Android bike map apps

rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
edited August 2010 in The bottom bracket
Anyone aware of any good apps for an android phone for plotting rides and following them via the GPS?


  • Early this year the sunday times had a feature on apps for fitness/navigation heres the review of 2 for android system:

    My Tracks
    Free; Android phones

    No such worries with My Tracks, because Android phones can run multiple apps at the same time. This GPS tracker is based around Google Maps and does pretty much all RunKeeper and Endomondo can do and more, including geotagging any photos you take as you go and working out statistics between any two points. But don’t expect the ease of use of its iPhone rivals: you’ll need to download and install additional Google Maps software to enjoy all this, then get your head around half-a-dozen different file formats when uploading data to view on Google Maps online or share with friends. Android might be a powerful system, but too many of its apps still demand a degree in geekery from their users.

    Free; iPhone, Palm Pre, selected Android, Sony and Nokia phones

    Very similar is this Danish app. It gives less information on the phone’s screen as you jog, but the really clever stuff takes place on its website, to which your run is uploaded as you go. You can also share routes and workouts with selected friends or the entire world — a trial during the Copenhagen marathon last year saw 50 runners being tracked in real time. Charge your phone up first, though: with both Endomondo and RunKeeper keeping the screen active while employing energy-sapping GPS, even Paula Radcliffe would have trouble reaching the finish before her handset conked out.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
  • my tracks is good as is cardio trainer

    I prefer the my tracks more. tried all the other free ones but none are as good as those 2.