Century 100 Mile Bike Ride

whistleblower Posts: 68
edited August 2010 in Health, fitness & training
Hello all. I am going to do a charity bike ride for the British Heart Foundation next month (check my signature) but I have re-started cycling again. I have been commuting to work for about two months already but I haven't done any long distance riding for a long time (about ten years).

My question is this; the 100 mile bike ride is for one day. How long should a 100 mile bike ride take for a fairly healthy 31 year old? I have been quite active in my younger years as a bike rider; cycling the South Downs (Winchester to Eastbourne), cycling the Isle of Wight, etc.

Any advice for training and exercise would be greatly appreciated.


  • Wallace1492
    Wallace1492 Posts: 3,707
    I did a ton in just over 6 hours. I am over 40, over weight, but not quite over the hill.

    You must build up the mileage, do longer runs, and before it do one or two of at least 80 miles.

    Its a long day in the saddle, so get used to it, long commutes home, big rides at weekends.
    "Encyclopaedia is a fetish for very small bicycles"