
TKing Posts: 43
edited August 2010 in Amateur race
This is perhaps an obvious question for seasoned pros, but to me its completely resonable. Here it goes.. Say I was a Cat 1 road racer (in my avid dreams), would i still be a Cat 4 on the track? Also do I require different licences for the track or anything? In addition, what about TT's? Do most people tend to focus on one discipline?




  • Yes (though track leagues don't have the same grading, they use a A B C grading for riders ability), Yes, track accreditation has nothing to do with a RR license, TTs require no license, only membership to a CTT afilliated club. To dicuss the pros and cons of being good at one or other discipline, or a good all rounder would take hours to explain - you are best off looking in the pro race forum and watching pro cycling on TV. In simple amateur terms, very few testers RR, a handful of RRers TT, and most do some tack especially in the winter.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Isn't the Road/Track points system the same thing? ie Points can be gained either on the road or the track.

    In reality it's quite difficult to gain points on the track. Most local tracks have a weekly league meeting, but only the final overall standings at the end of the league count for points. Open track meets rarely have races restricted to lower categories only (probably due to the low numbers competing), so you are usually lumped in with Elites and 1st Cats. In short, you have to be pretty damn good to pick up points on track.
  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    I thought road and track points were essentially one in the same. One guy from our club only does track events, but has BC points the same as the road racers.

    I would guess most amateurs only concentrate mainly on one discipline due to the amount of time they have, though some in our club do more than one discipline regularly.
  • In which case I stand corrected! :oops:

    I have never won points in either discipline so its not from personal experience.