Am i being a grumpy git...



  • kaytronika
    kaytronika Posts: 580
    Explains the stink in there.
    '09 Carrera Fury
    '94 GT Timberline FS
    '89 Saracen Tufftrax
  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    As a JW, i cant help but chuckle at some of the stuff your all saying... im not offended, i expect it, but it is funny.

    Oh, and BTW, we really arnt put off by people being rude, unkind or unfriendly... we just get on with it anyway. Oh, and telling us all sorts of crap about being Cathloic doesnt get rid of us becouse we cant answer stuff you say, its becouse we can (usually) tell you are telling us a load of crud, and we realise your only saying it becouse you dont want to talk, and so there isnt any real point in stoping to talk... most proper Cathlics are pretty happy to stop and chat for a min.
    Oh, and those of you that always just ignore us... try actually listening for once... then decide whether you like what we say or not.

    most of us are actually pretty normal, nice people, some of us even ride bikes.... :wink:

    anyway, you do whatever you want, and ill carry on doing what i do, the people who do listen, do like what we say, and do find something good out of it are the real winners.

    and if you do shoot me with paint balls go for green, they always look best with my fave trousers.

    I like bikes and stuff
  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    Well, the family were probably the coolest, most down to earth folk you'd ever meet. They just told them they weren't interested, but they would never be nasty to anyone.
    Awesome folk.

    I do wonder if the tea and cake is the REASON that the Jehovas kept coming roud though, hehe!
    definately! Cake and tea is a pretty good way to make sure we call back.

    I like bikes and stuff
  • joshtp wrote:
    Oh, and those of you that always just ignore us... try actually listening for once... then decide whether you like what we say or not.

    I did listen once. And I was stuck there for half an hour listening, despite telling them I wasn't really interested. Which is why I now just ignore them.
  • kaytronika
    kaytronika Posts: 580
    I'm an atheist... I sent my goth brother in law to the last religious types at the door.
    They left very quickly.

    Have your beliefs, I don't mind and I won't try to convince you differently... But respect mine too.
    '09 Carrera Fury
    '94 GT Timberline FS
    '89 Saracen Tufftrax
  • RockingDad
    RockingDad Posts: 239
    I actually installed a CCTV system so my missus didn't have to open the door to idiots she would have to spend ages getting rid off because she's nicer than me and won't tell them to clear off. It is linked to a small screen in the hallway to see who is at the door. we have a porch on the side of the house so once your in the porch your commited.

    We are friendly people...honest :) but the last straw was when my wife continually politely told this F wit from car phone warehouse she wasn't interested he went to put his foot in the door.... it was at this point I walked down the drive home from work.

    I think it should be illegal to cold call people in relation to charity, sales, religion. cheeses me off.

    2010 Carrera Fury
    1992 Raleigh Equipe
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    what is the difference between JWs and normal religions?
  • mikebx
    mikebx Posts: 21
    i was asked to be a jehovas witeness. i told them i hadn't seen anything!!
  • Tolk
    Tolk Posts: 775
    mikebx wrote:
    i was asked to be a jehovas witeness. i told them i hadn't seen anything!!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Meh, if anyone knocks on my door, as long as they're friendly (and I'm in a good mood :lol: ) then fine.
    We had a spate of really rude JWs years ago, which was odd. But most of them are friendly enough.

    There was a curious episode when I was about 10. My brother had eaten some particular mushrooms, and invited the JWs in, to discuss his "theories".
    They looked quite concerned :lol:
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,367
    I tried the reverse technique last time I got 'the knock' and forgot to check who it was before answering. Asked them for their address so I could come round to their house and try to talk to them about something that they found totally irrelevant and p*ss boring. Seemed to work :lol:
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,655
    we had religous typs call once, i ansered the door wearing pink boxers and when my house mate heard what they wanted he runout of his room with an erection and they left quite sharpish and never called again lol

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • joshtp wrote:
    As a JW, i cant help but chuckle at some of the stuff your all saying... im not offended, i expect it, but it is funny.

    Oh, and BTW, we really arnt put off by people being rude, unkind or unfriendly... we just get on with it anyway. Oh, and telling us all sorts of crap about being Cathloic doesnt get rid of us becouse we cant answer stuff you say, its becouse we can (usually) tell you are telling us a load of crud, and we realise your only saying it becouse you dont want to talk, and so there isnt any real point in stoping to talk... most proper Cathlics are pretty happy to stop and chat for a min.
    Oh, and those of you that always just ignore us... try actually listening for once... then decide whether you like what we say or not.

    most of us are actually pretty normal, nice people, some of us even ride bikes.... :wink:

    anyway, you do whatever you want, and ill carry on doing what i do, the people who do listen, do like what we say, and do find something good out of it are the real winners.

    and if you do shoot me with paint balls go for green, they always look best with my fave trousers.


    Read the part I have highlighted in bold. Are you actually really saying that only the people who follow your ideas, and do what you say, are the winners? This is the problem I have with religious salesmen coming to my door, i'm perfectly happy living my life, I don't do people wrong unless it is justly warranted, and then someone comes to my door trying to tell me i'm basically living terrible because i'm not following their ideas.

    How rediculous does that sound? I have no problem with people enjoying their religion, but please don't inflict it upon me, I have no interest in it, but yet JW's showed up at our door every week, same time on the dot. What is it about people saying they are not interested that makes you come back? Mind you the same 2 came back everytime every week.

    Deep down all religious people look down on athiests and people from other religion, so why do you preach tolerance and love for all, if you let people have their own wishes without pestering them?

    Rant oer.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    also, JW are weird.
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    Someone knocked our door last wee, when I answered it there was a well dressed elderly couple stood there, he was holding a book. He asked me if I'd heard the good news about Jesus, I replied "no, what is it?" He said "He can now supply your gas and electricity for less than your current supplier :D:D "

    I'll get my coat
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • Read the part I have highlighted in bold ... blah blah blah ...
    Me too. I was angry enough to spend an hour making up replies last night but eventually decided to let it go :roll: But now you've wound me up again!

    What really gets to me is the arrogant attitude that those of us who are free thinkers and not tied to some ridiculous, tired dogma are the losers! Don't they realise that we pity them for being trapped in a blinkered and restricted world that is bounded by selected quotations from the Bible. Which itself is a careful selection of edited writings translated from aramaic to latin and then into medieval English. Science, intelligent thought and debate means that we no longer have to be threatened with hell and damnation in order for us to be subdued.

    Thinking people are no longer impressed by your nasty god, Josh. If he exists then he needs to be sacked as a vicious, incompetent bully.

    I mean, if you were omnipotent and omniscient how difficult would it be to make the world a fair and peaceful place for everybody? Why cause so much misery and pain unless you enjoy it?
    Canyon XC 8.0 '11
    Whyte 19 steel '10
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    i dont thnk god would like you very much, harry.
  • i dont thnk god would like you very much, harry.
    The feeling is mutual, my dear sheepsteeth!
    Canyon XC 8.0 '11
    Whyte 19 steel '10
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    god's a legend anyone who could invent a whole planet in 6 days is aces with me.
  • god's a legend anyone who could invent a whole planet in 6 days is aces with me.
    My dear old Dad was a Royal Engineer like yourself and single-handedly saved the world from the Nazi hordes. He didn't deserve what that horrid old Jehovah dished out to him. Planet creator or no. Although Mum was a bit of a nightmare so he might have had a good case for giving her some punishment :roll:

    I'll definitely deserve some divine retribution :lol: Bring it on, big man!
    Canyon XC 8.0 '11
    Whyte 19 steel '10
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Deep down all religious people look down on athiests and people from other religion, so why do you preach tolerance and love for all, if you let people have their own wishes without pestering them?
    This is EXACTLY what you're doing to religious people though. Atheists look down at religious folk, and have no tolerance at all.

    You know what I think is really sad about people who call themselves Atheists? Most of them don't even know what the exact term means.
    There is a difference between not believing in something, and explicitly believing there is NOT something. That dedication to belief of absence effectively makes you just as blinkered as a religious person.
    And of all the people I know, the devout atheists are the most intolerant, and the most unpleasant.
    I have loads of religious friends, who are mostly decent people. Likewise I have even more friends who just don't believe in anything, and these, on the whole are balanced, friendly poeple.
    the Atheists though, are all bitter, angry lunatics, who actively hate religious people.
  • I have loads of religious friends, who are mostly decent people. Likewise I have even more friends who just don't believe in anything, and these, on the whole are balanced, friendly poeple.
    the Atheists though, are all bitter, angry lunatics, who actively hate religious people.
    Totally agree. I used to be an admirer of Richard Dawkins's writings on evolution. But he's recently become bitter and aggressive in his attacks on religion. The debaters in the atheism forums on his website are more extreme than fundamental islamists. I think it's his failure to prove that god can't exist. All he can prove is that god's existence is improbable which isn't the same thing at all!
    Canyon XC 8.0 '11
    Whyte 19 steel '10
  • hbrashaw
    hbrashaw Posts: 286
    yeehaa- very true.
    i think they're angry because completely wrong, and that drives them mad. lol
    i'm a christian, and to the guy that said christians shouldn't try to convert others because the bible teaches to be loving and tolerant, it's because we try to love others we try to convert people, because if you ask me, trying to save someone from eternal pain and suffering by telling them about jesus so they can believe is quite a loving thing to do. and we are tolerant of others, but try to show people them the truth aswell.
    religious extremists genrally don't belive there religion teaches them to kill people, they just want an excuse for violence (like the crusaders), or if they do, it's because they're just entirely mad and deluded.
    we open our dooor to everyone, except sales people, but listen to charites and religious people at least
    josh, what do jw actually belive in?