Sunday AM Hangover thread

Posts: 4,010
i suspect most of you were out last night at pubs/clubs doing the big fish, little fish, cardboard box thing before crawling in to bed at 6am with the exception of Jay12 and peter(random numbers) who were probably in their local park/supermarket car park drinking budget alcopops.
So, once the hangovers wear off, what's on your agenda?
alas it's my nan's birthday today, so a few of us will be there all day, then it's home to watch footie, then wwe summerslam
So, once the hangovers wear off, what's on your agenda?
alas it's my nan's birthday today, so a few of us will be there all day, then it's home to watch footie, then wwe summerslam
LMAO at this post.
I am officially getting old. I worked like a Spartan all day yesterday and had a couple on the way home, i.e., 4 pints of Amstel (which isn't exactly strong) and came home, fettled with new TV.
I was in bed by 9:30 and woke with a slight hangover (which has since gone) - WTF is happening to me???
Today - fimathon on new TV...
Lawrence of Arabia
Inglorious Basterds (again) LOL
May nip to store and get 4xlagers/ales of some description to be drunk whilst eating the mountain of Dominos pizza left over from last night....0 -
Good choice Cheese on Infglorious, such an epic film.
Plan for today, do another cycle ride on the home trainer since weather here is shiiite, then jam with my mrs. Her cousin and a mutual friend are coming by for lunch, and cousin is staying the night, so got lots of cooking to do!0 -
Woke up feeling like crap and not beer related sadly (damn my brokeness). After an epic two week road trip up to Scotland taking in Sherwood Pines, Peak disctrict, lake disctrict, Glentress, etc and back again (1728 miles in total) I now have to go back to work tomorrow....
Today sucks hard
Think I'll clean Glentress of my bike today and give it a bit of love.2010 Carrera Fury
1992 Raleigh Equipe0 -
im doing nowt today, having a day off of the gym and am about to cook wife RE a delicious (though meat free) breakfast.0
Good Morning Freaks!
Being teetotal FTW!
I was out partying last night - shock horror! :shock:
Woken up early by the cat sitting on my chest and purring into my face, so I'd get up and feed him... Found 2 pies that I'd bought yesterday and forgotten about which have been hastily dispatched as breakfast.
Family's coming over for lunch today, and there's also a couple of bikes being brought over to be fettled, so today's looking pretty good. 8)0 -
The Big Cheese
Wow, I wish my day was going to be like yours
Today will be filled with trying to persuade my racist and hypochondriac grandmother several things, ever since she broke her wrist she's been a nightmare, anyway so far the list reads :
1 ) she only has mild osteoperosis and its fairly normal for someone of her age
2 ) she hasn't developed serious heart disease since a scan 2 weeks ago which showed her heart was very healthy
3 ) just because she has found out she has oseteoperosis doesn't suddenly mean she can't do anything, she's probably had it for years anyway
4 ) not all muslims are terrorists and not all taxi drivers will rob her house
5 ) her indian doctor is a very good doctor
6 ) there is absolutely no reason why she can't take a train
7 ) having osteoperosis doesn't make you more likely to fall over
8 ) there is absolutely no reason why she can't keep the dog, just because she's widowed and has very mild osteoperosis doesn't mean that the dog will kill her, it's so laid back i frequently think it's dead anyway :roll:
I think by the end of the day my head will be spinning because I'll spend most of my time banging it against a brick wall0 -
Morning bike sluts
No hangover for me, I was deado by half ten, I came home from work yesterday with the intention of napping, but I didnt, so I was balloxed last night. 11 hours of kip later and I'm feeling human again.
Plan of action for today is to finish my packing for hols, hoover the house nd then go and pick my mate up who's sleeping here tonight so as I dont have to fetch him in the morning
1 more sleep now!!!!!
By the way good luck Ouchthathurts I have similar fun with my nan, who is adamant that her next door neighbour is trying to steal her wall to build a kitchen extension on the FRONT OF HER HOUSE!!!! Her neighbour has lived there for ages and is a straight up woman, she's put capping stones on the wall as its starting to crumble a bit in the dips of the unfinished bricks on top. My retard uncle has told her shes doing it to claim her wall, even though she has been offered the cash receipt for the work so as she can say she had it done herself!! Anyway, she had the stones rested on top of the wall for measurement, and my 93 year old housebound gran went and smashed them with her walking stick, quite how she had the strength to push them off the wall is beyond me though!!!0 -
4) yes they are and yes they will.
5) i doubt it.0 -
Argh. Why does this always happen - only a few drinks I say - queue waking up with a massive headache. When I can be arsed to roll out of bed I will make some breakie and enevitably have to sort out all my muddy kit from yesterdays ride that I have left on the kitchen floor in a rush to get out last night.
In fact, I better do that now, looks like the misses is sturing0 -
projectsome wrote:i suspect most of you were out last night at pubs/clubs doing the big fish, little fish, cardboard box thing before crawling in to bed at 6am with the exception of Jay12 and peter(random numbers) who were probably in their local park/supermarket car park drinking budget alcopops.
Hangover? Never, I don't do any form of alcohol and never have, so I guess one doesn't miss what one never had!
Today is a lovely day, I am busy shoveling pasta leftovers down my gullet in preparation for my Cannock ride this afternoon. I am riding the Monkey Trail.
From the Met Office Webbe:Sun 15 Aug
1300 Sunny 20 °C NNE 7 mph 22 mph Good
1600 Medium-level cloud 21 °C NNE 9 mph Good
1900 Sunny 20 °C NNE 7 mph Good
How can a person resist?
I am also lugging my commuter with to drop at Swinnerton's Cannock for a new BB (as I don't have the tools for the internal BB job) and a new headset too.
Here's wishing everyone a sun shiny Sunday :¬)0 -
projectsome wrote:i suspect most of you were out last night at pubs/clubs doing the big fish, little fish, cardboard box thing before crawling in to bed at 6am with the exception of Jay12 and peter(random numbers) who were probably in their local park/supermarket car park drinking budget alcopops.
So, once the hangovers wear off, what's on your agenda?
alas it's my nan's birthday today, so a few of us will be there all day, then it's home to watch footie, then wwe summerslam
Anyway, none of that last night for me unfortunately. I was told to stop drinking a few years ago since my kidneys were packing in from too much abuse. I still go out occasionally, but not often.
I WAS going to head out last night, a mate was DJing at a club. But I didn't get home from a ride until half past ten, and by the time I'd showered and eaten I was too knackered to head out anywhere.0 -
No partying for me last night. Last minute fettling and then in bed by mindinght.
Woken up by my neighbour who WAS having a party though and decided to take it out into the garden at 4am. Mental note has been made to d-lock the cnut.
Got back to sleep, then was woken up again at 05:30 by my eldest who'd had a nightmare about snakes and wanted to tell me all about it then insisted that I check in and under her bed before she went back to sleep.
Eventually got up at 06:30, shlt, shower and shave, then out on the bike for my first long ride ever on the Mmmbop and my first long ride at all since Bikeradar Live.
Glorious weather, nice and quiet out on the trails, even came across a couple of roadies headed the other way who actually moved a hand off the bars, waved, and said a very cheery "morning". Was so shocked I nearly fell off.
Since coming back I've cleaned the bike down (wouldn't have bothered but it absolutely STUNK of sheepshit) and played with the kids for a bit in the garden with the hosepipe.
Going to sit down and watch some telly now. Then later I will get round to watching the departed.0 -
No I wasn't out last night, I never hang about ever :roll:
Didn't sleep untill 6 in the morning though so I'm dead
Dunno what I'll do today, might go out on the bike for a bit, really need to kick my @rse into gear and get some fitness training done. Might try and persuade Dad to take me to Glentress for a bit to have a little play, need to work on some jumps before the dual slalom on Wednesday, haven't ridden the 456 there for a while, been to bussy mucking around on the 223 at Inners0 -
Cat With No Tail wrote:Then later I will get round to watching the departed.
No hangover today. Early shift yesterday and an early night last night. Today's the shift changeover day so I'm on a late shift till midnight. No fun for a few daysCanyon XC 8.0 '11
Whyte 19 steel '100 -
Happy Harry wrote:Cat With No Tail wrote:Then later I will get round to watching the departed.
That made me giggle like a kid- POTD!!!0 -
Cat With No Tail wrote:
Since coming back I've cleaned the bike down (wouldn't have bothered but it absolutely STUNK of sheepshit)
my sh1 does stink to be fair.0 -
sheepsteeth wrote:Cat With No Tail wrote:
Since coming back I've cleaned the bike down (wouldn't have bothered but it absolutely STUNK of sheepshit)
my sh1 does stink to be fair.
That's furry muff fella, but if it's not too much trouble, could you possibly avoid shltting all over the trails?
Only if it's not too much trouble though.0 -
to be fair i did start off the trail, how it behaves between sphincter and earth is it's own responsibility, i can only imagine the wind must have picked up a bit.0
yeehaamcgee wrote:projectsome wrote:i suspect most of you were out last night at pubs/clubs doing the big fish, little fish, cardboard box thing before crawling in to bed at 6am with the exception of Jay12 and peter(random numbers) who were probably in their local park/supermarket car park drinking budget alcopops.
So, once the hangovers wear off, what's on your agenda?
alas it's my nan's birthday today, so a few of us will be there all day, then it's home to watch footie, then wwe summerslamI used to be one of those kids drinking in the park. Now they let me in the pub
it's great alternate comedy. you have to wonder who writes the stuff0