
VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
edited August 2010 in The Crudcatcher
that is all

Kazza the Tranny
Now for sale Fatty


  • Total meh here today as well.

    I stopped off with my mate after work for a 'couple' .... as I had a shit day. Needless to say that a couple turned into 7 pints of lager. Felt a bit tipsy last night but thimorning is a whole different story......

    why oh why?

  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,287
    Total meh here today as well.

    I stopped off with my mate after work for a 'couple' .... as I had a shoot day. Needless to say that a couple turned into 7 pints of lager. Felt a bit tipsy last night but thimorning is a whole different story......

    why oh why?


    because you can. There doesn't need to be another reason!
  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    i miss being able to do that. :(

    Did i mention that i woke up at 0500, 20 mins before my alarm goes off :evil:

    i was looking forward to the return of my minion today but it seems like he's not coming back today, Grrr :roll:
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,287

    day of meh. Was hoping to get out on the MTB later, but that dirt bike crash at the w.end has left my legs feeling a bit below par :(
  • Tartanyak
    Tartanyak Posts: 1,538
    Morning. Woke up for work at 8 before having the great realisation I'm in a slightly different time zone. So, I went back to sleep for another hour :D
  • El Capitano
    El Capitano Posts: 6,400
    Good Morning Freaks!

    I'm at the local hospital (no hot nurses). Daughter's having her blood taken and Mrs C is a bit squeemish...

    If the weather clears up I'll clean the Cakemobile, otherwise I'll get the Lego out...

  • Tartanyak
    Tartanyak Posts: 1,538
    Weather here is total poo. I need to take a bike out and get some food too. How very annoying.
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    going delamere again. WOOP
  • Only had five hours sleep. Worked the last train last night and didn't get to bed till two and the cats woke me at seven. Got another late one tonight as well. Better take some red bull with me.

    On the bright side I did have to wake up a drunken, pierced weirdo and chuck him off the train at the end of the line. I like it when that happens. No guilt because it's entirely their own fault. The end of the line is a remote station in deepest Somerset at half past midnight and then we take the train back empty to civilisation and wave at them as we leave. Priceless - you couldn't even pay for it with mastercard :wink:
    Canyon XC 8.0 '11
    Whyte 19 steel '10
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    edited August 2010
    Absolutely killed it round Cannock last night I was awesome :)

    Now faced with the infinite amount of meh that is the working day :?
  • Tartanyak
    Tartanyak Posts: 1,538
    Why is it so bloody cold and rainy? WHERE HAS SUMMER GONE?
    I miss summer :( I miss complaining about the heat. I really do.
  • montevideoguy
    montevideoguy Posts: 2,271
    Meh! Would rather be home playing Battlefield bad Company 2 than working. Had a wee blast this morning and was going a bit Rambo on people (if Rambo ran about blowing up tanks with anti-tank mines)
    Formally known as Coatbridgeguy
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    im still on leave, off to the gym and for a bike ride but apart form that, i am planning to sit on my ass all day.
  • Kitty
    Kitty Posts: 2,844
    Good Morning, today will be spent doing uni work as always before a staff meeting, and then dying in staff training as I haven't been swimming in months.
  • Today, I'm working a half day (finish in 11 minutes! Woo!) as a bloke from Virgin Media is coming to refit the cable that my landlord cut.

    Whilst at home, I really need to tidy my house :?
    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • spongtastic
    spongtastic Posts: 2,651
    well now I know the lump on the back of my next is a cyst, that they can't remove because of where it is, 'if you have any motor problems or paralysis come back straight away', isn't any form of cancer I feel alot better.

    Unless any of this happens whilst I'm driving or on the bike.
    Visit Clacton during the School holidays - it's like a never ending freak show.

    Who are you calling inbred?
  • projectsome
    projectsome Posts: 4,010
    This is how I feel


    Today I am winging it...
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    Fair play,

    Today I have been told to get familiar with systems so i can give training on our work systems because my boss is so unconfident in the trainers that he wants me to be ready to sort the new SAP system for him :s I'm not paid enough to care like this :(
  • Kiblams
    Kiblams Posts: 2,423
    Was feeling pretty crappy this morning. My day just got a whole lot better as I decided to go for a dinner break ride on the Vitamin and managed a 10 mile loop in 41 minutes :D and that's what i managed on a geared bike before i did my back in a few months ago :D