LEJOG on a road bike

TipsterStu Posts: 74
edited September 2010 in Tour & expedition
Would I be overstretching the capabilities of my Squadra and me to do the LEJOG and just stick the largest Carradice I can find under the seat and a bar bag ... do I need to be carrying enough to fill panniers ... I'll be with two others and we're thinking B & Bs/hostels etc

Is the route generally all road or is some of the more common traffic light elements not friendly to a racing bike

Advice welcomed ...


  • Hoopdriver
    Hoopdriver Posts: 2,023
    Sure you can. I used a Carradice Super-C saddlebag and a Super-C handlebar bag for that same journey, and (later) Lon Las Cymru and Hadrians Wall. You just need to pack sparingly. You'll be glad of the lighter load. So will your bike. Your choice of route is up to you - just pick roads and lanes that best suit you, your bike and the places you want to go and see. It's a great ride and by travelling light you'll enjoy it all the more.