Wiggins and Thomas to return to track

stagehopper Posts: 1,593
edited August 2010 in Pro race
there was a lot of talk that Wiggins had effectively given up on track cycling given his juicy road contract but he's just confirmed on Sky Sports News that he and Geraint Thomas will return to the boards in the team pursuit this winter to get ready for 2011 Worlds ahead of 2012 Olympics. Perhaps he's wisely given up on GC ambitions.

Also said he'll be back racing on the road in 2 weeks ahead of Tour of Britain. He was being interviewed alongside Victoria Pendleton at the Manchester Sky Ride.


  • All of the GB boys in bed with baldy Dave will have track commitments written into their contracts I reckon.

    Team Sky is about Dave looking after his own and having more control of team GB, it would be the same as a premiership club manager also running the national football team with only one goal in mind.....
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    Also said he'll be back racing on the road in 2 weeks ahead of Tour of Britain.
    Tour du Limousin, start at Limoges, 17 Aug. With Cancellara and F. Schleck.
    He was there once before, when with Confidis.
  • pedro118118
    pedro118118 Posts: 1,102
    I don't see the point of this.
    For G, maybe (he's still v young), but for Wiggo?
    Seems as though he's had the stuffing knocked out of him at the Tour and needs to build up his self-esteem again with some success on the track.
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,473
    Wiggins wants to win Gold at the Olympics in the city where he grew up, a once in a lifetime opportunity.

    The team pursuit is the best option given his current goals on the road. If he wants to be selected then he has to keep his hand in and show those who choose the team that he's worthy of a place.
  • pedro118118
    pedro118118 Posts: 1,102
    andyp wrote:
    Wiggins wants to win Gold at the Olympics in the city where he grew up, a once in a lifetime opportunity.

    The team pursuit is the best option given his current goals on the road. If he wants to be selected then he has to keep his hand in and show those who choose the team that he's worthy of a place.

    I can understand that, but didn't seem that long ago it was all, "...the last two weeks has shown me what I want to do for the next four years of my life.." and "...the Olympics are fantastic for the two weeks they're on every four years, but the Tour de France is where it's at."

    More importantly, I can't see how reverting to the track will help is GC objectives at the Tour, as he and the other Sky cronies made a big deal about shedding weight, training differently, producing "different numbers" (whatever that means).
  • avoidingmyphd
    avoidingmyphd Posts: 1,154
    More importantly, I can't see how reverting to the track will help is GC objectives at the Tour, as he and the other Sky cronies made a big deal about shedding weight, training differently, producing "different numbers" (whatever that means).
    Sounds sensible, but he was on the track the winter before his 4th place, and neglected it this year. Lesson learned?
  • pedro118118
    pedro118118 Posts: 1,102
    Fair point.

    What seems clear is Wiggo needs a favourable parcours in order to get close to his 4th place from 2009. Bottom line is if it's another mountainous slog with limited TTing/no TTT, then he's riding for a Top 15 place again, irrespective of what he does over the winter/spring.

    Perhaps it's this stark reality that's caused him to change his mind and diversify?!
    A winter on the track + a crack at the spring classics spreads the bets a little?
  • I never got the impression Wiggins wasn't planning to ride team pursuit. From september 2009

    "Off the top of my head, I don't think I'd be interested in the omnium, I'd probably do the team pursuit and maybe go for the individual road time trial."
  • PauloBets
    PauloBets Posts: 108
    Bradley can do the track off road racing, it's wise he aims for London 2012. Why do you have to find fault?
  • dr_jake
    dr_jake Posts: 4
    Surely the best thing about Wiggins spending the winter on th track is that he doesn't spend it in the pub
  • pedro118118
    pedro118118 Posts: 1,102
    Won't Wiggo have to ride more track in order to secure selection for London 2012? Surely, this will interfere with his ambitions on the road? Especially, if he's insisting on seeing this Tour de France GC ambition through as the 4,000m IP is not exactly complimentary to overal preperation for a mountainous 3-week Grand Tour?
    Or is it?!
  • inkyfingers
    inkyfingers Posts: 4,400
    He's looking at the Team Pursuit, not the Individual Pursuit as that has been dropped from the Olympics. I would think that someone of Wiggins experience and ability could slot back into a good team pursuit squad with fairly minimal preparation to be honest.
    "I have a lovely photo of a Camargue horse but will not post it now" (Frenchfighter - July 2013)
  • pedro118118
    pedro118118 Posts: 1,102
    He's looking at the Team Pursuit, not the Individual Pursuit as that has been dropped from the Olympics. I would think that someone of Wiggins experience and ability could slot back into a good team pursuit squad with fairly minimal preparation to be honest.

    OK - fair enough, but it's still 4,000m though isn't it?
    Not usually the preserve of a stage-racer.
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,473
    Then why do Team GB and other nations who take the team pursuit seriously, send their riders to stage races?

    It's about strength and speed, both of which can be gained from riding stage races, then honing that into track speed just prior to the Olympics.