The 1st words spoken from the Moon were...

Splottboy Posts: 3,693
edited August 2010 in The Crudcatcher

And by Who? Or Whom, if you're posh...


  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,812
    If we get it wrong will there be a hooter sound and the words flashing behind us?
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    When orbiting? When landed? When on foot on the moon?
  • IcarusGreen
    IcarusGreen Posts: 1,486
    Throughout the descent Aldrin had called out navigation data to Armstrong, who was busy piloting the LM. A few moments before the landing, a light informed Aldrin that at least one of the 67 inches (170 cm) probes hanging from Eagle's footpads had touched the surface, and he said "Contact light!". Three seconds later, Eagle landed and Armstrong said "Shutdown". Aldrin immediately said "Okay, engine stop. ACA - out of detent." Armstrong acknowledged "Out of detent. Auto" and Aldrin continued "Mode control - both auto. Descent engine command override off. Engine arm - off. 413 is in."
    Charles Duke, acting as CAPCOM during the landing phase, acknowledged their landing by saying "We copy you down, Eagle".
    Armstrong continued with the remainder of the post landing checklist, "Engine arm is off." before responding to Duke with the famous words, "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed." Armstrong's abrupt change of call sign from "Eagle" to "Tranquility Base" caused momentary confusion at Mission Control and Duke remained silent for a couple of seconds before, momentarily tongue-tied, expressing the relief of Mission Control: "Roger, Twan-- Tranquility, we copy you on the ground. You got a bunch of guys about to turn blue. We're breathing again. Thanks a lot." :D
    + 1001 posts reset by the cruel cruel moderators!

    Giant Trance X4 (2010)
    Giant SCR 02 (2006)
  • "I knew we should have went to Rhyl"
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    first words uttered on the moon were:

    webbo, websters, sheepstwat, sheepscunt, id like to have a go on her, obvious, necessary, +potato, colouring, hippies, lime, string, soles of your feet.
  • spud-face
    spud-face Posts: 120
    "get the spade out Neil, i'll butter the crackers"
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    "Ah, 250,000 miles away from the wife"
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    Contact light, Buzz Aldrin.

    Closely followed by,

    "Fancy some cheese, Gromit?"

    ( Icarus, you ARE A GOD!!! )
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    "Always rains when i come here"
  • IcarusGreen
    IcarusGreen Posts: 1,486
    Splottboy wrote:
    Contact light, Buzz Aldrin.

    Closely followed by,

    "Fancy some cheese, Gromit?"

    ( Icarus, you ARE A GOD!!! )

    I know I'm good, just not quite that good. Nearer a demi-god like 'Persius'
    (with a little help from wikipedia)
    + 1001 posts reset by the cruel cruel moderators!

    Giant Trance X4 (2010)
    Giant SCR 02 (2006)
  • trekhead
    trekhead Posts: 626
    Fcuking hell - it`s closed
    ole ginger b*ll*cks / the ginger ninja
  • Contact light - Buzz aldrin.

    ... someone was watching QI last night :P
  • Raymondavalon
    Raymondavalon Posts: 5,346
    Buzz, I'd like to open a restaurant here, but I don't think it'd have a good atmosphere..
  • blister pus
    blister pus Posts: 5,610
    pull your trousers up, lard arse, we'll get in trouble
  • Chrissz
    Chrissz Posts: 727
    "Let's see WADA/UCI catch me now!"

    Ooops! Wrong Armstrong :lol:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Lights, Camera, ACTION
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,655
    who would of thought we could fit all this on a sound stage in texas

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • Check that map again. Theres no way this is Stoke.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • That's a small step for me, I'll make a giant leap of some kind.

    How many of you were old enough to watch it in the early hours in grainy black and white?

    Oh. Just me?
    Canyon XC 8.0 '11
    Whyte 19 steel '10
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    Me too, well almost.

    Got tired/bored and went to bed bout 1/2 hr before the "event."
  • Omar Little
    Omar Little Posts: 2,010
    what tyres for moon dust?
  • That's a small step for me, I'll make a giant leap of some kind.

    How many of you were old enough to watch it in the early hours in grainy black and white?

    Oh. Just me?

    I remember it. I even went to see some moon rock in Liverpool Museum. Diddy wee it was.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • aneesh99
    aneesh99 Posts: 67
    Buzz: Hey Neil, you've paid congestion charge right?
    Neil: Ah sh*t.....
    Buzz: Damn it, now I have to! Do you know how much Amex charges me for using this piece of plastic abroad?!?

    Sorry, weak stuff I know, but credit card charges and congestion charge was all I could think about at work today..... 8)
    09 Iron Horse 6Point4
    05 Kona King Kikapu