


  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    Am I right in thinking that the 40, 80 or 120 mile options are just 1, 2, or 3 laps of the same circuit..?

    Also, I would stop calling it a 'race' (on your website) if you want people to take you seriously...
  • dru
    dru Posts: 1,341
    softlad wrote:
    Am I right in thinking that the 40, 80 or 120 mile options are just 1, 2, or 3 laps of the same circuit..?

    Also, I would stop calling it a 'race' (on your website) if you want people to take you seriously...

    But for people doing the whole weekend (ie the 3 disciplines making up the triathlon)...surely it is a race?
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    Dru wrote:
    But for people doing the whole weekend (ie the 3 disciplines making up the triathlon)...surely it is a race?

    Doesn't alter the fact that referring to a sportive as a 'race' will not win you any friends at Welsh Cycling, or Dyfed-Powys Police...
  • campagone
    campagone Posts: 270
    Great, another one for South Wales :roll: Would be nice to have a few more up North.
  • sub55
    sub55 Posts: 1,025
    not sure about this , multiply 40 mile laps is`nt what your average sportive rider is looking for . registration ,two different amounts , depending if your affiliated to or not. but it does`nt seem to say who you need to be affiliated too. says how important the sponsors are and the event could`nt be run without them. but does`nt say who the sponsors are.
    website, first impressions , quite professional . start looking closely and it would appear to be full of holes.
    your also about 5 years too late . the sportive market ,partically in south wales is saturated .
    constantly reavalueating the situation and altering the perceived parameters accordingly
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Initially I looked and thought thiswould be my first sportive for two years as I find the dragon ride a bit boring and not the best location for a nice weekend :D
    Tenby is a different kettle of fish and a beutiful area to visit and for families also.
    The two things that immediately put me off was £30 entry fee the same if you do 40,80 or 120miles. £30 for 40 miles is way excessive unless you throw in accomodation with it !!
    Then the route is a bit boring, 3 laps for120 miles. I guess thats why it stays at £30 for the longer rides as you will get fed up doing 3 laps of that, more of a mental challenge than physical.
    Looking at this I will probably just book a weekend in Tenby and do my own route out a bit further and possibly out to the Presseli hills.
    Shame really with such a good venue for start and finish.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    trouble is, from a sportive point of view they're not really offering anything that the Tour of Pembs hasn't already covered - and the ToP is cheaper and (on the strength of that route) much better...
  • 8iron
    8iron Posts: 9
    softlad - have you seen the event? They have a huge expo at Trefloyne, elite riders for crowds, offering £1000 prize for crowd support, loads of drink stations and the finish line is awesome. Plus the fact you get free t shirt and medal - none of which you get at pembs tour. I think the 3 lap course is great for supporters; there are 3 start times depending on your distance too; and a closed road finish into Tenby!! I would say they are offering a huge amount the tour of pembs is not offering - and its their first year, give them a chance!! The tour started in a field in folly farm!!! I think they should be supported for not trying to compete with the tour of pembs and thinking up a different event to complement the tour!!

    Kind of understand the comment re £30 for the 40 mile ride, but i guess with the freebies, t shirt, medals, supporters prizes and Expo, comes at a cost.
  • 8iron
    8iron Posts: 9
    softlad wrote:
    Dru wrote:
    But for people doing the whole weekend (ie the 3 disciplines making up the triathlon)...surely it is a race?

    Doesn't alter the fact that referring to a sportive as a 'race' will not win you any friends at Welsh Cycling, or Dyfed-Powys Police...

    where does it mention race?
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    8iron wrote:
    softlad - have you seen the event?

    I haven't seen the event - because it hasn't happened yet...
    8iron wrote:
    where does it mention race?

    I just looked on the website again - and all the 'race' references have now been removed. Which can only be a good thing...

    I don't really understand the 'elite' rider bit, and I'm a bit baffled by the logic of throwing £1000 at the 'crowd' - money which could have gone towards lowering the entry fee, or extending the route, or something a bit more useful.

    TBH though - I'm not that interested in crowds, medals or t-shirts - I don't ride many sportives and I certainly don't ride them for the freebies. You're right about a three-lap circuit being great for crowds though - perhaps the crowds should pay the thirty quid entry fee......

    Good luck to them though - it will either work or it won't. But I'll probably be riding one of my own routes that day... 8)
  • Brakeless
    Brakeless Posts: 865
    Hi 8iron

    Is it a coincidence that you are called Matthew Evans and the email for the person looking after marketing for this event is

    Considering you have joined the forum today to put up 2 posts with detailed info about this event I would guess that you just might be involved with it.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    Busted, I think...

    Matthew, you should be ashamed. A man in your position should not be engaging in such a shabby attempt at deception.

    Fancy asking me where all the 'race' references were, when you knew perfectly well that they had all been removed.....

    I feel as though i should be withdrawing my offer of good luck to you - I'm pretty sure you don't deserve any after that....
  • 8iron
    8iron Posts: 9
    not at all. being totally open. 8iron is my pass in all forums. and totally stand by everything I say in the event, whats to be busted by???? Why not give the event a go!!!
  • 8iron
    8iron Posts: 9
    plus, why if i wanted to post would i use my own name if I was hiding!! not sure of your agenda, but should be a great weekend. You could even try the marathon, that has full closed roads!!!
  • 8iron
    8iron Posts: 9
    and hang on...what reference to race??? genuinely interested to know so if needs be it can be changed!! Maybe it was not our site, and one promoting the wales sportive??
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    keep diggin fella... :lol:

    Your continued references to the event in the third person (ie 'they' rather than 'we') suggest that you were being less than transparent. And you know perfectly well that the race references were removed - or you certainly should do, seeing as you are behind the event. Maybe you should ask your 'marketing team'...?

    Anyway, I'm out.

    8iron wrote:
    softlad - have you seen the event? They have a huge expo at Trefloyne, elite riders for crowds, offering £1000 prize for crowd support, loads of drink stations and the finish line is awesome. Plus the fact you get free t shirt and medal - none of which you get at pembs tour. I think the 3 lap course is great for supporters; there are 3 start times depending on your distance too; and a closed road finish into Tenby!! I would say they are offering a huge amount the tour of pembs is not offering - and its their first year, give them a chance!! The tour started in a field in folly farm!!! I think they should be supported for not trying to compete with the tour of pembs and thinking up a different event to complement the tour!!

    Kind of understand the comment re £30 for the 40 mile ride, but i guess with the freebies, t shirt, medals, supporters prizes and Expo, comes at a cost.
  • 8iron
    8iron Posts: 9
    rest assured i will on monday morning when i get back into the office. Sorry the reference to 3rd person is simply as follows: The sportive is part of the long course weekend; 1 person could not put all this together so we have separate teams for the swim, bike and run. I am working on the run, hence the third person!! sorry if that confused you in any way. Right, can i now thank you for your feedback and rest assured it will all be taken into the marketing meeting on monday.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    This keeps getting better....

    Have you ever heard of 'collective responsibility' - as 'Chief Executive' of Activity Wales, I'm suprised to see you off-loading the blame for this onto another member of your team - I'm sure they will be delighted.

    I would have more sympathy with you at this point if you just held your hands up and said "Yes, I've been stupid, let's start again" - but to pass the blame onto some other (un-named) poor sod at this point is not going to help your case. I wouldn't like to be you in this marketing meeting on monday.. ;)
  • 8iron
    8iron Posts: 9
    softlad - you have a poor agenda, how you can see this as off loading!! team sorting while i am away is quite the opposite!! you are a sad individual! Why would i want your sympathy, i thought you were off anyway!!!
  • Brakeless
    Brakeless Posts: 865
    8iron. I wasn't going to revisit this thread but you are not really doing your sportive your your position as 'chief executive' any favours.

    Your first posts were blatantly deceptive,you wrote about the event in the third person without any reference to the fact that you were involved in it. Your thread was a bit too obvious and a quick google revealed you to be the Chief Executive of the company organising this event.

    You then try to make out that you were up front which is totally untrue.

    I don't see softlad having any agenda and you calling him a sad individual is out of order and really rather insulting.

    I would suggest the same as softlad that you hold your hands up and say you made a mistake in not being upfront in your first posts.
  • Brakeless wrote:
    8iron. I wasn't going to revisit this thread but you are not really doing your sportive your your position as 'chief executive' any favours.

    Your first posts were blatantly deceptive,you wrote about the event in the third person without any reference to the fact that you were involved in it. Your thread was a bit too obvious and a quick google revealed you to be the Chief Executive of the company organising this event.

    You then try to make out that you were up front which is totally untrue.

    I don't see softlad having any agenda and you calling him a sad individual is out of order and really rather insulting.

    I would suggest the same as softlad that you hold your hands up and say you made a mistake in not being upfront in your first posts.

    +1 for this.

    Bang out of order, And when the thread was originally started I too visited the site and it did indeed say it was a race.

    You are a very naughty chap mr 8iron for your deception.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    edited August 2010
    8iron wrote:
    softlad - you have a poor agenda, how you can see this as off loading!! team sorting while i am away is quite the opposite!! you are a sad individual! Why would i want your sympathy, i thought you were off anyway!!!

    I don't have any agenda here, fella. You have managed to fck this up all on your own.

    Anyway, now I know a bit more about you - and having just been insulted by you on a public internet forum - may I take this opportunity to wish your event the success it deserves.... ;)
  • 8iron
    8iron Posts: 9
    sorry cant see how its f up as you so eloquently put it!! if it did say race and the guys have changed it...great! I asked the question as I was worried and when i looked I could not find it. as i mentioned I will check on monday. Softlad just is a little aggressive but if it makes him feel harder than soft, then glad i can help!!

    event doing OK and will add great dimension to the weekend. Dates moving to June next year to accommodate an actual RACE in Pembs. Will keep you posted
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    8iron wrote:
    Softlad just is a little aggressive but if it makes him feel harder than soft, then glad i can help!!

    No aggression from me, old son, although I do detect an increasing level of frustration in your own posts. By carrying on like this, you clearly no longer seem to have any concerns for your own credibility, or the credibility of your event.

    Anyway, I really am out this time - I think the sooner you disappear up your own a-hole, the better.....I think you're halfway there already....
  • 8iron
    8iron Posts: 9
    he he!!! your expressions speak all!!
  • mabarbie
    mabarbie Posts: 64
    children, go to your rooms!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665

    Publicity fail!

    Irrelevant of what Softlad has said (which tbh I can't see a problem with) 8iron has made a complete tool of himself here.
  • DaSy
    DaSy Posts: 599
    NapoleonD wrote:
    Irrelevant of what Softlad has said (which tbh I can't see a problem with) 8iron has made a complete tool of himself here.

    I agree, and add to that the inability of a supposed Chief Executive to correctly structure a sentence or consistently use upper case for the first person pronoun.

    It's definitely not the most commonly accepted way of promoting your event, but I do admire the single-minded belief in his marketing strategy.
    Complicating matters since 1965