Saddle sore!

rspete Posts: 6
edited August 2010 in Road beginners
I recently bought myself a Secteur Elite, a lovely bike with one major exception as far as I am concerned.
It's got the Rival 143 on it rather than the "Body Geometry Avatar Gel w/ hollow Cr-Mo rails" as specified on the Specialized specifications for this model.

Not comfortable! :shock:

So I am looking to upgrade.
I am looking at the seat I thought I was meant to get, the "Body Geometry Avatar Gel w/ hollow Cr-Mo rails", but was wondering whether the 155 might be a better bet than the 143? Or even the Specialized 2010 Sonoma Gel Saddle maybe.

Just out of interest how do you determine the correct size saddle for your butt?

I am open to any suggestions, however would quite like to keep it reasonably priced having just spent a heap, for me, on this bike.

Its a long time since I did any real cycling so my bum just isn't used to the discomfort and I find it really is putting me off! :cry:

Thanks for any advice!


  • STEFANOS4784
    STEFANOS4784 Posts: 4,109
    Big arse = big saddle, i base this on nothing.

    Seriously though, do you have decent shorts? Can make a world of difference. :)
  • rspete
    rspete Posts: 6
    "Big ars* = big saddle, i base this on nothing. "
    I suspect your logic is impeccable!

    "Seriously though, do you have decent shorts? Can make a world of difference."
    And there was me hoping to avoid all that lycra stuff!!

    I take it you are talking about cycling shorts rather than the baggy offerings I slob around in? How do they make a difference, are they padded?
    (Told you it was a long time since I did any cycling!)
  • I had a £80 Fizik saddle which cut the arse off me and changed to a £35 saddle from my local bike shop. Perfect. Big £££ doesn't necessarily equal big comfort!! A good bike shop will let you try before you buy.
    Have to agree with Stefanos post re: shorts. Well padded multi panel shorts can make an enormous difference. I swear by my Gore bibshorts. Not too expensive either. If you've got the cash, the Assos F1 Unos are hard to beat. Long miles, no pain in the arse.
    Also, get a trained bike eye to look at your setup on the bike. A few mms difference in saddle height or saddle position can have a big effect. It did for me. A custom bike fit can be expensive but is well worth it in my opinion. They will look at your physique, riding style, bike geometry and things like crank length, stem length etc. You'll end up with the perfect setup for you!!
    It's the little differences that go a long way. No need to spend a fortune! Good luck. Hope this helps!!
  • soveda
    soveda Posts: 306
    rspete wrote:
    "Big ars* = big saddle, i base this on nothing. "
    I suspect your logic is impeccable!

    "Seriously though, do you have decent shorts? Can make a world of difference."
    And there was me hoping to avoid all that lycra stuff!!

    I take it you are talking about cycling shorts rather than the baggy offerings I slob around in? How do they make a difference, are they padded?
    (Told you it was a long time since I did any cycling!)

    Yep, padded shorts.
    May sound odd but the saddle could also be too big.
    If you go to a Specialized dealer they have a memoryfoam cushion that takes an imprint of your "sitbones" to give you an idea of the saddle size.

    When I started on a road bike I got saddle sore even in padded shorts in less than an hour. I can now ride for an hour in non padded shorts and not get sore, that's with the same saddle. Finding the least uncomfortable saddle took a while mind you!
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,540
    get proper padded shorts

    it can take several weeks for your bum to get used to a road saddle

    don't spend any more money on saddles until you've got used to the current one, give it a couple of months
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • +1 for padded shorts and +1 for don't give up on your saddle yet!

    I started cycling 4 weeks ago. The first night I did 24 miles without padded shorts and felt like I'd been 'violated'. Give your rump a rest for a day or two and go again. Mine got gradually better after 3 or 4 outings.

    I then got padded undershorts which are OK but I then invested in some dhb padded bib shorts (about £35 on Wiggle). Can't quite believe I actually wear lycra but god are they comfy. I did 60 miles on Sunday and had absolutely no discomfort whatsoever.

    As the other guys said too, check that your saddle is level and at the correct height.
    Giant Rapid 3
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    You're right... have used a bike with that Rival saddle on it...

    one of the worst saddles out there.
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    I have some baggy, padded shorts; got them for a tenner off Fleabay and they're great if a little short in the leg. You don't have to wear tight lycra if you're uncomfortable with it, but you could always buy some 'cheap' ones from a local sports shop and then wear your baggies over the top.

    I rode for years without ever having padded shorts, only when I did super long distances did I get the bumrotting hell that is none greased inside legs.
  • unclemalc
    unclemalc Posts: 563
    Def get some half-decent padded shorts - bib-shorts are best as they stay put whatever position you're in.
    I'd also go for it and get some Assos cream and grease up. Put it all over the crutch part of the chammy in the shorts and put it on you everywhere around the nether regions. If you've never used it before the sensation will feel a bit perverted but after many miles when you haven't actually noticed any 'chafing', you'll know it works... :D
    Please wash the shorts afterwards.... :shock:
    Singlespeeds in town rule.
  • thefonz78
    thefonz78 Posts: 148
    I would find out why your bike hasen't got the right saddle on. The one it should have is a great saddle.
  • rspete
    rspete Posts: 6

    I have asked Specialized the question through their customer help web page. I am still waiting for an answer from the UK "You should receive a response within one business day. ".
    I posed a further question which received a reply from the States who said "... but it does look like at least on the UK site, it does say 'Avatar Gel' Not sure why you would have received a Rival saddle, but all of our bikes are subject to change.... sorry man! "
    I don't actually know if anyone has actually got the advertised seat on their Secteurs.

    Basically the seat looks like it is too narrow for me and I will be replacing it. (Not sure I am ready for the padded shorts and Assos cream just yet! The family seem amused enough.)

    So really looking for advice on what to get?

  • aspender
    aspender Posts: 96
    My Secteur Sport also came with the Rival. With a pair of padded bib shorts, chamois cream and about 130km of riding so far my arse is fine. Though I've not been in the saddle much over an hour at a time.
  • rspete
    rspete Posts: 6
    An answer to my question I sent to Specialized UK!

    "Thanks for the mail and apologies for the delay in replying.

    The spec of your bike is actually correct, the Avatar was never fitted to the Secteur. Saddles are such a personal part of a bike and it is impossible to fit one saddle which all riders will find comfortable, for instance I found both the Rival and the Toupe very comfortable, where as I do not find the Avatar or the Format very comfortable.

    I apologise that the spec on the website and catalogue are incorrect, it is purely an input error, and if you look at the images of the bike you can actually make out the Rival logo on the saddle.

    Kind regards,"

    It would appear that only the Secteur Comp gets the Avatar according to the pictures on the online catalogue.

    Specialized's own website describes "The Avatar is our most padded road saddle, especially with the gel version. It is great for long distance riders or commuters that ride without a padded short." which sounds good to me!"
  • rc856
    rc856 Posts: 1,144
    I'd been looking at changing my Fizik Arione because I was getting numb bits and wanted a saddle with a cut out.
    While having a BG bike fit recently, I had the Toupe put on.

    Out today for a couple of hours and my sit bones are a bit tender.

    So much that the last half hour of the ride was pretty uncomfortable over any bumps!

    It is just a test saddle so can swap it but do I go out on it again?
    I was told the 143 is definitely the size for me. The Specialized guy also reckoned that the Avatar Gel might not be much different because he thinks the gel mearly gets displaced when you sit on it, therefore not actually giving you that much more padding??

    I also realised that my seat post had slipped down a bit so maybe my position was off?

    When you get sore it's hard to think that you want to stick with the different saddle but I really wanted to get away from numbness!