
williamwasp Posts: 40
edited August 2010 in Road beginners
I am relatively new to cycling and even newer Bike Radar. I am just sitting down to a bowl of porridge before I go out on 50+ mile ride this morning. I am eating this bowl of slop as my diet savvy wife tells me that it is a super food for pre-exercise. The thing is I find it disgusting. What do other people eat as pre-cycle meal, especially breakfast?


  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    Porridge or Oatibix. I love porridge.
    More problems but still living....
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    Porridge is AMAZING, although I can't eat it when its warm(ish) outside, so I find museli a good substitute.
  • Pretre
    Pretre Posts: 355
    I am relatively new to cycling and even newer Bike Radar. I am just sitting down to a bowl of porridge before I go out on 50+ mile ride this morning. I am eating this bowl of slop as my diet savvy wife tells me that it is a super food for pre-exercise. The thing is I find it disgusting. What do other people eat as pre-cycle meal, especially breakfast?

    Why are you eating food you don't like - are you still at school? :D

    Eat what you like (pre-ride or any other time - although I'd lay off the kids Coco Pops style sugar-filled rubbish pre-ride)- life is way too short to do anything else
  • Pretre

    Good point, well made !
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    Porridge isn't amazing, and muesli is not necessary a good substitute.

    Try eating Jumbo Oats... similar, but less refined and better for you! Just takes more microwaving!
    You can eat Muesli, but not just any old box off the shelf. Look for the ones with no added sugars, etc.

    I eat Jumbo Oats each morning,at home (normal porridge, when away at work!), usually with some flaxseed, pine nuts & pomegranite seeds mixed in, or some dried fruit. YUMMY!!!!
    It's not nice, but it is healthy, your wife has the right idea! :wink:
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    I eat Shreddies, keep me full for along time, and taste very nice. I can't stand porridge, and there is nothing special about it IMO.
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    hopper1 wrote:
    Porridge isn't amazing, and muesli is not necessary a good substitute

    Depends which museli you buy 8) , also, adding some extra, decent oats to it bulks it out.
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    I don't enjoy porridge, in fact I don't enjoy anything first thing in the morning, the fact is that if you want to ride without bonking then eating porridge goes a very long way to avoid it.

    The alternative is to eat a bowl of pasta like the TDF riders do :shock:

    The choice is yours but to be truthful porridge is really the most easily available breakfast and also goes a long way to sustaining your health.
  • sheffsimon
    sheffsimon Posts: 1,282
    Slow-N-Old wrote:
    I don't enjoy porridge, in fact I don't enjoy anything first thing in the morning, the fact is that if you want to ride without bonking then eating porridge goes a very long way to avoid it.

    The alternative is to eat a bowl of pasta like the TDF riders do :shock:

    The choice is yours but to be truthful porridge is really the most easily available breakfast and also goes a long way to sustaining your health.

    Thats some claim for a bowl of porridge :)

    Personally, I tend to eat muesli, or whatever the kids have pestered their mother to buy and they didnt like - which is some times good, sometimes vile, but never healthy. Nestle Cheerios Crunchers at the minute, which are OK :)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I have a bowl of rolled oats, milk (well, porridge basically!) with some seeds and some agave syrup in it and a protein shake for breakfast. Or some eggs.

    If I'm up and out for a long ride I don't have anything, just start eating an hour into the ride.
  • simon_e
    simon_e Posts: 1,707
    I eat porridge, made with oats (not that powdered crap in boxes or sachets), toss in some raisins for a bit of texture. 2 cups of water to 1 cup of oats, either micro or on the hob. The only downside is that I find it doesn't fill me up for as long as cereals etc.

    Muesli is easier to digest if you soak it in water, apple juice or milk, or you could have yoghurt on it. If you're trying to be healthy avoid the sugary types like Alpen, I like Mornflake and Dorset but I prefer homemade - oats, barley, rye, mixed nuts, seeds and dried fruit or chopped banana and apple. Raw food fans say that nuts and seeds release useful enzymes after soaking. They certainly taste different.

    Boiled or scrambled eggs with toast is hard to beat, that's my pre-time trial meal.

    I prefer to avoid wheat based processed cereals, it's effectively just fibre with little nutritional value. Didn't Magnus Pyke or someone claim there was more goodness in the box than the Corn Flakes inside? Pro riders are increasingly eating wheat-free reducing or avoiding wheat while racing. Normal pasta is not the staple it used to be in the peloton. How anyone can enjoy or get any nutritional benefit from Shreddies is beyond me and the texture is like cardboard. Still, if it works for you...
    Aspire not to have more, but to be more.
  • masterchef
    masterchef Posts: 202
    amaferanga wrote:
    Porridge or Oatibix. I love porridge.
    this or fruit n fibre:)
    best bike: raleigh avanti U6 carbon comp
    10m tt pb:23:42.
    25m tt pb: 1h 2min( only done 2)
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    Rice Crispies! :D:lol:
  • simon_e
    simon_e Posts: 1,707
    masterchef wrote:
    fruit n fibre:)
    More cardboard! :shock: How can you do it?!?
    Aspire not to have more, but to be more.
  • louthepoo
    louthepoo Posts: 223
    i have two jam and banana sandwiches on wholemeal granary washed down with a cup of tea :D
    Riding a Merida FLX Carbon Team D Ultralite Nano from Mike at Ace Ultra Cycles, Wednesfield, Wolverhampton 01902 725444
  • anto164
    anto164 Posts: 3,500
    My morning munch is always a few pieces of oatbread toast, a banana, and a glass of OJ.

    Sees me fine!
  • daveclow
    daveclow Posts: 164
    porridge has never let me down. ever ever.
    and it is SO good that you should just man up a bit and eat it :)

    i never liked bananas but i learnt to like them too lol
  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    Simon E wrote:
    How anyone can enjoy or get any nutritional benefit from Shreddies is beyond me and the texture is like cardboard. Still, if it works for you...

    I think the same about oats :wink: , they are not anything special, that is just supermarket/brand marketing.

    Big bowl 1 hour before a race or just even a ride, and I never get hungry, even several hours into a ride. On long rides I only eat to get a reasonable amount of carbs in, I never feel like eating though. Works a treat for me :D
  • relanium
    relanium Posts: 487
    3 Weetabix with a chopped banana in them - Perfect to start the day off :D
  • rc856
    rc856 Posts: 1,144
    Cereal...coco pops or crunchy nut and some toast.
    Cheese sandwiches, flapjacks and energy bars see me round although at the moment I'm only managing 30-40 miles.
  • sub55
    sub55 Posts: 1,025
    constantly reavalueating the situation and altering the perceived parameters accordingly
  • d4evr
    d4evr Posts: 293
    Porridge EVERY morning always with raisins, sometimes add banana, blueberries or blackcurrants. Love it !!!!!!!!
  • rich g
    rich g Posts: 124
    Organic porridge made with milk sliced banana with golden syrup poured over.Loverrrrrrrly.
  • bilirubin
    bilirubin Posts: 225
    Porridge every morning for breakfast, sometimes with sultanas, pasta for lunch on the days I am training and when I get back from training I have a light meal with a smoothy made from semi skimmed milk with fruit and a scoop of protein powder.
  • stock
    stock Posts: 56
    Banana, two bits of brown toast with a dash of Olivio spread, either oats with a hand full of dried fruit and a teaspoon of honey or Fruit and fibre (water not milk) and a glass each of water and fresh juice. Every day. Yes, I'm regular.