Bury St Edmunds?

John Moore
John Moore Posts: 580
edited August 2010 in Routes
Are there any riders on here from Bury St Edmunds?

I'm down that way one Monday night next month, should I take a bike?


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  • taz3611
    taz3611 Posts: 172
    I've lived in or around BSE for about 13 years. What are you looking for?
  • John Moore
    John Moore Posts: 580
    A guide for the evening?

    It's a big day the day after so I don't want to do much thinking about finding an off road route in the area
  • taz3611
    taz3611 Posts: 172
    There's not a great lot around Bury. The best option is to head out of town towards Thetford/Brandon. If you can give me details of when you're about and how long you want to ride for I can see if I'm about or sort out some routes.
  • pte1643
    pte1643 Posts: 518
    taz3611 wrote:
    There's not a great lot around Bury. The best option is to head out of town towards Thetford/Brandon.

    ^ This.

    Don't take too long to get to Theford form Bury either.

    Thetford map pdf here...

    http://www.forestry.gov.uk/website/pdf. ... ke-map.pdf
  • John Moore
    John Moore Posts: 580
    Cheers for the map, are the junctions on the red and black routes way marked?

    Anyone fancy joining me later afternoon/early evening Monday 16th August?
  • pte1643
    pte1643 Posts: 518
    John Moore wrote:
    Cheers for the map, are the junctions on the red and black routes way marked?

    Yep. If you start from the High Lodge Forest centre (on the B1107) ALL the trails are clearly marked and easy to follow.
    John Moore wrote:
    Anyone fancy joining me later afternoon/early evening Monday 16th August?

    Bear in mind, also, that for evening rides the "Official" Car Park closes at 7pm. There is some free parking to be found. Brandon Country Park is a common one, this can be found on the map. There's also an abundance of other "roadside" parking to be found if that takes your fancy.

    Obviously the fact it's in the middle of the flat Breckland area means there's not too much in the way of climbing and decending, but accept it for what it is and you'll have a blast. You should expect the Black to be more representative of a Red anywhere else in the country.

    But there's some really sweet flowing Singletrack at Thetford.
    The Red is in superb condition and contains some really nice parts (Single Switchbacks, etc) through, and very close to the trees in parts.
    The Black is, to be fair, in poor condition in places but contains most of the bomb holes.
  • John Moore
    John Moore Posts: 580
    Is there a good B&B or a small hotel nearby where I could ride to and from the trails?

  • pte1643
    pte1643 Posts: 518
    John Moore wrote:
    Is there a good B&B or a small hotel nearby where I could ride to and from the trails?

    That I couldn't say personally, as I only live an hour away I've never had the need.

    The nearest town is Brandon, only a few minutes ride from the forest.
    There's a few Hotels and B+B's, but I can't recommend any because of the above reason. Although Brandon is probably not the most likely tourist area I expect they are fairly decent, as I would imagine they cater for American familes/relatives/friends visiting the staff at Lakenheath air base.

    Point of interest (possibly for some) the far West point of the Blue (on the map) is almost on the runway threshold. If it's a flying day (most are if the weathers good) you can stand at this point and watch the F-15's doing circuits. They are so low at this point you can see what the pilot had for breakfast. :lol:
  • taz3611
    taz3611 Posts: 172
    I've just got back from doing the Red (short & long) and the black routes. Fairly heaving it round took me a couple of hours. I always park just off the road near to Mayday farm which is close to the most 'extreme' section of all the trails, the Beast. It's not particulary extreme but will put a smile on your face. My usual routine is park up, ride a short way up the fireroad and turn left onto the black route. This takes me onto the Beast. There is the normal way and an alternative which goes off to the right just before the official bit. They both come out at the same place. I usually do the alternative one and then turn right and ride up the grassy hill and then do the official one. I then follow the black route to the Forest Centre. I then do the long and then short red routes which bring me back to the Centre. I then continue to follow the remainder of the black route which normally ends in another couple of goes on the Beast. When finished I go onto the main road, turn left and pedal the short distance back to the car.
  • John Moore
    John Moore Posts: 580
    Taz will you be around on the afternoon early evening of Monday 16th?
  • taz3611
    taz3611 Posts: 172
    I was checking that and unfortunately I'm working away for five days over that date. Sorry. If I can be of any further assistance, let me know.
  • taz3611
    taz3611 Posts: 172
    How'd you get on? Did you get out at all?
  • fredy
    fredy Posts: 308
    I live in bury, bit late now but personally i wouldn't bother taking a bike. Thetford is the closest centre and the best in the area that i have found but it's worth heading out a couple of hours to some hills.
  • John Moore
    John Moore Posts: 580
    thanks for the input taz and fredy.

    I didn't want to shout about it but I was down in Bury St Edmunds for a 2nd job interview the day afterwards and I found out this morning that I got the job.

    I've got to head back down there for the next 2 weeks for training, and meetingsand I guess I'll be a t a loose end each evening.

    I'm not sure which hotel or where I'll be stopping each night but I'll be taking my fast mtb for some training night miles.

    Anyone fancy joining/guiding me?
  • fredy
    fredy Posts: 308
    Good job on the interview!
    i don't go to thetford often and don't really know the trails too well (spend most of my time in guildford now) but if you ever see a guy on a carrera fury 09 wearing a cheap red helmet, you're welcome to tag along.


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