Band of Brothers

whyamihere Posts: 7,719
edited August 2010 in The Crudcatcher
Last night, a friend lent me the box set as I haven't seen it at all before.

Should I watch it in bits, or lock myself away and have an epic session of war themed awesomeness?


  • lock away with lots of food and drink and go epic!

    be a hell of a long time though...

    Go big or go home.
  • MP 2484
    MP 2484 Posts: 10
    Lock yourself away and have an session of epic proportions. Its a brilliant series.

  • mrfmilo
    mrfmilo Posts: 2,250
    Awesome film. Don't think I could watch all 11 hours at once though! :P
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    Looks like I'll be getting the supplies in and going for it some time then...
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    You'll OD if you do it in one. In fact the themetune alone will be enough to OD on, it's longer than the actual war. Brilliant series though, there's quite a lot wrong with it yet it's still fantastic :lol:
    Uncompromising extremist
  • Tolk
    Tolk Posts: 775
    Love it! I watch it atleast once a year, over a few evenings, don't think i could do it all in one, unless you could get rid of the credits.
  • a.palmer
    a.palmer Posts: 504
    Whenever I feel it's time to watch mine i tend to do it over a week-ish. Too much all in one
  • Spugnut
    Spugnut Posts: 128
    Jeez, epic might just be a bit much. Three or four at a time however...

    Got to be one of the finest pieces of television drama ever made.
    Happy trails.
  • pte1643
    pte1643 Posts: 518
    I have it in the "Tin" box set... And, Yes, I've sat and watched it in one hit.
  • MissBint37
    MissBint37 Posts: 1,503
    Northwind wrote:
    Brilliant series though, there's quite a lot wrong with it yet it's still fantastic :lol:

    I can vaguely remember it....

    Enlighten us then, what is WRONG with it?
    Ride it like you stole it!
  • hoochylala
    hoochylala Posts: 987
    Even if you do try to limit your self to one episode at a time, you wont be able to - its just too good! It will pull you in and make you watch it in an epic session! :)
  • Raymondavalon
    Raymondavalon Posts: 5,346
    I did the box set back to back armed with a 12 pack of Coca~Cola and other calorie laden foodstuffs.
    Sheer entertainment and brilliance from a range of directors
  • anton1r
    anton1r Posts: 272
    Spugnut wrote:

    Got to be one of the finest pieces of television drama ever made.

    +lots of sack of potatoes being peeled and made into chips (too much??)

    A couple of episodes at a time will do you nicely, as has been said before the theme tune will drive you nuts pretty quick!
    "I have a plan, a plan so cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a fox." (from the Blackadder TV series)
  • pte1643
    pte1643 Posts: 518
    MissBint37 wrote:
    Northwind wrote:
    Brilliant series though, there's quite a lot wrong with it yet it's still fantastic :lol:

    I can vaguely remember it....

    Enlighten us then, what is WRONG with it?

    There's the inevitable use of a bit of "Artistic Licence", as is customary in most "Based on True" accounts. These were included, in most part to make the story flow better. It's impotant to note that the production (HBO, Spielberg, Hanks, etc) followed the book, and the inaccuracies were within Ambrose's book itself. ... rical.html

    On the whole, though, apart from a few minor flaws (some artistic, some historic), it's a pretty good account.

    Not the usual "Hollywood - How America won the War by itself" production.
  • pte1643
    pte1643 Posts: 518
    anton1r wrote:
    the theme tune will drive you nuts pretty quick!

    I have the theme tune on my iPod... :oops:
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    MissBint37 wrote:
    Enlighten us then, what is WRONG with it?

    Some really overplayed and hammy moments, and OTT foreshadowing. They should have been happier to stick with the actual events, not spice them up or simplify them, it's not like the real thing lacked drama. It's pretty unsubtle at times. Oh and PUTTING SPOILERS IN THE THEME TUNE VIDEO FFS, that's just ridiculous. And also deviating off the real events then interviewing Dick Winters afterwards talking about what really happened and realising it was better, that was daft.

    But it's still great.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    try and watch it all in one go, it is the best drama ever televised i reckon.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Could be. I think maybe Oz might top it for me, at least til the later series when it started to go mad. But those early ones were just amazing.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    oh aye, i forgot about oz, that was very entertaining. i could have done without all of the homosexuality but apart from that, it was good.