Catlike Whisper Helmet

99thmonkey Posts: 667
edited August 2010 in Road buying advice
Picked up / Was Given a Catlike Whisper Helmet last week and I absolutly love it, literally forgot I was wearing it till I caught my reflection in a window and boy does it look good. Previously had / have still got S-Works 2D and I dont think Ill ever go back to wearing the S-Works!

Awesome kit, well at least for my head!


  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    I have a Catlike whisper plus too and then Bought a Spesh 2D.

    I will not be going back to the piece of crap that is the Catlike Whisper Plus. Spesh 2D is loads better.
    I like bikes...

  • Chrissz
    Chrissz Posts: 727
    They seem to be a bit of a Marmite helmet!!!
  • Jordan93
    Jordan93 Posts: 336
    Chrissz wrote:
    They seem to be a bit of a Marmite helmet!!!

    What?, they're black and they smell :lol: . Jokes aside, I personally like it
  • Chrissz
    Chrissz Posts: 727
    LOL. What I actually meant was that every time they're mentioned people either love them or hate them - doesn't seem to be any middle ground!

    That said, I intend to get myself one very soon to replace my Met Stratavus (sp.) :)
  • Jordan93
    Jordan93 Posts: 336
    Chrissz wrote:
    LOL. What I actually meant was that every time they're mentioned people either love them or hate them - doesn't seem to be any middle ground!

    That said, I intend to get myself one very soon to replace my Met Stratavus (sp.) :)
    I know what you meant, just messing. I might also invest in one :twisted:
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    edited August 2010
    I like bikes...

  • Jordan93
    Jordan93 Posts: 336
    PM me pictures, and how much
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    The Mrs thinks they look weird!

    I sorta like em, but unsure.

    Not cheap tho..
  • Wamas
    Wamas Posts: 256
    I think they tend to suit people with slightly larger heads.
    They look a bit mushroom like on people with smaller heads. IMO
  • Sean1504
    Sean1504 Posts: 101
    I bought one of these and was really hoping i'd like it but had to send it back as it was so uncomfortable. Great looking though.