Rosedale Chimney V Park Rash?

Steve GT
Steve GT Posts: 383
Doing the Ryedale Rumble on Sunday. I do most of my riding in the Dales, but do not venture to the North Yorks Moors all that often. Apart from some other mean and nasty climbs in store for us on Sunday there is the Rosedale chimney to look forward to.
I have never cycled up Rosedale but I have heard all the horror stories!
So, just how tough is the Rosedale chimney climb compared to say Park Rash for instance? Not the whole of Park Rash but the bit before the really steep climb before the hairpin until you climb out of the trees?
Climbed Park Rash on Sunday and it’s always very tough.
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My Bikes.


  • Never climbed Park Rash but Rosedale Chimney Bank is brutally steep, and is definitely steeper than any other road I've climbed (with the possible exception of the hill out of Robin Hoods Bay). The key to getting up it is to make sure you follow the outside of the hairpins since the insides will stop you dead, and also weave across the road after the hairpins to soften the gradient a little. This stretch is crazily steep. It's amazing how easy the approx 1 in 6 to the top is after you've got past it.

    That may sound like the advice of a veteran but I've only attempted it once and the advice above is based on the mistakes I made. I spent a bit of time walking!
    Riding the Etape du Tour for Beating Bowel Cancer - click to donate
  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    I take it you're doing the Ryedale Rumble?? Good on ya!

    Park Rash, although steep is much easier than Rosedale. I've never had any bother with PR but always have to give 110% to get up Rosedale. As scrumpydave says...the inside of the hairpins are to be avoided, take the widest line on the corners(if there are no cars coming down I'll swing over to the right hand gutter).

    There's usually a contingent of well wishers giving you some support as you heave yourself up too...just keep goin!!

    Good luck on Sunday, I'll see you there!
  • Steve GT
    Steve GT Posts: 383
    Now you have me worried Andy! :shock:
    The bike with the compact (34-26) stays at home on Sunday and the triple gets a day out!
    I got around the Marmotte easy enough with the compact but wont chance it on the Rumble.
    Crediamo in te, bici!
    My Bikes.
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    Rosedale is ok if you are doing 2mph all the way up lol. I gonna try get up on 34/23.
  • Steve GT
    Steve GT Posts: 383
    freehub wrote:
    Rosedale is ok if you are doing 2mph all the way up lol. I gonna try get up on 34/23.

    You're a braver man than I am!
    Was going to attempt to do the ride in a time of under 7:40 (Gold cut off for my age group), but now I just want to try and get up Rosedale without walking.
    Crediamo in te, bici!
    My Bikes.
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    Well I did it with 34/25 when I was no where near as good as hills as I am atm.

    I'm aiming to do it in under 6 hours 50, I'm helping someone else round so perhaps might try get under 6 hours 45 mins.
  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    Rosedale Chimney is hard and very steep and its even steeper than the bottom of park rash and the steep section goes on for longer. However like all the climb's in RR its very short and over quite quickly and you you can usually see the top in sight.

    Compared to Hardknott or Wrynose in the Lakes it not even in the same ball park though. The RR is a hard day as I did it last year and Rosedale lies near the end but there was good support from people at the top of the climb to spur you on. Enjoy :D
    Brian B.
  • bobh
    bobh Posts: 163
    Get the corners wrong on Chimney Bank and you'll be pulling at the bars for all you're worth. The North York Moors climbs aren't long but they have characters that change with the weather conditions. Blakey Bank is a brute when the wind is swirling around Farndale Moor and the one to catch out the Rumble One riders is Caper Hill nestled in Glaisdale, it's the climb that Brian B's brother Rich brought to the event although he's yet to ride it in the Sportive, it's very grippy and you won't get to sit down much on the roller coster surface.

    Comparisons with other climbs and events can be meaningless as much depends on individual form (a railway bridge is max for me these days) the weather conditions and the position of the climbs within the overall distance also plays a big part. For the Rumble there's the monument climbs, but in addition there are knee tremblers at fairly frequent intervals to keep you in the mood. Lots of rain today so might be quite a lot of gravel about and some water in the fords, so leave the slicks at home guys.
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    If it's wet do most people just walk up it?
  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    Forecast for Sunday looks ok(ish?).....looking forward to the day. Gonna spend an hour or 2 on Saturday prepping the steed...27 on the back for me. Did it last year with a 25 & going up Rosedale I thought I was either gonna rip the brake hoods off or snap my handlebars. It's a beast, Caper Hill isn't that much easier, my mate who rode last year thought this was worse than Rosedale. At least with Rosedale there's some moral support on the way up & then you can have a feed at Hutton le Hole. From there it's not far to the finish...

    ....don't know if this is an "urban myth" but I heard Caper Hill is virtually unrideable in the wet? Due to gradient/grip(lack of) combo?? As BobH says its a climb where you pitch a lot of your weight forward on the bike, I guess if its wet the rear could let go?
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    andy162 wrote:
    Forecast for Sunday looks ok(ish?).....looking forward to the day. Gonna spend an hour or 2 on Saturday prepping the steed...27 on the back for me. Did it last year with a 25 & going up Rosedale I thought I was either gonna rip the brake hoods off or snap my handlebars. It's a beast, Caper Hill isn't that much easier, my mate who rode last year thought this was worse than Rosedale. At least with Rosedale there's some moral support on the way up & then you can have a feed at Hutton le Hole. From there it's not far to the finish...

    ....don't know if this is an "urban myth" but I heard Caper Hill is virtually unrideable in the wet? Due to gradient/grip(lack of) combo?? As BobH says its a climb where you pitch a lot of your weight forward on the bike, I guess if its wet the rear could let go?

    Anything steep though you pitch a lot of your weight to the front, well I do, on Boltby Bank I was, now that's one of the hardest climbs I've done bar Rosedale Chimney, first time I went up it was in 34/32 and I had to get off :p Other week I was so far over my handlebars you'd think I was trying to throw up.
  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    If you take the hairpin on Parkrash just after the bridge, then that's what Rosedale is like, BUT you have already done Boltby, Church houses and lord knows what others around Egton that by the time you get to Rosedlae you are totally knackered, then just when you think it's all over you have to ride Nunnington on the 100 mile mark. Never heard of Nunnington ? Well normally you'd be up in the big ring but you'll be so exhausted by now you'll be in the granny ring. Good Luck it's a hell of a ride, wish I was joining you. Got my dates all mixed up, guess it's old age.

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace
  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    Rosedale today was (as ever) a tough climb. Deadspotting on the pedals round the corners...just where the photographer was lurking!

    Glaisdale was another bugger...didn't much mind Botby & Blakey this year. Had a good day & got round in a decent enough time even though I was pretty much finished for the last 20miles.

    I got round this years Etape du Dales in 6h24 on a standard chainset...all four of the big climbs on the RR I was looking for another gear...much harder day on the bike in my view & the climbs are brutal.

    Met Freehub too! What a lovely fella he is, and he got a good time. Well done! Reckon he'd have gone quicker if he hadn't clobbered his caad9 :wink:
  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    6 hr24 that's a good time , with a bit more practice you'll get it up to my 7.52 from a couple of years ago :lol:

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    I felt proper ill on todays ride, I was not even going to attempt it cause I was nearly throwing up and feeling faint this morning. All day I was suffering with my stomach which means I could not get enough food down me.

    I got up Rosedale Chimney without walking, I was dreading it, I was thinking of quitting at the feed station but it was after Rosedale Chimney, I stayed to the left and went up the hardest bit for some extra challenge. My legs are dead, people I know who are slower than me got a better time than me. And some people was not keen on me overtaking on Boltby bank and Blakey.
  • pollys_bott
    pollys_bott Posts: 1,012
    Hats off to you, and everyone who did it. It was my first proper ride around the moors and feck me, what a brutal, beautiful bastard of a ride... and I 'only' did Rumble 2. Made it just past the photographer on Boltby - I think the preceding drag up the valley did for me, I'm just not used to that constant up and up and up, irrespective of gradient :( Got about 200 yards up Blakey to the junction on the right (seemingly a popular resting place :lol: ) then got back on and made it about 100 yards past the cattle grid. Walked up to a relatively flatter bit and tried again but was soon cramping so had to walk the rest of the way. The descent off Blakey Ridge made up for it, and what views! Last ten miles were a bit of a struggle, but finished in just under six hours, riding time about 30 mins less. All put into context by a chap from Bridlington CC who sat at our dinner table having just done Rumble 1 in - I think - 6.36. 40 miles more having taken him only 45 mins more :shock: Chapeau sir!

    Why were you getting grief for overtaking people on the banks? Did they expect you to get off and walk in sympathy?! :?

    Will we try again next year? You bet...

    BTW - if any of you went past a bloke in a Radioshack jersey on a Giant OCR and thought 'Hell he's puffing a bit', that was my bro-in-law - he had chronic asthma as a kid and his lung capacity at a check-up 18 months ago was akin to that of a 40-a-day smoker, hence him spending most of the ride sounding like Duke of Gloucester halfway up Shap. Still got further up Blakey than me though, git...
  • Steve GT
    Steve GT Posts: 383
    I also managed to get up all 4 climbs without walking, but I had come prepared with a bike with gears to match the terrain and left the best bike at home. Thinking about it I am fairly certain I would have gotten up the Chimney on my best bike with a 34/26.
    After the Chimney I thought Boltby was the next hardest climb.
    Pollys Bott - I think I was at the 2nd feed station at the same time as you lads. I was wearing a 'La Marmotte' jersey.
    Crediamo in te, bici!
    My Bikes.
  • pollys_bott
    pollys_bott Posts: 1,012
    Roger that Steve, remember seeing that jersey. I had a blue Castelli top on and was riding a blue Trek, triple shod with a bottom gear of 30/25 but the legs just weren't strong enough. It was all the other climbs as well that did me, like coming out past Rievaulx Abbey and the one after the ford. I'll just have to do lots of training on the git of a hill I came across near Rutland Water in March. Well done on zero walking, top effort.
  • Steve GT
    Steve GT Posts: 383
    I found the stretch after the Glaisdale climb over the moors very tough. Always up and down with quite a tough climb around 'Aidensfield'!
    Crediamo in te, bici!
    My Bikes.
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257

    Why were you getting grief for overtaking people on the banks? Did they expect you to get off and walk in sympathy?! :?


    alot people getting up the hills looked "pro" and had expensive bikes, then I pass looking like a proper novice with my red helmet and tatty black clothes that have being crash damaged and I'm not replacing them till they're unusable, I had a red Michelin Krylion tyre hanging out my back pocket and a flappy SKS mudguard on and my bike was covered in bits of crap and sticky juice and my hair was coming through my helmet and looked like I had wings from under it. People kept digging in on the climbs behind me probably expecting me to blow up due to my inexperience.

    But yeah I looked like a proper novice, had a huge saddle bag on too.

    I did have proper good tyres on though (Open Corsa Evo CX's lol)

    I probably lost about 15 mins due to stopping at the top of blakey bank for some water, walking down a HORRIBLE 33%er that had chippings on, it took me ages to walk down my legs kept collapsing nearly, then there was another fjord and I thought I ain't riding over that, then I discovered I was in the wrong gears for the immediate up hill, so had to change em. I bonked in the second half as I was unable to eat much as it would just come back up and out, that probably lost me a good 20 mins too and apparently I'd have gone round faster if I never used so little effort on the flats, but I've never done a constantly hilly rides before mostly solo so I was worried if I used any effort on the flats I'd end up dead. So I'll be back next year, hopefully won't be ill next year, and aiming for under 6 hours 30. Guy I was riding with had a puncture, that also lost around 10 mins.

    Oh and I loved Caper Hill, I was screaming going up that thing, I looked up, I could see the end, but then I got to the end, and it kept on bloody going! Was easier than Blakey though for sure. And rosedale is easier than blakey too, as long as you don't try go over 5 mph and you have strong arms :lol:

    Oh and all the way from Hutton Le Hole, there was a guy in HTC Columbia kit, I thought he was going to overtake me so I put abit of effort in on the ascents and kept s quickish pace on the flats, this black car was constantly following and dropping back, I thought I seen the guy behind the car at one time, anyway he was out of sight, then the next minute, coming into Ampleforth College on the straight bit suddenly he was behind me, with the black card behind him. I dunno what he was doing O_o Dunno if the car was towing him, or if he was getting in the car or what O_o