Cwm Carn local advice...

The Northern Monkey
The Northern Monkey Posts: 19,136
edited August 2010 in Routes
Well I finally got round to using google maps to figure out how far away my new job is from Cwm Carn.... 19mins :D:D
I have a feeling that i'll be keeping the bike in the back of the cake mobile!

Anyways, just wondering if any of the locals can give me a summary of what the Twrch trail is like?

Oh and how do you pronounce is phonetically? lol.

Tis only 18k which should be nice for an after work blast... can you incorperate any of the DH track into it? is it all singletrack? etc etc...

Cheers in advance!


  • Cwmcarn is my local and i do it once a week maybe. Its a great trail and quite tough. You can incorporate the DH into it if u want, you can go from the top of the dh trial where you get off at Twmbarlwm or join on on the final descent.

    What do you mean how do you pronounce it. "Coom-carn" kinda.

    Great trail, try it for deffinate.
  • Twrch - how do you say that :lol:

    Sounds good though, like that you can do the DH if you want :)
  • I always pronounced it as a kwum, with only a hint of the w - whether thats right or not i have no idea. EDIT: As for twrch - well twuruch is how i say it but i'm not a local so its probably wrong/

    I envy you living 19 mins away. I really enjoyed it when i went, the first uphill slog is a mission though. Feels great once you get up there though. If i lived that close i would be there every day without a doubt.

    Go big or go home.
  • Twrch - how do you say that :lol:

    Sounds good though, like that you can do the DH if you want :)
    That would be said kinda like "Turk" but with a "ch" ..
  • Twrch - how do you say that :lol:

    Sounds good though, like that you can do the DH if you want :)
    That would be said kinda like "Turk" but with a "ch" ..

    wel i def had that wrong then :lol:

    cheers :D
  • haha no worries, its not easy trying to figure out our lovely welsh language.. my fiance has trouble saying castle coch .. you need that flemmy throaty sounding "ch" at the end ya see :lol:
  • I couldn't say Ystrad Mynach to save my life... and thats where i'll be working :lol:
  • Turk as in the bird will do or just call it the xc trail at Cwmcarn.

    There is a nice alternative to the tough technical trail climb at Cwmcarn, it is called the natural trail it climbs on the other side of the valley and then swoops around the mountain towards Cwmbran, with stunning views over the Estuary and Devon. 8)
    You then pick up the Freeride section on the top and on to the Red xc decent or the Black Downhill which ever you chose they are both fun.
    It takes about an extra hour over the Trwch trail but still loads of fun and more enjoyable.
    There is a whole network of local trails built into the forest and surrounding areas just get out and enjoy. Send me or Welshkev a PM and you can join us exploring :lol:
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    If you want a quick Cwm blast after work, at about 6 drop me a PM to a work maate and i are often there 1-2 times a week after work :p
  • Awesome chees guys :D

    i will no doubt see you out on the trails soon!
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    when you moving down then mate?