Thieving bstards!

BigJimmyB Posts: 1,302
edited July 2010 in The Crudcatcher
Not bike related, but fancy a rant.

Sometime in the wee hours some a$$hole broke in through 2 front doors (porch) and helped themselves to my wifes car.

Bad enough, but we have 6-month old twins and their car seats and double buggy were in there too.

We've figured out that even without the loss on what we paid for the car 4 months ago vs what the insurer will give us, it'll cost us a grand in excesses and non-insured items (like the set of my van keys teyhave still got that wil likely cost me £200+ to replace)

We work hard, do things straight and the right way, yet we're out of pocket by over a grand due to thieves.

I am SO pi$$ed off!

Had to get it off my chest.




  • psymon
    psymon Posts: 1,562
    bait drive with shiney car.

    wait in bush with pedal spanner.

    nuff said
  • Sod using a pedal spanner. Try an 18" adjustable wrench! :evil:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    that is truly rubbish news mate, hope the insurance pays up soon enough.
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    Excesses suck, but so many people (not saying you personally) think that they might as well go for a fat excess to save some dosh each year on the premium.

    Makes me glad I only got a £50 excess on the motor and nothing on the house insurance.

    Does suck though that we legit folk who work and earn the money get left out of pocket by some cnut thats laughing for 5 minutes work.
  • Chronicbint
    Chronicbint Posts: 172
    Most cars are recovered. :D

    We got ours back and all it had was a small scratch and we got most of the content back or replaced too.
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    when ours was nicked it was recovered but with no engine and no aything. we got just under what we bought the car from the insurer :)
  • Mynameisdann
    Mynameisdann Posts: 665
    has it got a tracker mate?
  • psymon
    psymon Posts: 1,562
    Had a Buell XB9SX nicked.

    Got more in insurance than i paid for it....result.....take that "the man"

    still peeved off thou. worse feeling in wolrd whan you see the empty space where it should have been.
  • joec1
    joec1 Posts: 494
    D Lock the Cnut - MTBing in Wilts and the southwest, join up for info and ride details.
  • xstrathyx
    xstrathyx Posts: 1,104

    poor show mate, sad news. Hope you get a result with the insurers too.

    joec1 wrote:
    D Lock the Cnut
  • My dad's colleague got their car nicked and it was recovered 2 days later with a brand new sound system that had been installed, they got the car back with a better stereo than before so you could live in hope...

    Go big or go home.
  • MissBint37
    MissBint37 Posts: 1,503
    I got my car written off in the floods a few years ago. I got £700 MORE than I paid for it, I only bought it 4 months previously.....WIN. I only had a 50 quid excess too :)

    Hope you get it sorted and don't get ripped off !!!
    Ride it like you stole it!
  • Tartanyak
    Tartanyak Posts: 1,538
    Unlucky car-stolen-person :( Lucky floody Sheffield lass!

    I got my first car stolen. I was dropping stuff off in Huddersfield once and stopped the night. Woke up in the morning, car stolen. Was not happy. Insurance refused to pay until we threatened to get a solicitor to 'gently' remind them that cars could in fact be moved from one place to another and they're not just insured if taken from my own driveway. Even then, got a tiny amount compared to what I paid for the car :(

    Hate insurance people.
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    Tartanyak wrote:
    Even then, got a tiny amount compared to what I paid for the car :(

    Hate insurance people.

    Obviously a bit late now but then you refuse the payout and demand a more realistic amount for the cars actual value, back it up with proof of similar vehicles at the higher price that are for sale.

    Unless you've had the car for ages and it depreciated in value, in which case theres nothing to moan about ;)
  • Tartanyak
    Tartanyak Posts: 1,538
    It was over a decade ago now :) I did do that, but after 4 months of needing a car and not getting anywhere for a couple of letters, I took the money.
  • BigJimmyB
    BigJimmyB Posts: 1,302
    I've been to bed and got up again cos I can't sleep. Every noise I hear I think it's the bstard coming back - D-locking would be an option if I could find the fcuker.

    Home insurance refusing to pay out for baby seats (£400), my car insurer refuses to pay for keys & locks (they took my keys) - £500.

    We've been through 2 days of admin, phone calls and bull$hit, now we have to wait 7-10 days min to see if we'll get anything....

    Best we'll get is for the pushchair the way things look now..

    We've been stright down the line. The very laptop on which I type could have gone missing, as could the 3 £1k+ bass guitars I own, oh and 2 iphones and a blackberry and a work laptop, and £1k cash (all safe and sound) but we're honest people which makes this sting even more.

    Rather than pay insurance, I might just put a £250 bet on at the bookies at 100-1 that I'll get burgled in the next year.....

    We think it was nicked to order, but with ANPR and decent CID (if they have the time/resources/inclination), we just mght see the car again. I do hope so, it was nowt special but my Mrs had it 3 months and was chuffed to fook with it - that in itself and the fact my babies stuff also went makes me even more sad/mad.

    One silver lining is all 3 of my bikes are also safe.
  • Bad news that BigJimmy.

    Was it a particularly sporty car? I know that burglaries to get the keys of 'hot' cars is very prominent in some areas. If they broke in was anything else stolen? Often the car is used as a means of getting away with the plasma. laptop, jewellery etc.
  • This stuff makes me angry. What gives people the right to invade someone's home and take their stuff which they've worked hard for? Then we have all this structure in place to take care of it, police, insurance, etc....all of which we also pay for. Yet you still get fucked over.

    Anyway. Try to keep your mind at rest. Lock the door and be done with it. Put extra locks on if it makes you feel comfortable, just rest assured you've done all you can. It's one thing for them to take your car, but don't let them take your sanity too..
  • BigJimmyB
    BigJimmyB Posts: 1,302
    A bloody Vauxhall Zafira - nice but hardly a Porsche....

    We have 6 mo twins and I have 2 teenage kids so as a 6-seater it was perfect.

    It's only material $hit at the end of the day and we can (at some expense) replace it all, but it's the invasion plus all the aggro we're left with that I'm smarting from.

    Butcher - your first bit is what I've been saying for 2 days. I do sometimes wonder if being an honest, decent person is worth it....