
Bart Apana
Bart Apana Posts: 2
edited August 2010 in MTB beginners
What is the difference between dry lube and wet lube?j


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    One is dry, the other is wet.
    Erm, that's pretty much the gist of it, believe it or not.

    Dry lube dreis once it's applied to form a protective layer, wet lube doesn't.
  • mak3m
    mak3m Posts: 1,394
    wet lube would be my reccomendation, its good allround lube for most conditions you get in the uk
  • J@mesC
    J@mesC Posts: 129
    Except dusty conditions - wet lube attracts dust like flies to poopoo, forming a nice abrasive paste on your drive train. But dry lube washes off really quickly when it's wet... Horses for courses!
  • FunBus
    FunBus Posts: 394
    the descriptions also describe the conditions they are intended for:

    Wet = wet weather/conditions
    Dry = dry weather/conditions
