First Bunch Race In 14 years!

Pross Posts: 44,060
edited August 2010 in Amateur race
I'm doing my first bunch race in 14 years tomorrow. Only a Go Race crit at Llandow but pretty nervous as I haven't got a clue what size the field is likely to be or what level of fitness the other riders will have. I've never been particularly good at crits and would rather be doing a road race but my training has been patchy to say the least so a 45 minute effort is probably the most I can hope for at the moment. If it goes alright I may try to find a flat road race to do before the end of the season, there's also another Go Race at Llandow in September. It'll be nice to be back out there, just hope I don't embarass myself :oops:


  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Good luck with it - let us know it goes
  • If I get back in time, I am going to have a go in the 4ths.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,060
    Well, I did it! Really didn't know what to expect in terms of rider ability and pace of racing as this level of racing didn't exist when I rode previously. I was hoping it would be a bunch of new riders and that they would set off slowly to get used to things as I've never been any good going hard from the gun. Unfortunately there were a couple of "bandits" there who could probably have held their own in the 2/3/4 race and I'm not sure what they got out of riding a Go Race. OK, the rules allow 4th cat licence holders but it seemed against the spirit of what BC are trying to achieve with these events. At the other end of the scale there were a few guys who looked to be complete novices, one riding in trainers.

    The Llandow circuit is a typical open motor racing circuit, other than an optional chicane (which was included for this race) it is completely non-technical and you can pedal the whole circuit. It's about 1 mile in length with a slight climb up the home straight and very exposed with a brisk headwind down the back straight last night.

    The field was just under 20 strong. The ringers went hard from the gun and with the start straight into the chicane a few gaps opened immediately. I got around riders and closed 3 gaps to sit in about 6th place after half a lap going into the wind where I was finding it hard even on a wheel. Unfortunately some things never change and I found myself on the wheel of an older rider who has taken me out the back on numerous occassions in my past racing life and sure enough he let a gap go before I had settled down. I didn't have the strength to get around him and one by got passed from behind until the two of us were out the back :oops: I took my turn on the front to try to get back as the bunch split up into groups of 2 or 3 with lone riders stuck between and after a lap the guy behind jumped me instead of just doing a turn :evil: The race stayed like this with the 2 ringers building a lead with one lad chasing and then a group of 3. I think I saw Steve on his own just behind that group? I grovelled in the headwind but went surprisingly well up the drag, usually closing slightly on riders in front but as on my time trial last week I was getting a pain in the backs of my right knee if I pushed hard.

    Last few laps I picked up a couple of riders, one sat on me for a couple of laps and we dropped the other straight away. Going into the finish I knew the one behind was going to try to outsprint me and also what was going to happen if I responded. Sure enough last time up the drag I saw his shadow getting ready to go and prepared to respond, he got a bike length on me and I was closing when, as predicted, my right calf cramped up and I had to freewheel across the line. I think I finished in about 12th or 13th place and learned a few things. 1, it's still a bad idea to sit on a certain person's wheel :wink: 2, I still can't do races that involve going hard from the gun 3, I 'm really not race fit. It was an odd race with it splitting up so much but hopefully those giving it a go for the first time will have enjoyed it. Hopefully the guys who won it will now have the confidence to race in the 2/3/4 with other riders of their ability :wink:
  • Toks
    Toks Posts: 1,143
    Nice one Pross, don't leave it 14 years till the next race though
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,060
    Next one will probably be in September at the same circuit. What I really want is a 40 mileish flat 4th cat only road race, I feel I'd be better in that as I've never raced well in crits.
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    Pross wrote:
    Next one will probably be in September at the same circuit. What I really want is a 40 mileish flat 4th cat only road race, I feel I'd be better in that as I've never raced well in crits.

    Thats probably a vain hope to have a race where the ability/fitness levels are all on a par based on my own experience - I understand and support the implied critique you are making but it is not going to change when you race again methinks., but thats racing... .
  • Hey Mark, well done you finished!! I didn't!
    What a complete disaster. I'm sorry I was responsible for gunning it from the start, but boy did it kill me. I was spent after 5 laps of towing everyone round, I was hoping to get the prime but got passed and couldn't bridge for the sprint. After that it was all backwards for me, I ended up with stats of 11.4 miles at 21.5 mph which as you might have seen one of my mates on facebook wondered if I'd done it on a BMX!!!. I think spending several hours flying around Europe monday and tuesday was the problem - it has always totally messed up any form in the past. Next time I'm going to sit in a lot more.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,060
    I know who to blame now then :lol: , there I was thinking it was those two Forza lads (although they seemed too good for that level!). I wondered what happened to you, you lapped me once but then I didn't see you again so that explains it. I need to work on my ability to go hard from the gun, it's something I have never managed to do and why I always preferred road racing to crits. It takes me about 10 minutes to settle into a rhythm.
  • I thought I was last for most of the race! Didn't realise I had lapped anyone. Next time I am going to sit in and take a sensible turn nothing more.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    You pair of wusses :D You should go straight into the 2,3,4. It will probably be a more controlled start but faster overall.
    No need to go on the front just sit in.
    Pross if it takes you a while to settle into a rhythym you may feel better warming up on rollers as you can get your HR and leg speed up easily. Riding round the circuit before race is normally too slow to get hr up and leg spped.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,060
    The 2,3,4 race was just as bad on the first lap. Made me feel better in a way to see a few shelled out by the second bend including the guy on a Cervelo S3 in full Cervelo team kit :lol: It did calm down a bit then though as an early break went plus there were a few more riders. I've thought about rollers but there's so many things I need to buy and nothing in the coffers! My aim was to be on or near the front but by time everyone had taken 'interesting' lines through the first chicane I was nearer the back than the front. :oops:
  • JesseD
    JesseD Posts: 1,961

    Keep it up mate, you'll get there sooner than you think. I have just started racing again after 20 years away from the sport and it has taken me 8 races to get my first result.

    1st race I managed to stay with the bunch till the sprint.
    2nd race I got 10th in the sprint
    3rd race blown out the back on the 3rd lap in a 1/2/3/4 handicap race
    4th race retired with a mechanical
    5th race narrowly avoided a pile up in the sprint and finished about 15th
    6th race got shelled out the back in the wind and rain and got really demoralised as I thought I was going backwards
    7th race, played it cool, maintained my position in the bunch, and just got pipped into 3rd by half a wheel in the bunch sprint (1 lad solo'd to the win by jumping away after the prime).

    It takes time mate keep at it as practice makes perfect as they say, or was it points make prizes? :D
    Obsessed is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated!
  • and remember, 3rd place in our race was my mate who is still minutes behind me in an equivalent length TT so there is little science to road racing....