So this peak district malarky

mak3m Posts: 1,394
edited September 2010 in MTB beginners
Mrs is 40 end of year and says she wants to do something memorable, but has sworn me a painful death if i throw her a surprise party.

due to work, childcare etc we only get to ride together acouple time a month tops, and we are both desperate to get out somewhere a bit wilder.

Inspired by the "where to stay in Peaks" thread im thinking of whisking her away for a mucky midweek break with the bikes in them there peaks.

now am i setting my self up for a major fall, we both ride hrd tails and by then will have approx ONLY 6-7 months mainly xc experiance, both creaky and could be fitter.

reading the guides it says the peaks are rideable all year round, assuming there is no snow the break would be in december.

watched some vids of hope circuits and jacobs ladder and think i could manage allbeit slowly without peer pressure. would be really grateful if peeps who have done the routes think im barking mad, or if these routes something you can take a full day to do at your own pace.

sorry for the essay :P


  • CraigXXL
    CraigXXL Posts: 1,852
    So you will be given her reason for divorce for her birthday. Are you sure that's what she wants and not you.
  • mak3m
    mak3m Posts: 1,394
    nah think she will love it, added bonus i will too :D
  • sniper68
    sniper68 Posts: 2,910
    We ride Hope and Jacobs regularly and although rocky and technical in places it's doable by anyone.Just take your time.Jacobs Ladder(top)is exposed and could have snow/ice in December as could the hills around Hope but generally its rideable all year.
  • My regular MTB haven!

    Have ridden this area all times of the year. You will be fine to go there and ride everything, but if I can give one piece of advice it is prepare!

    I will explain......

    Although in the midlands, the peaks can become a very isolated place in winter. I have been on the top of the hope valley in Dec and it can be cold and wet. This adds to the enjoyment believe it or not so simply go prepared to enjoy your time. Plus, it makes the whole thing more of an adventure!

    Take warm clothes and waterproofs, food, water, a map and anything else you feel you will need. The Peaks (Hope/Castleton) is a great MTB area and you will have a great time.

    There are some breathtaking routes and views, people will be happy to help.

    If you have any routes in mind, PM me and I will be happy to advise of some crackers!

    All the best.

    Nice idea by the way :wink:
  • mak3m
    mak3m Posts: 1,394
    lol im sold just watched som youtube jacobladder descents

    including a chp on a bso with lovely big mudgards and a shiney bell :P