A picture is worth...$200,000,000 US Dollars, apparently!

Splottboy Posts: 3,693
edited July 2010 in The Crudcatcher
Source; NEWSROOM, Radio 5 Live, this week.

A guy in the US bought a box of glass negative prints, from the last century, at an antiques shop. He paid $45 Dollars for them, and took them home.

He later realised they were Ansel Adams originals, scenes of the USA as it once was.
Ansel Adams was a pioneering photographer, who#s black and white prints are prized items. It took hime many years to perfect a developing process unique to his work.
( Ansel Adams prints are around £100 - 300 + each. I've got one of Alaska...)

Someone has worked out the figure of $200,000,000 US Dollars for the trade he can generate by using the negatives as collectors prints.

Lucky American git !
