Kloden rips into German Federation on his twitter

frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
edited August 2010 in Pro race

oh, what I just read,Germany is only number 12 in the national rankings and should probably start with only five riders, instead of nine :-)

For the German Rider, it would be better if you had even a few Pro Tour points, instead of arguing on the internet, who runs the World Cup.

the German Cycling Federation is an amateur! No nomination criteria, no professional guidance. No one has the idea of professional cycling.

Only when the gentlemen retire. it will be better.

It's funny that always scream the loudest Rider, they want the World Cup or Olympics, which have almost no Points .makes you start thinking.

People like, Rudolf Scharping, Udo Sprenger or Burkard Bremer! Marcel Wust was one with intelligence and competence!

the best German classics rider now ride for Australia, he had a lot of Pro Tour points last year. And he is the future. why He went ????????

I was never angry with Germany. But to the German cycling federation with their incompetent people. Germany has wonderful fans.

I love Australia and what Heinrich has done, was the only right way. He is to work with professionals and not amateurs.
Contador is the Greatest


  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    He whinges about the federation not being very professional... by blabbing on twitter.

    For the sake of generosity, I'll presume he picked up the phone and offered his services as an advisor and they laughed at him.
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    I think it's more likely that someone in the German federation has already picked up the phone and informed him that his services will not be required in Melbourne this year.
  • Arkibal
    Arkibal Posts: 850
    afx237vi wrote:
    I think it's more likely that someone in the German federation has already picked up the phone and informed him that his services will not be required in Melbourne this year.

    I don't really understand what he is b*tching about, he said after he was not picked on the German team for the Beijing Olympics that he will never ride for Germany again. Maybe I'm missing something?
  • pedro118118
    pedro118118 Posts: 1,102
    I suppose it makes a change from him moaning about the hotel rooms, firmness of the beds, traffic, too hot, too cold, too wet, strength of the other riders.......................etc etc.....................blah blah blah.................................this guy is Kaiser Meldrew.
  • aarw
    aarw Posts: 448
    Man, Klodi likes to talk doesn't he?!

    Would have been more benficial to the sport if he had of talked when asked about the Freiburg University Clinic, and why he was visiting it in 2006 with his T-Mobile colleagues Sinkewitz and Kessler...
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    I remember 4 or 5 years back saying the Telekom 1,2,3 at the Sydney Olympic RR was EPO related and old Monty Dog said it could easily have been the outcome of only small national teams being allowed to race, and so no one large national team like we see at the worlds could control the race, hence the rather than the odd result we saw. Hope MD is still defending klodi's great results that Olympics
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    Arkibal wrote:
    I don't really understand what he is b*tching about, he said after he was not picked on the German team for the Beijing Olympics that he will never ride for Germany again. Maybe I'm missing something?
    Klöden’s criticism of the top management of the BDR (German Cycling Federation) is warranted no matter what his motives are.

    Scharping is as bad a petty unimaginative egoistical president of a cycling federation as he was a petty unimaginative egoistical politician, Sprenger was suspected long ago of encouraging doping in a team he managed, and Bremer supposedly knew of Sinkewitz being into Epo before the WC 2000 but took no action to investigate.
    Klöden can stand up and criticise, the likes of Gerdemann, Knees and Martin can’t if they want to keep in with the Federation management.

    Former sprinter Marcel Wüst would be good to have in the Federation, as he’s is a pretty sharp and seemingly sincere guy, but as yet he’s not any part of the Federation in any capacity.

    (Perhaps Klöden will at least be happy that Greipel’s third place in Hamburg secured a 9-man team for Germany at the World Championships)