read.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I don't have any problems with beliefes and faith, i think this is a good thing.

    But organised religion is one of the biggest control systems put in place by leading classes dating back to the monarchy.

    i hate churches and that element to religion, i would never be a church goer as its all a bit too weird, i dont know what else you can learn every week sat in church being preached at.

    i dont like the bible either, its weird and full of hateful vengeance and whatnot.

    i really like god though, anyone who can create a whole universe in 6 days is aces with me.