Mavic Aksium upgrade

fluided Posts: 114
edited August 2010 in Road buying advice
i need to upgrade my wheels I have Mavic Aksium at the moment which are great wheels
I'm doing about 250miles a week

this is just during the summer as I have a winter bike
the mavic wheels are still true which is great but I really want to upgrade so what does everyone think I need a strong wheel set for about £300



  • Chip \'oyler
    Chip \'oyler Posts: 2,323
    IRD Aero rims on Novatec Lite's built by £272

    I have a pair - light, strong and stiff. And look great too
    Expertly coached by - the blog for Viner owners and lovers!
  • What are you looking to get out of the upgrade? The reason I say is you'll have countless people on here recomending you wheels, but different wheels have different values (aero, lightweight, reliable etc..)

    The other thing to remember is wheels/tyres are the best upgrade, but still gains are marginal, beware of people saying 'this wheel made me 4mph quicker' ...if you look at the science, it most probably did'nt.
  • fluided
    fluided Posts: 114
    I'm really looking at lightweight and reliable wheel