Floppy Elixir Lever

submityournentries Posts: 912
edited August 2010 in MTB workshop & tech
hi guys, just a quick one. when the lever for my front brake is fully extended (im not pulling on it atall, so basically when im not braking) my lever wiggles around (not up and down thankfully, just in the same direction as pulling the lever). its not applying any brake pressure, but its really irritating.
the reach is fully extended and they have just been bled, so its not like air in the system, i think the lever is just loose. any reason why it would have done this?
oh and any ideas for fixing, because i dont wanna go playing around with it and make it much worse.


  • shieldsy94
    shieldsy94 Posts: 342
    Best bet is there will be a bolt at the lever blade where it joins the lever, tighten it up if there is.