Looking to buy a bike...

screech Posts: 7
edited August 2010 in MTB beginners
Hey guys. Am new here so please be nice :D

I am looking at getting a bike, and have no idea what to look for.

I want to spend up to £300, i originally said 250, so 300 is my max max!

Its going to be used for just a bit of pleasure, no competing or anything. Just to get me a bit more active again, and keep me out the pub!

It will be used on both on and off road, up the local river, whitch is a kind of fine gravel surface, and up the south downs, which is grassy/muddy/chalkey etc.

I have no idea what to start looking for, i kno i want it to have good gearing and good brakes, and obviously be confortable!

Hope you guys can help!
