it turns out (2)

Posts: 1,562
See being naturally clumsy I leave my phone in the living room when I go in the kitchen.0
Leave it to dry out for a few days.
If you've recently bought some shoes, or anything else that had those little silica gel packs in the box, surround the phone in as many of them as you can lay your grubby mits on.
After a few days, it should be golden again.0 -
psymon wrote:dont say that!!!!
just ordered a sony of tinter web!
did i mention this happened friday. i did the lamp thing. there is power and a blue screen, but you can see water in the screen its-self. and its been sat in bits since.
The trouble is, you will have lots of narrow gaps and channels in the phone, which will pull water in through capillary action. It needs to be left long enough so that the water has all evaporated.
Yes, the sim should be fine.0 -
Not really an electronics guru. I did Industiral electrical engineering, and wasn't allowed to touch anything under 120V - union rules.
However, as part of my engineering training, I did have to cover electronics, it dind't interest me greatly, but I have repaired tons of things over the years, including phones, and synths that have got wet.
Bottom line is, it's highly unlikely that there's any voltage high enough to cause permament damage inside a drowning phone, and since most things are solid state, there is very little that could be damaged irreperably.
Of course, there are exceptions, some circuits are just so small and close together that it will cause a short, but drying something out sufficiently should fix it in almost every single case.
It can take time though.0 -
Damned right. Replace it for the immediate future, and if, the blaccurant doesn't work after a month or so of drying, bin it.
Otherwise, sell it like you say. Should be able to make a pretty penny on it.
(oh, and don;t spill red wine on ANYTHING, that is electronics nemesis!)0 -
One of the guys we use for console repairs told us about a £1M+ recording console he'd helped install in a studio. They had a big launch party to celebrate the facility's upgrade, where someone evidently managed to knock a bottle of red wine over it.
He was called back not long afterwards, and the wine had actually eaten away the circuitboards in the console! :shock:0 -
I might emphasis on the might be able to get you some industrial (10cm*5cm*2.5cm) sized packs of silica gel once i'm at work on Tuesday if that would help - does depend on the shipping container tho.....0