Which Power Meter

steelwheels Posts: 94
edited August 2010 in Road buying advice
OK so I want to start training with power but need the most economical solution that will gave me the best options.
I currently use HR to train on the road and have a Garmin 705 for this, but last winter bought an i-magic to train with power, but to be honest while I loved the concept of training with power, i didn't like the hassle of setting up the i-magic every time, and as time was constrained quite often I just set the bike on another old turbo I have for the 45 min to 1 hour sessions.
I will have to sell the i-magic to help fund any new purchase, and if the power meter can measure HR and Cadence then the 705 could be sold also.
So, you get the picture, funds are limited so don't recommend any SRM costing £2500. Also, bear in mind that I will want to have Heart Rate, Cadence and Power data for both road and turbo sessions. So do I combine a power meter with the 705 or sell the 705 also to fund a power meter that also gaves heart rate and cadence and has its own computer.


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    A used powertap will be your cheapest option...
  • ok so which is best option a powertap with cpu or powertap with 705 ?

    which model of powertap is really required - does the basic model elite do all that is needed
  • 1_reaper
    1_reaper Posts: 322
    You have asked the very same question i was thinking about(but with a 800) So look forward to what advice the peeps give 8)
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    The Elite+ does exactly the same things (when coupled with a Garmin) as the Pro+ and SL+. The Elite+ is pretty heavy though (~150g more than the Pro+ and >200g more than the SL+) so I'd say go for the Pro+ at least if you're looking for one wheel for training and racing.

    You get cadence and speed from the PT hub when used with a Garmin, though the cadence is less reliable than that from a GSC-10 particularly at low power outputs (< ~140W IME).
    More problems but still living....
  • ok, thanks for the responses os far

    so the elite and garmin 705 will do everything that the more expensive powertaps will do ? but its disadvantage is that it is heavier

    leads me to think which is better, racing with my set of campagnolo eurus or with a heavy elite+ powertap

    all the races and even time trials here are hilly, so i guess from a weight issue the eurus would be better

    but in a time trial would the advantage of pacing with a powertap out weight having the heavier wheel

    im thinking that just now i cant afford even a used sl+ model, and where to get them anyway, there is never more than one or two available through the forums or ebay at any one time
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I'd always go for power readings over weight savings... Even in a hilly race.
  • incog24
    incog24 Posts: 549
    mmm I wouldn't. Use the powermeter for races where you're not so fussed about the result and learn how to pace yourself better. Then for those races you're targeting particularly, use the race wheels.
    Racing for Fluid Fin Race Team in 2012 - www.fluidfin.co.uk
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I tried both and found I preferred racing with the powertap open pro to my race wheel (Zipp 808 tub). I'd like a PT Zipp tbh...

  • incog24
    incog24 Posts: 549
    Is that comparing the 808 to the powertap with covers though? I could see the advantage there. Most of my stuff is pretty flat so that's what I tend to run with ('cept I've used a halo mercury rim on mine).

    Would love some SRMs...
    Racing for Fluid Fin Race Team in 2012 - www.fluidfin.co.uk
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    incog24 wrote:
    Is that comparing the 808 to the powertap with covers though? I could see the advantage there. Most of my stuff is pretty flat so that's what I tend to run with ('cept I've used a halo mercury rim on mine).

    Would love some SRMs...

    No, that's comparing in racing.

    I use the PT with covers in a TT...
  • willbevan
    willbevan Posts: 1,241
    I use a PT for club races and switch to an old zipp disc during my target races...

    Mind you I've had some of my best results when I've been using the PT to actually pace me....

    Disc cover me thinks!

    What maybe a good option is the metigear vector system, all in the pedals but have to wait to see what its like
    Road - BTwin Sport 2 16s
    MTB - Trek Fuel 80
    TT - Echelon

  • schweiz
    schweiz Posts: 1,644
    If you know someone who's off the the US of A and will hand carry a hub back....

    http://www.thecyclinghouse.com/store/ca ... s_powertap
  • ok, so it seems with whats on the market now a used powertap wireless teamed with my garmin 705 seems the best option

    anyone know where i can get a good used powertap .....??????

    maybe when either of these new power meters from Metrigear or Power2Max come out ( hopefully soon ) then a lot more used powertaps will hit the marget

    meantime.I'm looking :-)
  • csmuk1
    csmuk1 Posts: 18
    how about a polar power metre? these aren't too expensive, and i have one sitting in my garage not being used
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    ok, so it seems with whats on the market now a used powertap wireless teamed with my garmin 705 seems the best option

    anyone know where i can get a good used powertap .....??????

    maybe when either of these new power meters from Metrigear or Power2Max come out ( hopefully soon ) then a lot more used powertaps will hit the marget

    meantime.I'm looking :-)

    Contact Bob at www.cyclingpowermeters.com they often have part exchanges coming in...
  • nap, i have been trying to contact them by phone and email but no reply, funny i remember someone else trying to get a powermeter of them a good while back and couldnt get in contact either so they bought from wiggle instead
    i have also heard that it takes maybe 2 months before you can get a hire model ?
    im looking for a used one now, but hoping to sell a few bits and pieces then just maybe if i have not got sorted i might be able to buy a new elite+ wheel system, even then it seems these are very hard to find in stock :-(
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Maybe they are on holiday? (They are a small family outfit.)

    Sorry to hear of your frustrations :(
  • I use a powertap Pro+ and pretty happy with the relaibility of the hub and the new software which does pretty much everything WKO+ from training peaks does. My only grumble is the quality of the CPU which is pretty poor and it's very hard to overlay vertical height data separately from the Garmin. Using it with a 705 would certainly bypass this. I use the powertap for TT but PX deep sections for racing.

    Never had a problem with contacting either Bob or Sue (?) at cyclepowermeters