Climbs around Geneva

AGB Posts: 7
edited August 2010 in Tour & expedition
Tempted by passing through Edinburgh Airport too many times for dull trips to Luton and seeing Geneva listed on SleazyJet I was thinking of dusting off the bike box and heading for the land of toblerones in the autumn to get some serious climbing in the legs. Does anyone know of any useful websites or has done any climbs in the area?


  • mrushton
    mrushton Posts: 5,182
    You need to head to the Jura or the Alps. If you go down the autoroute for an hour you'll come to the Sallanches valley and from Cluses you can go over the Col du Romme/Colombier/Aravis/Croix-fry or head up to Morzine/Avoriaz. From Geneva you could go thro on the train to Martigny (Verbier/grand Col St.Bernard). You need to look at (I think) map 333 in the Michelin series/Ain,Hte Savoie
  • Just spent a week at Morzine about 90 mins from Geneva
    loads of climbs to go at including Joux Plan abd Col de ramaz from this year's tour
    lots of ski chalets advertised in cycling weekly, we stayed with TG ski - very good and they sorted tranfers from the airport
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    The Jura West of Geneva is pretty, forrested medium mountains, with some scenic lakes, and with some decent climbs, but not too hard; mostly gentle gradients. Exception is the Grand Colombier - serious killer.
    Just South of Geneva is the Mont Saleve, and just further South Annecy, with the great climb of the Cret de Chatillon.
    And yes, the Morzine area for some Tour de France cols.