camelbak tube

mrxc Posts: 63
edited September 2010 in MTB general
I've left some water in the tube abd it's turned really moldy, how can you clean it all out, anyone know??


  • GhallTN6
    GhallTN6 Posts: 505
    Milton diluted in water should do the trick, leave for about 12 hours, or those false teeth tabs do the trick so I hear!

    I'm always leaving my CBack with juice in it, but I add a tea spoon of salt into it when I fill it, it helps me on the ride and you can leave it for a week or so without anything growing it it.

  • TowerRider
    TowerRider Posts: 430
    edited August 2010
    You first buy Milton tablets and use them, then either pipecleaners with strong piece of wire to pull through OR buy the expensive Camelbak cleaning kit.

    p.s. sorry if duplicate... was about to type when phone rang.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I used neat milton fluid in mine and sloshed it around. Worked a treat.
  • JonnyN
    JonnyN Posts: 181
    Milton and pipe cleaners.
    "Time you enjoy wasting, is not a waste of time"

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  • sniper68
    sniper68 Posts: 2,910
    I bought the Deuter tube cleaning brush,it was £5.99 when I bought mine. ... elID=18451

    As said Milton etc works fine but even though the tube looks clean it surprised me just how much black gunk came out of there!
  • mea00csf
    mea00csf Posts: 558
    baby bottle sterilisers and a tube cleaning brush. You can buy either the expensive camelbak ones or you can get generic ones (or at least the bike shop i was had some random generic brush which worked fine)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Had wondered about cleaning these things, though so far mine's fine. I think chucking in carb drinks with water perhaps prevents it going all funny. Though the thing gets sticky when it dries out.

    Anyway, will try out the tips above.
  • jadamson
    jadamson Posts: 644
    where do you get this milton stuff from? im having the same problem as above.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    You can get Milton from Tescos, or Boots. It's in the baby care department, since it's generally used to sterilise baby bottles and stuff like that.
  • jadamson
    jadamson Posts: 644
    cheers, just went down to get some, got tablets worked out to be £1.39 for 20+ so good value. Its soaking now as i type, has anyone got any neat ideas for getting the gunk out of the tube without a wire brush? (its a long tube and i dont have a brush)
  • tjwood
    tjwood Posts: 328
    Old gear cable. Clean it with soap and water. Take a small piece of J-cloth or clean rag, cover it in washing up liquid and water solution, wrap around the end of the gear cable, push cable through the length of the tube. Repeat as required until all the gunk is gone.
  • j_l
    j_l Posts: 425
    After each use empty the water out put in a bag and put it all in the freezer (bladder, tube, nozzle etc.), stops any nasty’s growing, 10mins before the next use take out to thaw.

    Clean periodically with Milton or similar
    I'm not old I'm Retro
  • GhallTN6
    GhallTN6 Posts: 505
    Just don't put it into the microwave to defrost unless you want it to fit in your action mans camelbak!
  • mrxc
    mrxc Posts: 63
    thanks guys, great help.