Geoff Thomas Foundation Sportive 220810



  • Nap, fitness has been going well as I have been riding up to the cat and fiddle via the rose and crown and manged the dumbers 3 weeks ago but today my legs were just not up to the challenge to be honest.

    Will look at shedding some more weight though as before my holidays I did notice a difference when I got down to my holiday trim. :D
  • Ands
    Ands Posts: 1,437
    Did we go past a pub called the Lazy Trout in Meerbrook? I am trying to work out the route. I think I have done the bit (coming from The Roaches) round Meerbrook and up to Wincle, and back to A54 in reverse of what we did today.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Yes, that was Gun hill just past Tittesworth reservoir...

    (Heh heh, tittesworth.)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Ands, just plotted the Thorncliffe climb from the left turn to the top and the average is about 10% over 1.03 miles.

    Feels far worse! I think it's due to the initial steep bit, which is ~17% for about 150yds.
  • pilot_pete
    pilot_pete Posts: 2,120
    saw a trio and one of 'em in a KoM jersey.. not yourselves was it?
    Yes that was us! KoM was Steve, who at 53 years can still rattle past most going uphill! Me (in red Castelli top) and Gash (with the tri bars). I was really feeling good then and wanting to push on......
    Pilotpete says

    "the first 25 was relatively easy and fairly flat"

    did you bypass Bosley then Pete, just before we dropped into Wincle


    Yeah, well, I ride Dumbars, Wincle and Gun Hill most times I go out, so they didn't really register with me!!!! But all the way to Bosley was flat, and that was the first 17 miles of the 25.....
    Big Thank you to pete and his mate who rescued me in the van
    That would be Pete's boss then, Paddy the owner of Cyclestore!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Wow! Good going on the Charity front Pete!!
  • Very enjoyable ride yesterday, challenging certainly but still achievable.

    The views were great on such a clear sunny day.

    The bike needed cleaning though; some of those lanes were pretty mucky.
  • southernfriedchicken
    edited August 2010
    I've just about got some energy back to type this after yesterday's ride. Started just after 9 'O' Clock and rode around with a guy called Gaz (Who works for Cyclestore) Missed a turn sign after the Gawsworth crossroads and ended up at the Fools Nook pub and ended up adding about 4 or 5 miles to our route before getting back on track and also assisting a lady with the swing bridge over the canal which added to our overall time. Also missed a sign whilst descending Mow Cop and had to turn around to catch up with Gaz who hadn't missed it.
    All in all a good event but could have done with more maps to hand out to participants (They had all gone by the time I signed in) An the signs could have been a little more clear. But the feed stops were excellent with plenty to go around and plenty to eat and drink at the end.

    I think I had completely underestimated the severity of some of the climbs and ended up with a ride time of 6hrs 13 for 87 miles and a total time 7hrs all in.

    I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it next year as I don't think my legs will have recovered :lol:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I've got a firearms physical test tomorrow morning at 7am and my legs have only just started really stiffening up/hurting!

    They'd better be ok by tomorrow, it was a very heavy weekend for me, with 4hrs MTB done on the Saturday too...

    I saw one guy walking up one of the climbs with an ace old black Raleigh with gold writing and brakes. It looked like he had a 53-42 with a 13-21 cassette!!
  • Ands
    Ands Posts: 1,437
    All in all a good event but could have done with more maps to hand out to participants (They had all gone by the time I signed in) An the signs could have been a little more clear. But the feed stops were excellent with plenty to go around and plenty to eat and drink at the end.
    I got to the second feed stop and there was nothing left - not a bar or gel (I still had one bar in my pocket and some cash so would have been ok). Fortuntaely, in the time it took me to go to the toilet, a delivery of supplies had arrived so I grabbed a banana and a bar. Talk about good timing. I had learnt from reading stories on here not to rely on the feedstops and to carry enough food for the whole event. However, my husband had laughed at the amount of gels and bars I laid out on the worktop the night before and I ended up leaving some behind in the car. :roll:

    Would have liked something savoury at the end - I'd had enough of sugar by then.

    A great day tho - am still buzzing from it all and really chuffed I did the distance and got round in the time I did. Loved the route and the climbing. My legs started to ache yesterday evening but felt better this morning (still a bit sore tho). However, I had to go for a lie down at lunchtime as I felt so tired!

    Next year? Definitely!
  • pilot_pete
    pilot_pete Posts: 2,120
    Very well done Pete and all the volunteers. I've just spent the day with the wife and 9 boys (not all ours!) walking round Alton Towers.....not the best recovery from an 80 mile ride and 6hr barbecue (with two home brews!).....and it rained all day! My achillies are a little delicate, but the dozen midgie bites from the barby have taken my mind off the lactic acid!

  • Dudes that sounded a great ride. I wanted to do it but had othe committments. Deffo going to include it for next year.

    Chapeau to you all, especially the first timers.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.