Armstrong's propaganda war.



  • Meds1962
    Meds1962 Posts: 391
    Why should 'propoganda' have a bearing in the investigation / hearing?

    The investigators will have direct and specific points to raise and they will get direct and specific responses from LA and other people asked to testify.

    There's no smoking gun, so it should depend on the witnesses called either rejecting or corroborating the accusations.
    O na bawn i fel LA
  • morstar
    morstar Posts: 6,190
    Meds1962 wrote:
    Why should 'propoganda' have a bearing in the investigation / hearing?

    It doesn't. But it does have a big impact on LA's future worth. If the investigation is inconclusive then goodwill will see it brushed away but badwill will leave behind a tarnished reputation.

    Obviously if the investigation either exonerates or condemns him then PR is of little relevance. I don't think either of these outcomes is likely so he's fighting to build support or empathy or anything other than badwill.
  • Meds1962 wrote:
    Why should 'propoganda' have a bearing in the investigation / hearing?

    The investigators will have direct and specific points to raise and they will get direct and specific responses from LA and other people asked to testify.

    There's no smoking gun, so it should depend on the witnesses called either rejecting or corroborating the accusations.

    I think it's more to do with influencing public perception rather than the trial per se (and assuming this is propaganda, rather than 'fanaticism' - see earlier posts). I would guess that it is of vital important for LA to be thought of as the fairytale champion and not just another cheater by the general public; his charity foundation, his future ambitions (inc. any political) and ultimately his future earnings will all be influenced by this key factor.

    Obv. hovering above all of this is the investigation that could put a spanner in the works...
  • Seanos
    Seanos Posts: 301
    I think it's more to do with influencing public perception rather than the trial per se (and assuming this is propaganda, rather than 'fanaticism' - see earlier posts).
    But why on earth would you assume it is 'propaganda' (some people call it 'PR' or 'spin')without a shred of evidence to support that assumption?
  • Seanos wrote:
    I think it's more to do with influencing public perception rather than the trial per se (and assuming this is propaganda, rather than 'fanaticism' - see earlier posts).
    But why on earth would you assume it is 'propaganda' (some people call it 'PR' or 'spin')without a shred of evidence to support that assumption?

    I'm not. :wink:

    Read my earlier posts (per my post you've quoted). Meds post asked why 'propaganda' would influence the investigation. I was simply offering the opinion if it was 'propaganda' (and note I am (and was) quoting the use of 'propaganda' rather than labeling this as such) then this may be to influence the public perception, rather than the investigation, for reasons stated.
  • A lot of people keep saying that this being PR can't be true because it's not done in the best/smartest way. However, the LA legal team did release (half of) the e-mails in the Landis case, in an attempt to make Landis look worse, but just ended up making LA look really bad. Can't say they're always the smartest, but they sure would try anything? That did also make the LA fans believe LA more and Landis less (probably without having actually read the e-mails). His critics became more critical maybe, but his fans became more supportive.
  • Percy Vera
    Percy Vera Posts: 1,103
    So what's LA's BIG announcement tomorrow?
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    edited August 2010
    Slightly off-topic, but we do need to remember that in order for people like Armstrong to win their own personal propaganda war they often need the complicity of the media and other bodies. Just look at the way the UCI has protected Armstrong over the years, failing to take action when he tested positive for corticosteroids, when his 1999 Tour samples were shown to have Epo in them and when his 2009 blood profiles showed evidence of blood doping. Similarly the mainstream media, which benefits from selling magazines with Armstrong plastered all over the cover, often seem to be all too willing to omit 'uncomfortable truths' about Armstrong in their puff pieces on him.

    Anyhow, I mention this because it seems that omitting facts that raise questions people would prefer were not asked seems to apply even at the UK domestic level. Remember the 'rumours' that Staite was busted because John Herety was pissed that he was giving his riders in the Rapha team a hard time. Despite this not been mentioned in the main-stream cycling press, it seems that this, or something much like it, was the reason why he was busted, not BC's 'comprehensive testing program'.

    UK Anti-Doping confirmed this morning that the suspension of cyclist Dan Staite, reported on last week, resulted from information provided by “an outside source.”

    The national anti-doping agency said in a statement that after corroborating the allegations and conducting its own research, it decided to specifically target the rider, which led to a urine sample taken from the Cycles Dauphin rider in March at the National B event, the Roy Thame Cup, testing positive for EPO and an aromatase inhibitor. ... -after-tip

    No mention of the 'tip off' here of course... ... r-epo.html

    Or here... ... ears-27208

    Or here... ... -two-years
  • Percy Vera wrote:
    So what's LA's BIG announcement tomorrow?
    Was this on Twitter? I missed it.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Percy Vera wrote:
    So what's LA's BIG announcement tomorrow?
    Was this on Twitter? I missed it.

    Tour of Colorado I expect.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    iainf72 wrote:
    Percy Vera wrote:
    So what's LA's BIG announcement tomorrow?
    Was this on Twitter? I missed it.

    Tour of Colorado I expect.

    Yup. Quiznos to Sponsor the Tour of Colorado. Quiznos is like Subway (hot subs). ... f-colorado
  • prawny
    prawny Posts: 5,440
    Pokerface wrote:
    iainf72 wrote:
    Percy Vera wrote:
    So what's LA's BIG announcement tomorrow?
    Was this on Twitter? I missed it.

    Tour of Colorado I expect.

    Yup. Quiznos to Sponsor the Tour of Colorado. Quiznos is like Subway (hot subs). ... f-colorado

    I miss quiznos. Don't have them round here any more :cry:

    I see cntrl+v is at it again.
    Saracen Tenet 3 - 2015 - Dead - Replaced with a Hack Frame
    Voodoo Bizango - 2014 - Dead - Hit by a car
    Vitus Sentier VRS - 2017
  • And the Colorado race I believe revives the Coors Classic/Red Zinger race which is the race in the movie "American Flyers" with Kevin Costner.

    Red Zinger is the name of an herbal tea made by Celestial Seasons, a company located in Boulder Colorado. They took over the Coors Classic some years ago, then the race folded so yes, this announcement revives one of the premier if not the premier race in the USA.

    Sidenote, Rene Herse has a store in Boulder, though I don't know all of the particulars, I didn't know it was a company still, Boulder is less than a half hour by car from Denver. Coors Beer is brewed up a way in the rockies around Denver and likewise close in Golden.
  • emadden
    emadden Posts: 2,431
    I dont like this - Taken from the Q&A on G. Watsons site:
    Eric G - 10/06/2010:
    Just noticed the URL for the LeMond pics has the word "fool" in it instead of his name. Please correct this, not everyone is an Armstrong fan, and I was going to buy several prints from you, but no longer, very disappointed.

    Hi Eric, I've not noticed that mistake, I'll have my webmaster look at it. Sorry we cannot appease you, I'm a fan of both guys, they both did a lot for my career, just a shame one cannot keep his mouth shut.. :) GW
  • mididoctors
    mididoctors Posts: 18,811
    emadden wrote:
    I dont like this - Taken from the Q&A on G. Watsons site:
    Eric G - 10/06/2010:
    Just noticed the URL for the LeMond pics has the word "fool" in it instead of his name. Please correct this, not everyone is an Armstrong fan, and I was going to buy several prints from you, but no longer, very disappointed.

    Hi Eric, I've not noticed that mistake, I'll have my webmaster look at it. Sorry we cannot appease you, I'm a fan of both guys, they both did a lot for my career, just a shame one cannot keep his mouth shut.. :) GW

    people are stupid

    even if you did have a vested interest in riding on the coat tales of LA why go that extre distance for no gain

    the person who can not keep his mouth shut is GW

    why takes sides?

    his pettiness does not help LA's case in anyway (probably the opposite) and not doing it costs him nothing.

    hard to credit this to an professional adult... must have a fair amount emotionally invested in the whole affair. Psychologically unhealthy IMO

    just stupid
    "If I was a 38 year old man, I definitely wouldn't be riding a bright yellow bike with Hello Kitty disc wheels, put it that way. What we're witnessing here is the world's most high profile mid-life crisis" Afx237vi Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:43 pm
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,473
    Eric G - 10/06/2010:
    Just noticed the URL for the LeMond pics has the word "fool" in it instead of his name. Please correct this, not everyone is an Armstrong fan, and I was going to buy several prints from you, but no longer, very disappointed.

    Hi Eric, I've not noticed that mistake, I'll have my webmaster look at it. Sorry we cannot appease you, I'm a fan of both guys, they both did a lot for my career, just a shame one cannot keep his mouth shut.. :) GW

    Good to see even Graham Watson thinks LA talks too much. :wink:
  • SunWuKong
    SunWuKong Posts: 364
    Surprised he can take photos with his head so far up that orifice.
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    Off Topic, but he's the fattest thing in Chasing Legends by about 400% :shock:

    Strava is not Zen.
  • I've done a "Lance Watch" before, he's in the news a lot. I'm putting these few stories here because it seems to be the most recently used LA thread.

    Stories, He has become a Father for the 5th time,

    Barry Bonds Six Lessons for LA: ... 66853.html

    And here's a Story I like, wearing pink rubber bands on the fingers that read "TXTING Kills", it sure has some cyclists... especially in the more cycling dangerous US, I've heard about it....looks like Lance isn't in on this except as inspiration but total salute to the state of Iowa, great idea.
    Remember Lance Armstrong and how America all of a sudden cared about the sport of cycling just because it was an American winning year after year after year? That “latch onto the champion” mentality is an issue that true fans of sport have to deal with, but at least something good came out of Lance’s victories. Those terrible looking “LIVESTRONG” bracelets sold like hotcakes and the money made from them was used to fund research to combat cancer. A very worthy cause, and huge respect is deserved. The state of Iowa is trying to be cool by taking the same concept, but putting it on a band that fits on your thumb. The text on this thumb ring reads “TXTNG KILLS“, and it’s meant to raise awareness at the obvious dangers of fiddling with your precious little piece of plastic while behind the wheel of a several thousand kilogram hunk of steal going stupid fast on the highway.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    andyp wrote:

    Good to see even Graham Watson thinks LA talks too much. :wink:

    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    Did LA make it to France in the Tour this year?

    Le Blaireau (1)
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Lance notices Greg's daughter is young and blonde
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661


    All of it.

    It's like a big incestuous family argument.
  • inkyfingers
    inkyfingers Posts: 4,400
    Clearly LA is a prick but don't see the problem of him following anybody on twitter...she chose to make her twitter public after all. LA's response could be taken as creepy or it could be taken as nothing, depends on your point of view.

    Seriously though, imagine what kind of rider a Lemond/Armstrong child would be!
    "I have a lovely photo of a Camargue horse but will not post it now" (Frenchfighter - July 2013)
  • le_patron
    le_patron Posts: 494
    Greg's daughter and Darach McQuaid getting couldn't make this up.
  • I want the movie rights... wouldn't have to work again
  • Steve2020
    Steve2020 Posts: 133
    Those of you blocked by the great man can now wear your shame:

    I've keep trying to get blocked but it never works. Anyone got any tips? Iain?

    Does he know that you can still read his utterances whether you are blocked or not?
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Seanos wrote:
    Armstrong has long been a master of manipulating the public mind via the Internet and media
    I've heard he lives in a hollowed out volcano on a private island and controls the New World Order from there

    That was great.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Seanos wrote:
    smithy21 wrote:
    that NYT article is a non story. A cycling team with its own website writing reports of a race they are participating in? Really?? Thats revoutionary!!
    How about the rest? Almost 50 people just selling Armstrong's yellow bracelets. The 'Chalkbot' team? The 'army' of people working to promote Armstrong's image? No, non of it 'revolutionary but, as the article points out, the Armstrong marketing campaign is on a scale that is 'completely unprecedented' in the sport.

    And your point is?

    I'll +1 that. So what if it's "completely unprecedented"? Anyway it's the New York Times and if it wasn't for the crossword puzzles, the Broadway reviews, and the book reviews no one would buy it.