How often do you change your bike?

supertwisted Posts: 565
edited August 2010 in MTB general
By change I mean replace as opposed to changing a part on it, though I guess if you change your frame that counts as replacing the bike.

Personally I love the feeling of a new bike, money no object I'd have dozens of them. But that said, I suspect consistently riding and mastering just one bike will do more for my skills than a string of different bikes.

Which is fortunate since money is a very big object for me.
Less internal organs, same supertwisted great taste.


  • I've had my Reign since 06, but changed everything execpt the frame!
    My other bikes have lasted about a year before being swapped out. I was intending for my HT to be replaced by a short travel FS frame next year so that it would've been two years, but the way the cycle2work thing is going it might last me a long long time...!
    Giant Reign - now sold :-(
    Rockhopper Pro - XC and commuting
    DH8 - New toy :-)
  • I normally only keep a bike for about 3 years...then do it up a bit and sell.

    However I then go looking for a bargain for a new bike. Just saved 900 squids on a 2009 Whyte E120 and sold a couple of old bikes to finance it.

    I'm happy with a rolling stock of two bikes...but think I've found my perfect combo of a 905 and an E120. But the new 146 is looking very tempting this time next year.
  • ilovedirt
    ilovedirt Posts: 5,798
    I've had six bikes, i think, since i started riding seriously at the beginning of last year. I don't mean to change them all the time. I'm quite happy with my commencal, unfortunately though, that frame has died.
    Production Privee Shan

    B'Twin Triban 5
  • Beardface
    Beardface Posts: 5,495
    I've probably been through about 30 or so bikes since I started riding properly (10-12 years) some have lasted a year, some have lasted a few months.

    Some have been stolen, so I've needed to replace, some broken, others were bought on a whim for a good price, decided I didn't like them (for various reasons), so were sold on.

    I've basically tried every different MTB style other than a full on DH bike, as I have no need for one, and probably never will. Just finished building my Carbon 456 (in sig), and think I may have finally found a bike to keep hold of!

    Still want a FS as well though... lol :) It's a running joke with my riding buddies, as I can't keep hold of a bike for any decent length of time!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    very, very rarely.
    Bike before my new one lasted 11-12 years. And it's still being used. Before that, it was every time I broke a frame.
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    Too often, according to the Mrs...

    Latest one only a month old, one ride done so far.

    Well worth the hassle, cost etc.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    ive been riding for about 5 years, ive had about 20 bikes so i seem to change them every few months really

    the ones i have now re the last few i will be buying for the foreseeable future. prices have gone mental.
  • If you have my luck every six months after some theiving pikey gets it.

    Had one on a bike rack chained through the tow ring and whilst I was paying for petrol the pikeys cropped the chain and had the bike in around 15 seconds, loads of witnesses, CCTV footage and still no one was caught.
    I wish I was Kenny "F@#king" Powers
  • meesterbond
    meesterbond Posts: 1,240
    I got through 4 or 5 different frames between 03 and 05, then bought the Turner in 06 and been very happy with it since.

    Added a hardtail earlier this year and have considered changing that almost every time I ride it.
  • Kiblams
    Kiblams Posts: 2,423
    I plan to keep my frames until they are stolen/snap, and just upgrade them within their chosen feild of use.
  • MrChuck
    MrChuck Posts: 1,663
    edited August 2010
    In 20 years of riding (generally, not just MTB) I've bought 4 bikes.

    Edit: I've stil got all of them, but one hasn't been ridden for years.
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    How often do you change your bike?
    When something comes along at the right price at the right time
  • jayson
    jayson Posts: 4,606
    Unless the frame is broken or i REALLY dont like it then i see no reason to change the bike, i'd rather put some blinged out parts on what i know rides and handles great than spend a small (or not so small) fortune on a new bike.

    Before it was stolen i had my last bike for 5 yrs and it was still goin strong and had no intention of changing it, unfortunately that decision was forced upon by some chlamidiya ridden cider drinkin little chav grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........... :evil:
  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    2 mountain bikes in 15 years and 2 'other' bikes in the last 20 years for general riding/commuting etc. Current mtb is only 2 years old so unless I break it, I'll be riding it for a good few years yet.
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the tape.
  • mudsucker
    mudsucker Posts: 730
    Had my old bike 9 years till i bent the frame. The parts on the old one were not worth tranfering to a new frame so bought a new one in a sale and have had it 2 years.
    Bikes are OK, I guess... :-)

    2008 Specialized Stumpjumper FSR Comp.
    2013 Trek 1.2
    1982 Holdsworth Elan.
  • Steve_F
    Steve_F Posts: 682
    I don't tend to change mine, just get new ones and justify why the old one should be kept!

    Handy for parts off knackered ones, which I really need to get rid of the frames......

    Any new bike tends to be different from existing ones so that I can justify it!!
    Current steed is a '07 Carrera Banshee X
    + cheap road/commuting bike
  • xtreem
    xtreem Posts: 2,965
    jayson wrote:
    Unless the frame is broken or i REALLY dont like it then i see no reason to change the bike, i'd rather put some blinged out parts on what i know rides and handles great than spend a small (or not so small) fortune on a new bike.
    + potato
  • x-isle
    x-isle Posts: 794
    I'm still riding my 08 Orange 5 and have no intention of even trying a different bike.

    Don't see the point, at present, there's nothing that will do me any better for the riding I do.
    Craig Rogers
  • I think once I find a bike/frame I'm truly happy with the urge to change will stop.
    I've never completely gelled with my Rockhopper and while my Stp is heaps of fun it's a bit limited for anything other than arsing about.
    Less internal organs, same supertwisted great taste.
  • I like to keep two bikes and number one is relegated to number two when the components start looking a bit dated. About 2 years, I suppose. Then I get a new number one and the old number two goes on eBay.
    Canyon XC 8.0 '11
    Whyte 19 steel '10
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    i've had two in six years, had my calud butler for two and the maxlight will be four years old this december. ideally id like to have the maxlight a light 140mm fs bike, a road bike and a single speed commuter/hack bike, hopefully should have all four by this time next year :twisted:
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,070
    I pick pretty carefully and get something I'm going to be happy with for a long time. How long that is, I'm not sure yet ! But I like to add to the collection and will probably only get rid of one if the frame breaks.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]